:Iceland: Has a round family tree

Why didn't the cop just shoot him? I'm so confused.

So you're opinion is, you should only follow expert advice and disregard advice that helps the less skilled. Got it.

:Iceland: Has a round family tree

Does Europe really care who's leading the Barry's?


Lausnin er að senda hann til heimalands síns, ef fólk með dvalarleyfi eru send í fangelsi og svo send heim eftir vist sína þar sem dvalarleyfi eru bundin hreinu sakavottorði, þá ættu hælisleitendur að vera bundnir sömu skuldbindingum útaf það er ótrúlega spaugað að bjóða borgurum lands uppá sömu hættu og hann er að "flýja" útaf það að senda hann heim setur hann í þær sömu aðstæður og hann er að bjóða okkur uppá.

Because #1. Fuck Russia and number two I support any state that defends it's borders against an invading neighbor.

Já það eru margir hérna að segja að það sé ekki þörf fyrir þessu útaf banka öppin okkar eru svo góð (og þau eru fín). En sem fyrverandi notandi á Mobile pay í dk, var ég svooo sáttur þegar Aur kom.

Hvað áttu við, þetta er til á Íslandi... Heitir aur.

Suicide attacks are not victories, you may have slain the spire, but the spire killed you right back.

It does not matter what angle you look at that disaster.

🇮🇸 Inbred Elf 🇮🇸

Around 5 years ago when I lived in Copenhagen I visited that place.

🇮🇸 Inbred Elf 🇮🇸

Malmø is the worst place in all of the Nordics.

:elsecallers: Elsecaller

Moash is an asshole, being broken does not excuse your behavior it only explains it. So he's still an asshole.

Very welcome, good luck with the sale!

Without a receipt it looks like a tourist trying to sell a stolen bike, that's most likely why you're getting lukewarm reception, if you can show people the receipt for the bike etc and let people know in the description I'm sure more people would be open to it.


So the simplest one would be imagining you have 10 cards meaning full hand on ironclad = all your cards are in your hand,the enemy is vulnerable through some means (bash etc) and two of the other cards left are drop kicks, which reads

"Deal 5 damage.

If the enemy has Vulnerable, gain 1 energy and draw 1 card."

Which means you're turn will theoretically never end as you use the first drop kick gain energy and draw the other dropkick and so it goes until the enemy is dead.

Youll never run out of energy, your turn will never end and that's what is considered going infinite.

Removing cards down to this sized hand through events and stores is unprobable, that's where exhaust comes in.

But that's just ik or many many uses of exhaust (curses/status cards/strikes/defenses you don't want all gone for example)

Because unless it's your pharmacy why would you care?

Your problem comes entirely from being over invested in the place that gives you money for your time.

If you get behind not due to slacking but because the volume of the store is too much for staffing then just work at your normal speed. If a customer is rude just tell them they are free to shop elsewhere if they aren't interested in the service you're offering them and let them know if they're attitude doesn't change you'll release their script and they'll have to do that.

You're not a doormat, tool or a punching bag. Act like it.

Makes me think of that Jon lajoie video - " not giving a fuck"

I'm pretty sure most European countries are right leaning today or the right is on the rise at the very least.

Think about it this way, in most situations the best thing at the stores is card remove to increase the chance of drawing your best cards.

Now instead of card remove you've got a multi use exhaust card that does the same thing but multiple times per fight.

If that doesn't float your boat, then it's good to say that it also one of the most reliable ways to make your deck go infinite!

I'm about 1/10th of the way there, have around 100k of my apartment out of 500k and then maybe another 20-30k in stocks.

And it was saved up in 3 years... I've also been living life quite lavishly these past 3 years on the side could easily be more if I decided to buckle down and save.

Yo how do I see this information? Can't see it in purchase history on my phone? Is it browser only?

I remember having one of those as spending money on my first visit to Denmark as a kid.