I haven’t looked into the travel benefits. How does this compare to just shopping around on Google flights & VRBO/Hotels.com? I’m a frequent traveler & have a Costco membership so it sounds like I need to look into this more. Would like to know your take though if you’ve used the service.

My sister was a NICU nurse who worked nights for well over a decade. She needed blackout curtains in her bedroom but they always let in more light than she could comfortably stay asleep in.

After my husband started alternating day/night shifts, I asked my sister what she had in her bedroom and she found this company a few years back. She swears by these window covers: https://blackoutez.com

I bought enough for our bedroom windows and I’m telling you, not only do they keep out light it also reduces the temperature in our bedroom. Or bedroom is in the southwest corner of our home yet is one of the cooler bedrooms now (we’re in mid-central Kentucky).

Well worth the cost & these covers use Velcro on all edges so it’s super easy to remove & clean.

Always thought Jack Black was the cute one 😍 in this movie!!

Holy shit, bruh. “Controlled without armies” ….. that’s a knot in the throat. We really can’t compare a WWIII scenario to WWI or WWII when you look at your points above.

Some of the same could be said about women in their 40’s & 50’s but in a different way. I wonder if women are finding life is more enjoyable without a partner, in turn making it harder for men to find someone.

Maybe women are taking time & energy and channeling it into hobbies they love, putting some towards friendships & family that provide the emotional/mental/spiritual support, being dog-moms & cat-moms which are the mid/late-life babies to care for & loving life as a single lady. Some are moms who are providing support in different ways to their now adult children & grandchildren.

Maybe I’m an asshole in saying she likes using her money for her interests instead of making monthly payments on boats & trucks for the Mr. who needs a new toy every 3-5 years. She’s old enough to know her body & what it takes to give herself sexual pleasure so she’s willing to forego a mate and all its trappings if that’s the sacrifice to make.

Just looking at older couples, in general it’s still common that the wife is expected to be the mom/ caretaker for the husband. She manages sooooo much so his health doesn’t keep getting worse (beer drinking & smoking, more sedentary & inactive when it comes to managing their own healthcare needs, etc.).

We are seeing the generations of women who were children or born after the feminist movement of the 60’s reaching middle age. They didn’t grow up with the shackles of marriage & “women’s expectations”. These are the generations of women who were the closest equals to men in almost every sense of the word and a huge percentage are choosing to make themselves a priority.

It’s a beautiful thing. I say that because I’m a woman of those generations and I choose what my life looks like without having or being forced to depend on a man. It is liberating. That is freedom.

So essentially: We can’t all have our cake (which comes in many layers flavors & toppigs) and eat it too. In a way, all of us are liberal about certain things and conservative in others. The battle is in the balance.

I really like your response on this question 🏆

Meade County Fair demolition derby days!! The first time I saw it I was stumped when they came out on John Deere riding mowers. I found out that was just a warm up then the actual cars came out. So much damn redneck fun in one night!!!

I’m trying to ensure that when/if we eat out, we’re going to places where the owner is on the floor or visible and it’s not a corporate franchise. I’m talking my local Mexican restaurant, drive-in/burger joints/diners, food trucks and sandwich shops, etc.

If I’m going to hand over $80 for our four-person family to eat out, it’s gonna go to someone who lives in my town. I’m done with big chains & shit food that was all frozen & trucked in. I’m also done with some of the investor/richies in our area who start up a restaurant & gouge people for low quality food & crap service.

Bring back the mom & pop shops!!!!

I totally & completely understand now why our grandparents & every other old person loved (and lived in) their recliners.

I’m so excited to start shopping for a double recliner later this year with my husband. Is gonna be “my spot” in the house & I can’t wait to snuggle up in its crevices with a blanket & books 🥰🥰. Maybe in 10 years or so I’ll be cuddling up with a grandchild reading some books to them 😍.

I didn’t post much anyway about my personal life so that normally declined (only posted maybe 4 times a year, now I’m lucky just share one or two things a year).

2015-2016 it became all political for me. I was sharing stuff constantly (as a Bernie supporter & loved his message) & sharing stuff ramped up the closer we got to election time. After Trump won, shit went downhill fast in my opinion. Hate ramped up & instead of “YES!! We should band together for more unions, higher pay, etc!!” it became “the left are demonic, baby eating, blood drinking Satanists who are tearing OUR country apart!!!”.

Several relatives were deep down a rabbit hole & believed/still believe a lot of the right-leaning conspiracy garbage. I recognized that my relationships were going to suffer if I replied back & fought with them. I stopped posting/sharing all together & don’t engage on their stuff. The only activity I have is liking/loving family related posts & commenting congratulations/happy birthdays/happy anniversary. I’m keeping my engagement to only positive things. I don’t need to add to any negativity or shit-stirring.

I love my family, even if I think some of their beliefs are crazy. Nothing has happened which makes me feel like I should cut them out of my life. I wanna keep it that way.

