Second this. And please provide an update if you can

At a hospital physiotherapist, I use the word “baseline” a lot. As in, “what is the patients’ functional baseline”, or “how are they moving at baseline”?

In the lyric video for Peace, she says “robbers to the east, clowns to the West” as a nod to a certain someone’s last name

I recommend checking AirBnB experiences! My trip isn’t until next year, however I came across some photographers on there.

This looks fake.. that is not what the ticketmaster email looks like

I got 4 lower bowl seats for Toronto N5!!!♥️ still in disbelief! I entered the waiting room at 10:33, did not refresh and got spot 1800 in the queue!

That’s good to know thanks! Hopefully it’ll be the same case for me

Ah I see, thanks for the explanation! It’s good to know that I should have time to try the hospital wifi then switch to hotspot if needed. Enjoy the show :)

Ahh so I work at a hospital as well (in Toronto) and I was worried about possible issues with connecting to the hospital wifi.. how did you know it made you look like a bot? And at what point did you switch to using your hotspot?

For Toronto shows, I registered with my personal email within 30 minutes of the shows being announced and got waitlisted.

When I got home from work that evening, I registered using mine and my husbands joint email account and got a code to that email! I was surprised, it seems to be pure luck.


I got a code!! Nov 22nd in Toronto 🤩

Edit: oops I meant email lol it said the actual code will be sent to me via text on Thurs

Thanks for your input! He wasn’t interested in exploring other areas of law in private practice, but it sounds like he needs to be more open to making lateral moves, similar to what you suggested

Thanks for your input! Of those areas you mentioned, do you happen to know which would be the easiest (if any) to transition to from family law? It does seem like many of the in-house jobs postings are competitive and require years of experience in corporate law to even be considered

Thanks! He did recently apply to a government children’s welfare position and is hoping to hear back. He’s not sure if it’s an area he wants to pursue given the nature of the work, however it does seem his skills would be more valued there compared to the in-house postions he’s been looking at

He would definitely agree with you on that. As someone on the outside, it’s baffling to me how much of a struggle it has been to find a position where his skills/experience would be deemed relevant and transferable

Advice on transitioning out of family lawCareer & Job Hunting Support :Jerb:

My husband has been an associate lawyer for the past 3 years at a firm that only practices family law. Long story short, he is burnt out and has grown to hate it for various reasons (i.e the clients, the work itself, the firm & partners).

He has been applying to jobs for the past 1.5 years, but has only been offered 1 interview in that time. The legal jobs he’s been applying to include in-house/corporate counsel and government positions, as he is not interested in switching to another private practice firm. The law-adjacent jobs that he’s been applying to are contract & compliance jobs.

I do my best to support with job hunting and resume/application editing, however I’m not in this field myself so I’m not sure if there’s anything else I can do to help.

I was wondering if anyone has advice on how to transition out of family law, or what sort of positions (law and non law related) might his experience be useful in? It’s been very discouraging for him, as most of these jobs he has applied for ask for many years of experience in areas that he just does not have.

For reference, we’re located in Ontario Canada.


Are you by chance talking about Casa Gargano bnb? If so, my husband and I just stayed here for our honeymoon and loved it! The views truly are amazing and the bnb was beautiful and spacious for the 2 of us. The proximity to the Castiglione beach was also great. We used it as our Amalfi coast home base and it was about a ~10-15 min walk into Amalfi town (there’s a passenger tunnel so you don’t have to walk along the road for half of it). The main cons I would say are that there is no sidewalk so you have to be very careful when entering/exiting the building, and if you prefer to be more central and close to busses/ferries then Amalfi town might be the better option.

Overall, we loved the bnb and would definitely stay there again! Feel free to PM if you have any questions

It’s really a personal and financial choice if you would like to apply abroad vs wait a year! With going abroad, the advantages are potentially getting into school and starting sooner, the disadvantage is the tuition and living costs. Conversely, waiting a year would likely mean taking courses to upgrade your sGPA which can also be very expensive, and the disadvantage is there are still no guarantees about getting into a Canadian school.

That being said, Canadian schools have the advantage of being cheaper, closer to home and the ability to make connections and experiences via clinical placements. I will add that anecdotally, I work with PT colleagues who have studied abroad and the few that I know who went abroad had no issues getting a job when coming back.

While some schools like Mac weigh grades less than others, the reality is that most schools use grades as their first cutoff - ie they would only look at the top X number of applications starting from highest GPA. Your experience would likely be very valuable in a personal statement or interview, however I would focus most on improving your sGPA. Best of luck to you!