I remember getting my HomePod 2 off eBay for 195 in a last sec bid snipe, refreshing to see if I got it. Were good condition too.

This is true, as a Jewish person it’s sad when I realize some of my favorite artists to listen to who I’ve even seen live probably hate me for who I am.

Curious how stuff like that works, can you sue for that or no

You’re doubting antisemitism is a real thing. lol okay just look at how many hate crimes occur and how many are towards Jews, what an ignorant fucking statement.

Israel is secular lol you guys seriously know shit about Israel. The current government might not be but the average Israeli is. They have pride parades and have clubs and sex shops and shopping malls and many people are not religious. Israel’s founders were literally secular.

Care to explain ants and grasshoppers?

Also it should be known that Denver proper is taking a totally different approach than aurora and doesn’t support the Supreme Court decision. The thing with our mayor though is he seems to only be focusing on the housing aspect not the addiction part.

You’ve gotta be kidding me if you think weed plays any factor. I promise you none of these people smoking fentanyl or meth care about weed or even really do weed.

I think going back to the start of the opiate epidemic with oxycotin makes more sense.

He may have voted for Trump because he liked the idea of being conservative since he’s from Texas and his mom was a q anon person and lived with her and he didn’t follow politics, hebut just like his political compass test he took he is without a tiny bit of doubt of left leaning, not even center left, like left leaning basically would agree with destiny on 90 percent of things.

Lgbtq / trans rights Abortion Strong safety net to stop corporations from fucking us. The amount of times hes argued for government regulations to solve something is wild. Pro Palestine (hasan mind fuckery) Separation of church and state, is basically atheist Believes in climate change and science

I mean when i realized one day I agreed with 90 percent of his takes I was like oh shit he’s liberal does he even know? He’s got some serious audience capture and he knows it, he even has to strategically approach certain topics to not piss then off and try to use examples of things like “well what if someone said that about all men?” And shit like that.

Asmon is absolutely left leaning but larps as a conservative. When it comes down to the issues policy wise he is without a doubt typical democrat but he can’t admit that and maybe can’t admit it to himself though it was obvious when he did the political compass test and everyone was shocked except anyone that paid attention. He doesn’t clarify he is making a joke have the time and lets this cancerous community grow and they take it seriously. He’s culturally Conservative shall we say but that’s it.

he goes on rogan and smokes a blunt, then he asks wheres elons flamethrower i wanna see what i can do with this shit, speaking of him, lets start a live stream on twitch, then lets start another on truth social challenging trump to a game of pga24.

dude he actually grifts them unironically, i mean he talks to hassan and hes basically left wing on a lot of issues, id say probably somewhere around destiny on the political compass but he says shit in stream that people take serious that he is saying as a joke but doesnt care if people dont take it that way, it kinda pisses me off how much he will let mysongistic shit flourish in his community saying shit they agree with ironically but to them its preaching the truth. then whenever they find out he isnt like when he did a political compass test, its wild. he LARPS as a conservative but is distinctly left leaning on actual policies because we agree on a lot.

okay so you are aware the end game if everyone agreed with you would be to jail everyone who cant afford a place to stay? You do realize that? Regardless of addiction problems or not. Families being ripped apart because they didnt make enough money for rent and now go to the slammer.

I think this is a little more of a grey area. I often hear the word invasion used for Oct 7, and while it’s true that Hamas is considered a terrorist organization, it was also the government in charge of Gaza and has its own internal structure of leadership and such. In one way it was a terrorist attack and in another it was an invasion where the military fought with them for hours and if they had more weapons and people they would have kept pushing the front line further but of course retreated back.

So if it was an invasion, albeit a really short one, and their goal was to kill every Jew in Israel, you meet the requirements, men’s rea and actus rea both. Government of Gaza wanted to ethnically cleanse a region and planned and executed this out until they met resistance and couldn’t continue. This could be the argument.

But if you just consider it a terrorist attack not an invasion then yes genocide seems silly. But I think there could be a case made and it’s much different than 12 hijackers acting on behalf of some people in a cave. It really all depends on if you think Oct 7 was an invasion but if you do then you have to call it genocide too to be consistent or just say terrorist attack.

Why would draw the line at alcoholism? It’s just as bad if not worse in some regards such as withdrawals can be deadly. The legality of it is neither here nor there. All the same negative behaviors that come with any other substance addiction is present and I’m pretty sure every shelter requires you to not drink. We force people to get alcohol treatment all the time in America in the legal system.

I learned a lot of good music from my parents I would never have listened to, like Stevie wonder and stuff, but my mom would flip out when I tried to play hip hop telling me to turn that shit off. lol