Edit: I’m interested in joining a local Marxist party with whom I’ve had good organizing experiences in the past. It’s probably not your party, so I’m not looking for you to sell me on it.

My hang up on joining has been workload and the potential for burnout. I’m in my early 40s, teach in a public high school, and am waking up to the fact that my body isn’t as resilient as it was a decade ago. Also doing therapy for better mental health.

I was involved in organizing with an anarchist org for several years but burned out and left. Haven’t been directly involved in anything for a few years but am still plugged in with comrades I met when I was active.

I expect some level of commitment is required, but I already have significant responsibilities to others and myself and I’m worried about taking on more than I can handle.

I’m curious what people on this sub have to say about their experiences as party members. What was expected of you when you joined a party?