I literally don't understand what this could mean besides she's dead. Like genuinely what else could it mean? Look how sad they look in the top left panels and then how resolved Yuji becomes to not make her death mean nothing. Any interpretation of this besides her death is just pure delusion.

While I appreciate the reference to a certain manga I won't name due to spoilers it's absurd that this is in the game.

Here are some more examples including the ones that are on the CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN .

Please fix my beloved Fem Wor/gen Blizzard.

And before anyone says why are you posting this to reddit what can we do about it? I've reported this to Blizzard over 20 times during the past two years and it's still like this.

completely agreed. the seam on female pandaren necks and this https://imgur.com/a/2KgKLBo  which is Fem Worgen have a void in between their lower abdomen and legs when wearing plate belts. they have completely given up


Puzzle #392





a COMPLETE accident. I binked the first two categories and was absolutely stumped on the last two. after spending 15 minutes with not even a guess i put four things in to try and get a one away and I got blue. I had never even heard of a hack before. is it short for hacker? as for mariah carey you could have put me at gun point and I would not have been able to name a single one of her songs besides all I want for christmas

well considering how fucking trash boruto is i have no choice but to choose the blue pill.

people are always flabbergasted when fat people can actually move. im around the same size as this kid but walk probably around 10-15km a day and love going hiking etc. sure some fat people are lethargic but so are plenty of skinny people who can't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. im not saying it's healthy to be fat, but damn we're still people who like and do different things. I like being active I also like flamin cheetos and chicken tenders.

the yaaAAARgh was too powerful for those fools back then. I would vote for him because of the yaaAAARgh

it's bots farming some sort of hyperspawn to simply loot the silver it generates and sell the items to a vendor. if you have 40 boomkins doing this 24/7 it generates enough raw gold to make it worth it

Bleach is my favorite manga, but there is something called reiatsu negation and is power level equates to reiatsu then frieze negs.


Puzzle #390







fuck me. i have a feeling this one stumped a lot of people at least i hope it did because it embarrassed me today

My games stutter when loading new assets. Could it be my motherboard?Open | Hardware

My games stutter when they load new assets like walking into a new zone, opening a menu for the first time, the first time a spell is used, or any asset loading. I've tested my RAM with memtest86 and tested my SSD with Crystal Disk Info and Samsung Magician and they both passed those tests. I've updated my BIOS and drivers so I'm thinking it's my motherboard. Could a faulty motherboard cause issues like this? Is there anyway to test it without buying a new motherboard? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mPjyZJ this is my component list. I know it's not my GPU because the issue persists when using my onboard graphics without my GPU. I'm kinda at a loss and this issue is pretty frustrating so any help is genuinely appreciated.

Games stutter/drop FPS when loading assets. Could it be my motherboard?Build

My games stutter when they load new assets like walking into a new zone, opening a menu for the first time, the first time a spell is used, or any asset loading. I've tested my RAM with memtest86 and tested my SSD with Crystal Disk Info and Samsung Magician and they both passed those tests. I've updated my BIOS and drivers so I'm thinking it's my motherboard. Could a faulty motherboard cause issues like this? Is there anyway to test it without buying a new motherboard? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/mPjyZJ this is my component list. I know it's not my GPU because the issue persists when using my onboard graphics without my GPU. I'm kinda at a loss and this issue is pretty frustrating so any help is genuinely appreciated.

throw a wrench into the works is a phrase in the US at least.


Puzzle #388





first day in a long while I've gotten a perfect.

LOL. absolutely delusional. every media including fox fucking loves trump.

the modern stuff feels much more soulless imo. it's all so generic which honestly goes against everything Oda does when he draws one piece.


Puzzle #386





Saw the dollar bills instantly and never even knew that Seal was an artist so I missed all the red herrings. I never in a million years would have gotten purple so I'm glad it was just the leftovers.

The reason Naobito was slower was because he used frames of animation for his speed. He had spent 70 years animating himself with 2 arms so his frames and animation beats were off when he lost one of them

I don't understand why every off brand production has such scuffed audio. It feels like a MASSIVE weak link in their production.