Yeah this isn’t unpopular, people are way more likely to be surprised you don’t drink alcohol than soda. Most of the people I know that drink soda are children

Yeah that doesn’t sound fun. I would probably say hi/bye to you since you were already established as part of the group but in general I do my best to leave women alone in public

This is much more complicated than you’re implying. I suggest the documentary American Factory - it’s a great look at what happens when foreign investment comes in and attempts to take over auto industry factories that are union-staffed.

There is a human element to this that you are ignoring

You’re allowed to feel however you want about it just like others are allowed to find it funny. Life is easier when you take yourself less seriously tho. As an American, please keep calling us fat and dumb gun lovers with no healthcare because it’s funny af and I like being able to laugh at myself 😄

It was a joke friend, didn’t think I needed the /s

😂higher wtf does that even mean? Like all the dentists are high as shit?

Yeah I feel like I’m going crazy reading these comments, obviously the husband is being immature but a spouse should always be number one. I remember when I was like 10 my mom was watching this medical show where there were complications during childbirth and the husband had to choose between the doctor saving his wife or the baby (not sure how realistic that is but whatever). He chose the wife and I was like what, that poor baby. My mom had to explain to me that of course he saved his wife, he’s known her for years and chose to marry her because she’s his favorite person.

Both parents should be prioritizing the child and putting them first at the expense of themselves, but at the end of the day your spouse is who will really be there for you. I moved out of state after college and probably see my parents physically 3 times a year. If I was the “most important person” in my moms life that’d really suck for her

Yeah makes sense. Although that was a long time ago so it’d probably be foolish to think the US hasn’t used their resources to learn from those mistakes

Just curious what defines best? Like best trained/most efficient?

They’d probably say what’s the point of waiting if you know you want to be with someone forever? I tend to agree with you here but different strokes for different folks

They’d probably say what’s the point of waiting if you know you want to be with someone forever? I tend to agree with you here but different strokes for different folks

I mean he did offer the perfect solution to not having to stay in that environment lol

My dad drives whenever my parents go anywhere together so my mom uses her car to essentially go to work, then to the gym, and back home. For her that's like 8 total miles a day lol.

I actually bought her last car out of the lease because she had put like 9k miles on it in 3 years but the price quote to buy it was assuming she had put 30k mile on it

Good at school, was able to get through an undergraduate degree without putting much effort in. Kinda useless in adult life tho and was a wake-up call entering the workforce with a horrible work ethic

I’m sorry that’s so mean but I can’t stop laughing 😂

Yeah it’s a complicated situation like the commenter below you mentioned. I live in Texas and work for a company that’s investing huge sums of money in green hydrogen and am glad to work on projects that matter and with people that are trying to make a difference.

The people who shit on Texas aren’t targeting normal people like me and you so it doesn’t bother me too much 🤷‍♀️

Yeah people just love to dunk on Texas 🤷‍♀️ deservedly so in a lot of cases and here the grid is the real problem

Yeah my mom never liked to get up from wherever she was sitting so she’d just scream a name into oblivion until we ran downstairs only for her to ask for us to grab her purse that was 15 feet away from her. Not saying this is op but that’s what it reminds me of lol

Well if the average is 10 then they were only brining the average down if they were collectively less than 10 years old, I understand your point tho

Michigan fan here - wish him the best of luck with Sparty!

Is this Wendy in Ozark?

Outside of washing butts, is it not good to use your hands to scrub your body with soap in the shower?I’ve never used a loofa or anything but OP’s first paragraph has me questioning myself

Yeah you could be right, I don’t know enough to speculate. That would still be a devastating loss of production capacity