So fucking stupid. He could bury the corrupt justices, but no. Do nothing instead.

His record is weak as fuck compared to what it should have been. The man is a walking corpse who gets treated as just that. All of his accomplishments are fractions of what they could've been but his bitch ass kowtowed to any semblance of resistance. And what has he done with them? Not a god damn thing. He's fucking incompetent and keeps a team of incompetent people that just highlight how spineless and weak his is. A competent candidate would have buried the republicans already with the amount of insane shit they've pulled and that they've openly said they will do when they get back into office. At this point Biden seems to think he's entitled to second term because he's not doing a god damn thing to earn it.

It's way past time to put grandpa in a home. The fucking guy looked like complete dog shit last night. He will not get any better. He will only get worse. Sticking behind him is the stupidest fucking decision the DNC could make, but they will, because they don't give a shit about the country. They only care about their fucking stock portfolios.

Buttigieg has been doing a shit job at the DoT. Not to mention that he's a corporate stooge that will kotow to anything Wall St. wants. Including gutting Medicare & SS.

You don't have a problem with mosquitoes with that stillwater?

Who did you lose in the revolutionary war against Britain?

This post is so fucking stupid.

Netanyahu has a good working relationship with Putin.

Tlaib just doesn't want her countrymen to be slaughtered by a fascist state.

Man, it's always been the conservatives.

Now they have backup.

Leftists could come into power very quickly by running actual local organizations for men to socialize and keep them out of red pill circles instead of just whining online. Women would jump left if we had leftists offering free daycare through volunteering of other leftists. We could have huge support from the right if we actually organized ti fix homelessness instead if dropping off meals as "mutual aid".

Good ideas, but these are all problems that cost money. Leftists don't have money.

So nothing. They don't do shit to protect democracies.

Israel already has a good working relationship with Russia. I don't know about their ties with China.

If Israel is taken out of the picture the dominant power in the middle east will probably be Iran.

Trump killed the Iranian general who did the most damage against ISIS. Trump dismantled the Iranian nuclear deal, opening the doors for them to start processing uranium for nukes. Trump wants to re-enact his Muslim ban with even more countries added to the list. The man is actively seeking to stoke flames against Muslim majority countries. He will kick open the door for Israel to push into Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt, provoking a response from Iran which will drag us into the next world war.

Trump will also completely cut off Ukraine. He will force the country to cede to Russia. Following that he will seek to enable Russia's push to invade other countries in their attempt to rebuild the Soviet Union.

The man will sabotage all alliances America has if it means he can make deals to enrich himself. Consequences be damned, because his family won't be affected by it.

What democracies are Israel propping up?

Please tell me this chick is getting roasted in her comments wherever the hell she posted this bullshit.

I don't understand how you guys aren't seeing Yen Dennings.

I just hope that the salary increases across the board, not just for QBs. Especially when most of them are bums.

No I get that the demand is high and the supply is extremely low.

The problem is teams are not getting what they're paying for by overpaying QBs that get eliminated at best, in the playoffs. QBs demanding Mahomes money but not putting up Mahomes results should not be getting paid more than Mahomes.

Well, I mean the dude is locked in for half a billion. He's pretty much set the value of the top quality QB.