I don’t really know what I’m doing.🙃

Hi! OK so I swapped some soap that I made for some seeds with a lady in the midwest, she said it’s Grandma’s Pineapple Upside Down Cake. 🤷‍♀️ (I met her on a group about something totally different and she was telling people to just relax, throw some seeds outside and have fun with it. I don’t think I’m having fun yet lol because I want them to thrive. ) The little envelope they came in said regular or normal photo. I’m on the West Coast. 8b. I’m using Fox Farms ocean forest soil, and the one with the frog on it lol, mixed. I’m currently using Fox Farm Grow fertilizer. I’ve stopped using the cal mag. I am in a desert environment so I am watering daily. They are located in the middle of my backyard so they get direct sun for maybe 10 hours a day.

The hippie at my local gardening store said that they are puny lol. Well I’m doing the best I can.😁 I started them at the end of April.

It’s supposed to be 107° here on the Fourth of July. Well, 105° to 115° depending on where I look, for about a week, starting the 2nd. Do I bring them inside for a week? Bring them up on the patio in the shade? Just cover the area where they are with some netting?

It gets crazy windy here sometimes so I already bring them up on the patio when it’s really windy because the leaves start to curl down.

Also looking at the size, how long do I need to wait to be able to tell if they are male or female? Thank you!