50%? A 16.9 ounce full sugar bottle of Pepsi is 116%.

"I'm closer to LeBron than you are to me" The Scallenge was hilarious.

Well that's cool for your best friend. Does she speak for everyone?

He does green flag videos too, those ones are nice.

It's probably a little too much buttercream for me, but if your husband is a frosting fiend I understand, you gotta play to your audience. Otherwise, it looks great, I'm certain it was tasty as fuck.

I think they're referring to the number of kids, not the names.

He should change his name to Phranklin in solidarity, truly awful names. Lovely gift though.

You must've gotten a bad Raph, because my frankenraph easily stands by himself and is super stable.

Same here, have at least 25 hours over the last couple weeks with no crashes. In like 2 hours today I have like 4 crashes, it kinda sucks.

I thought the narration was an interesting choice, but now that I know it's a direct reference to something I've never seen, it makes more sense.

These are awesome, but only once in a while for me. I bought a 12 pack of these awhile back and by the end of the pack I was sick of them. This is probably one of my favorite sodas that I can't regularly drink.

I played a good few hours of Astro's playroom when I first got my PS5 and had a great time. It's the most fun I've had with an included console game since wii sports, happy to see more of the little guy.

Starstruck is what got me to cave and finally subscribe to Dropout. I'm usually a fantasy over sci-fi guy, but the vibes in Starstruck are just chef's kiss. I desperately need a season 2 , I don't care if it's more of the Wurst or an entirely new crew, I just want more.

Definitely report back about the quality because I had the same plan with my incoming Diggs jersey

Surprised the Houston game is just a standard 1pm. Even before the Diggs trade I could've seen that one getting some attention, but I thought for sure after the trade it would have been at least an afternoon game.

A Lucha season? Wouldn't have ever crossed my mind, but now that you say it, yes please.

It sucks when people make unilateral decisions about other people's things. He fucked around and found out, NTA.

The front of the shell doesn't really look right, yours look a little too yellow and not painted. One surefire way to know if they are knockoff is if the back shell has no articulation.

I'll throw a second on that brutalmoose rec. You're right he is a vibe, just super quality videos with humor and a little weirdness.

My order just updated and it looks like I'll be getting my boys on Friday. Hell yeah