“When she’s in a better mood”?? I think you’re missing the same signals she’s giving him.

She’s not interested in him in any way, shape, or form. She was polite and said thank you (more than once) and did not engage in prolonging the conversation. He did not have ANY chances. Not then and not in the future.

Netflix’s The Dirt (movie about Motley Crue) helped me figure out what was wrong with me after about 22 years.

I had moderate to severe chronic back pain start when I was about 20 & it was ongoing daily. No history of car accidents, falls, injuries, etc. I just thought I bought a really shitty mattress that made my back hurt but the pain NEVER went away. It got progressively worse & over the decades I saw multiple doctors, chiropractors, had MRIs & X-rays, etc. No one could give me an answer other than general arthritis.

Fast forward to 2019 when that movie came out & I watched the part about Mick Mars having chronic debilitating back pain start in his early 20’s called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I paused the movie & googled it. BOOM, I had 9/10 of the signs. I called my doctor the next day and requested all kinds of lab work, including the test for a common gene marker in people who have AS (HLA-B27 antigen). Surprise, surprise, it came back positive & I got a referral to a rheumatologist.

More lab work, another set of x-rays and another MRI later and I’ve finally got a fucking answer to what has been wrong with me all these years. Signs of AS were seen in my sacral joints. Though not curable, I have more information now to help alleviate & manage the pain as well a doctor regularly monitoring my condition.

Most importantly, my daughter & my nephews can be tested for that gene marker much earlier than I did and hopefully manage any symptoms and pain well before any damage is permanent.

Thank you Mick Mars & Netflix ❤️❤️

How did you live it up for those two weeks? First class flights & nice hotels or more interesting things?

I was hoping for at least $24K/annually in 2001 at my first professional job out of college. The offer was $17K/annually and was a salaried position so no overtime pay 😥. My stomach dropped to my asshole when they said it. I still took the job so I could build my resume. Stayed there for 3 1/2 years and worked a second job delivering pizzas for two of those years. I ended up paying off my car & smaller school debts, and had room to start paying my student loans after a one year forbearance.

My next job I loved & it was still in my field. I started out at $13/hr and stayed there for over 17 years making 6 figures (~$130K) at the end. It became a corporate job (original company was acquired & then I was employed by the buyer after a few years) so towards the end I was ready to exit.

….but it’s likely NEVER used. Look at the floor & crevices, not a spec of dust, scuffs, grease, etc. This is the equivalent of those re-stocking videos women do in their refrigerators and pantries. Whoever “uses” this room just walks around in a circle admiring their work & watches that tv with their beer every Saturday morning. If they had real $$$ those tools would be Snap-On brand.

An average person will notice all this person’s $$$ is tied up in appearances. I see a standard folding table being used to create a U shaped work area in that game room. Standard decor & build in the bathroom. If you have enough $$$ to buy a stack of LV sunglasses, you should upgrade that basic bathroom mirror so you can look at yourself illuminated from all angles and get rid of the curtain & replace it with an actual closet door.

Why’s he working out in his garage if he can afford an Aston Martin? You should be able to afford an extra bedroom to convert into a home gym.

I lecture like my Dad (coming from a place of love where you are trying to teach your kids about budgeting, how interest rates work, paying taxes, getting multiple quotes from people so you don’t get f’ed, respecting your teachers & other people’s time, etc.). I even get the pointer finger going with intense eye contact. It can be scary, but the intensity helped me absorb & learn. I hope that continues to my kids.

My mom….perimenopause is in full force with me now and I totally get her frustrations and yelling at times. Kids are so dumb when you’re going through menopause 😂🤣 She taught me the importance of grammar, writing, and most importantly EDITING. Courtesy and consideration were also a big focus (it’s important to look at people & smile, hold the door open for others, saying thank you, etc.).

One of my best college memories was when my best friend and I were broke but hungry for a good breakfast (not cheap ass cereal). We pawned enough VHS tapes & cd’s one morning to go eat breakfast at Village Inn. Absolute best chicken fried steak & eggs of my life!!

Parents need to stop enabling their kids’ bad behavior. That’s also a huge part of this (and I say that from experience). At some point you gotta stop throwing a life saver and let them figure out how to swim out of the deep end.

Where is there any incentive for an employee to treat the business like they own it? You can’t compare restaurants to some corporation with a stock comp package. Most restaurants also provide zero benefits.

For some wild reason I was craving Hawaiian Punch one day (haven’t had it in probably a couple decades at least). I go get one of those jugs at the store, come home & pour it over ice. First sip & I about spit it out.

Whatever is in it now is disgusting. It’s got to be the corn syrup & God knows what else. I poured the rest down the drain. So many treats from our childhood are ruined now with cost cutting/cheap ingredients.

Pyrex. Hands down best glass cookware & lasts forever.

I love their handbags & leather accessories. They take a beating & still look beautiful. Sounds menial, but they have the absolute best zippers of any product.