
Nichts ist schlimmer als verlieren... außer Siegen.

Yeah she annoyed me so much with this take. Also the "why would I say no?" Well...because your husband is working himself in an early grave? But that's probably what she's aiming for since she'd inherit it all.

Oh boy, I'm sorry. Did the therapist call her out on it?

:flag-de: Germany

I have a broken leg right now, I'd be so fucked if I'd have to squat. So while it is true that it's a better position for pooping I'd prefer a little stool to put my feet and a "regular" toilet.

"Very high upwards mobility" is not true. According to the social mobility index the US is on place 27 of 82, which isn't necessarily bad but most other western nations are ahead. Canada is on place 14 btw. So it's easier to rise up in a lot of other places than the USA.

Sheldon is a major germaphobe. He disinfects everything all the time. It seems unlikely that a person like this would not get rid of their shoes when entering their apartment and then even putting their shoes on their sofa.

You present your stance as agreeing with the husband but you don't have a solution. So what's the point anyways? The only realistic option for parents is to gice their children all the tools and info available for them to explore their sex lives themselves in an as safe as possible manner. If you preach abstinence and don't provide contraception etc the likelihood of your children having children is much higher.

So, you say you yourself were too young when you started having sex. So do you honestly think you wouldn't have had sex if your parents were like "No, we do not allow you to have sex"?

No shame here, it's absolutely justified.

My first thought was "omg I would cry so much doing this puzzle". It's a great image but I'm not resilient enough for something like that. Great work.

I've seen those discussions about many museums in former colonizer nations not just in Britain. And I guess the difference is that it would be fairly easy to give back stolen cultural artefacts and it's still not being done and every place argued something like "they wouldn't take care of their stuff" which sound kind of patronising and racist.

It's that simple but it's still not easy. That's the problem. There are so many factors that contribute to really having a hard time staying in deficit.

But they can't take their own things with them like clothes. They have to do with poor people's stuff. Because I feel it really sinks in when the stuff from when you weren't poor breaks down and you don't have adequate funds to replace them.

Therapy only helps if the patient is compliant which teenagers often are not because they are not there because they feel they have to but their parent(s) feel they need to. We also don't know if other therapists were tried. And we don't know if the mom was "too busy dating". We don't have enough information on that. And I think the fact that the other two children liked OP so much that they asked him to adopt them is an indicator that he probably behaved fine around the kids.

:flag-de: Germany

I don't think so. I mean at least there is some kind of reflection going on but it's also kind of performative and only addresses the holocaust. Porajmos for example is hardly talked about, their memorial also should be moved for a construction site, I can't imagine that happening to the holocaust memorial. We also seldomly acknowledge all the other atrocities that were done during the war and in previous conflicts by our military. And a lot of people tell the tale of their ancestors being all innocent or even being part of the resistance because nobody wants to face the fact that Opa might have a much darker history than we want him to. Maybe we are still better than the rest because let's face it: a lot of countries don't really confront their dark past at all that much but I still think there is much room for improvement in Germany as well.


Well, when the local population doesn't want anything to do with you because you're just there to work it's no wonder that you would socialize with your peers. Also: Germans do the same. Germans found to Mallorca to just make business with Germans and eating ex coworker of mine moved to Baki and when I look at her socials she's just hanging out with other "expats". I doubt she speaks even one ounce of Balinese.


There are churches of different Christian denominations in Turkey.


Well, large parts of CDU/CSU are racist too.

Sure but places where you need heating in winter don't require heating all year like some of the places people in this thread live that need constant air conditioning every day. That just reads as "it sucks all year to be outside" and that makes it look a lot less attractive. But in the end people are different and prefer different things. I like living through all the seasons in their glory but I completely understand when people don't want to live anywhere with snow and so on.

Yeah, Kollege can be practically anybody. Kumpel is more like friend but it could also be an acquaintance you see more often (because of same friends and stuff). I find all those words are rather fuzzy and a pretty wide range of people are summarised by them.


I quote "Scoliosis affects 2-3 percent [...] occurring equally among both genders. Females are eight times more likely to progress to a curve magnitude that requires treatment. "

That means 2-3 % of the population have scoliosis, both genders. So 2-3% of women and girls have scoliosis and of those 2-3% of women who have scoliosis they are eight times more likely to require treatment than the 2-3% of men and boys with scoliosis. That doesn't mean 2-3% * 8 = 16 % to 24 % of all women and girls have scoliosis or however your mental gymnastics work that you claim over 10% of women have it but that those 2-3% who do (so every 33rd to 50th person) have a much higher chance to have scoliosis of a higher magnitude than their male counterparts that therefore is also more noticeable.

And I'm aware of the difference of sex and gender but English is not my first language and in my first language it's the same word. How many language do you speak fluently?

According to this source 2-3% of the population have scoliosis. Both genders are equally affected.

I'm sorry that you have problems with reading comprehension.

It's nowhere indicated that it's past the time where different choices can be made. There is nowhere mentioned that the dresses are already purchased.