Dang ur eyes are pretty. You have such a unique look, I bet you’d be a successful actor

If I were you I’d make peace with it. There’s not much a surgeon can do; there’s no revising a scar like that right near your lip. In time it will soften and become less noticeable. As far as scars go, yours is pretty decent. It’s straight, not twisted or heavily keloided. It’s just a line. Keep it out of the sun (wear sunscreen), and maybe massage vitamin e at night. It is not a bad scar at all. Trust me, I’ve worked in trauma surgery. Your scar is fine

Sophisticated, minimal- you clearly have impeccable tastes

When I had one of my first jobs, there was a young manager who was super cute and fun, we’d hang out after hours with coworkers and drink. Once his wife called and told me, “if we have one more fight about you, I’m done!” I had no idea.

Lid is on the entire time, can we talk about FAE?

Paint the molding and the mantle the same blue. Leave the wall and ceiling white

My first boyfriend used to do this. He would come over after bartending and stay the night with me at my mom’s place. One night he walked through the house completely naked, opened the door to the trash bin, peed in there and then went outside and laid face down in our driveway. Luckily I had a very absent parent who dgaf

Once my dad came out of surgery and started talking about how much he loved Jessica Alba

Ok but here’s the deal, it’s a shitty thing but the kid exists and these two are married. What would be the point of telling him after the fact ? Wouldn’t it be cruel?

Duping delight - The pleasure of being able to manipulate someone, often made visible to others by flashing a smile at an inappropriate moment.