Every night about two hours before bedtime. I’ll skip a night here and there but I’ll make sure to use dry shampoo. But I do shampoo or dry shampoo everyday. My hair gets oily and gross quick, and yes, I’ve tried the “wash your hair less to balance out the oils but it doesn’t work for me.

Yeah, in Asia everyone eats tofu, omnivores and vegetarians/vegans alike. In the US and western countries in general it’s always marketed as a meat substitute. In Asia tofu is commonly added into dishes that also have meat. It’s not just a meat substitute there but also treated as a regular culinary ingredient.

That’s why tofu works so well in Asian cuisines. Of course vegetarian tofu dishes are delicious as well but it’s a lot more versatile in Asia than how it’s treated in the west.

In Taiwan it’s largely BYOTP or there’s sometimes a large roll outside of the stalls and you take as much as you need (aka a shit ton) before you go into a stall to do your business.

Some places like at fancy department stores or whatever they have TP though in the stalls like how it is in the US.

Seriously. No one hangs out outside because it’s so goddamn hot out all the time.

It’s wild that people have zero attention span anymore and think that because “they’re bored” that distracted driving is ok. You’re operating a fucking heavy duty machine and have zero regard to your and others’ safety and lives. I swear to god people are braindead now (that, or people WAY overestimate their driving abilities and reaction times and/or just don’t give a fuck).

Her and her family’s “work” and “jobs” are to keep trying to stay relevant and in the media, to keep the cash incoming, to keep funding their ridiculous lifestyles and feed their low self-esteem and fucked up body image. That’s all there is to it.

No doubt she exploited her daughters to get where they are today. She cares about money/fame/power first and her daughters/family last. I’m sure she was abusive in many ways.

I wear it only if I’m going to be in an environment where I’m going to really sweat (if I’m just going to the grocery store or work vs. the gym, being outdoors, etc). Some people have the ABCC11 gene and don’t get body odor as easily. I still shower everyday though regardless.

I honestly don’t think Kris cared about them being well-educated or intellectual, even though they had all the resources at their disposal to give her children the world. Kris only cares that her daughters are sexually attractive and that she’s been pushing all along that looks are what matters, not brains, and that is the same narrative they’re pushing out to the public and young girls. They’re selling the whole bimbo schtick. They’ve got SO much money and connections that they could do so much good, and influence and empower women and girls in a positive way. But they choose to value shallowness, vapidness and materialism instead of character and virtue.

And yeah, I completely agree with your point. In the end, Kylie could’ve made a choice to pursue knowledge and education. She could’ve took up interests that would’ve been more stimulating and enriching for her. It’s a shame and while I hope she does do some self-reflection and sees that there’s so much more to her than her looks and wealth, I doubt that will happen. And with all of Kris’s grandkids growing up I think the cycle will just continue.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she was sex trafficked and pimped out by her parents (more so Kris, but Caitlyn/Bruce was complicit too for being apathetic). The whole family’s dynamic is far from normal and highly dysfunctional that I think there’s plenty of skeletons in the closet as to how they got to where they are today.

I’m not the biggest frosting fan but I’ll take it over fondant any day.

Something like 10-12 years ago (maybe even longer?). There weren’t any in South Florida so I had to drive to Ft. Myers to get my first experience lol. I think it was around fall and I got a bunch of fall stuff, plus kimchi back when they were bagged, orange chicken, cookie butter, and I’m sure some other stuff.

Some of them are in their early 20s and already have Botox and they look aged and stiff. Like why?

Also their faces are incredibly matte and “outlined” if that makes sense.

Probably near Chinatown or an area with a large Chinese immigrant population.

Finding out what consequences are when childish behavior isn’t tolerated for the first time, pretty much. Wonder if mommy and daddy are coming to her rescue?

An aged child, pretty much. I guess temper tantrums have worked her whole life up until now.

They’re one of those guilty pleasures for some. Pretty junky quality but sometimes you just want a pickled sausage.

Dude, it’s absolutely what nightmares are made of. I got local anesthesia too and it was not a good experience. Def felt the tugging and yanking and the crunching and it was awful. The anesthetics started wearing off halfway through (I had one tooth that broke into pieces because it was hard to remove) and my dentist at the time had to administer more. Also the anesthetics applied the first time around hurt like a bitch, though I have low pain tolerance.

0/10, def would not recommend.

Thanks for your insight! I’m not in a rush to get my creases “fixed” since no matter which approach, it’s going to cost a pretty penny.

I have the same exact thing going on and I talked to my dermatologist about it. He said fillers can help smooth out the creases. Of course, it’s not a permanent fix though. He doesn’t offer the service but he told me to go to a physician to get them done if I choose to, since they’re credentialed and know what they’re doing.

Is this the same quality as the sushi they sold in years past? Because they were not good at ALL lol.

Also, old ass Haribo gummies. Holy hell is it a workout to eat even just one. But admittedly I still enjoy it lol.

This is Driver’s Ed 101 anywhere in the country.

Almost always 74-75. 76 sometimes. It’s off if it’s cool enough outside though (60s or below).