Mine is older model... Don't think I can track down

Lost my car fob & keys at Seattle downtown todayClassifieds

Its Mercedes car fob with my home key.. prob had a label sticked on to one of the keys as 'home' Please let me know if found..! I went to diff places like pike place market, Starbucks, and stuff.. going back to those routes but no luck. Really appreciate any input. Thanks

Yes! Whenever I change nails, I trim them down. The cap stays anywhere from 1hr to 1 week. They have several scratching towers, but they prefer to tear down the office chair or sofa

Aw! And your nice comment melted my heart 🥰 thank you

Every cats are lovely in unique ways! I bet your kitties are gorgeous too 🤩

:8097: :7971:thank you!

Thank you for your nice compliment 💕

Oh, wow! I just looked up, and they kinda do look like them, haha!

Haha, we have many diff colors... Sometimes glittery silver or sometimes red depending on the mood 😎

Aw! Thank you for your lovely compliment 🌹

Yup! It's great for keeping them from destroying your furniture, but the nails fall off quite easily, so I always have to be ready to put on new ones. I have three nail 💅 basket stations in our house to do it on the spot when I find them without nails 😂

thank you for such sweet words! My kitties would appreciate it

Omg!! Berlioz looks similar to my first kitty. She passed away at age of 9 due to lymphoma. After she passed, these 2 angels came to me when I was struggling with her loss.


me too until they destroyed most of the existing furnitures....had to find a solution without declawing them. There're several of them out there, but soft claw seems to work well for us. The vet said it's fine too :)


just like you  🥰

nope.. those are cat nail caps!

It has such a nice and comforting face

Whenever I hug my kitty, it drools all over . Soaks my entire clothes lol . ...