Not the right demographic in the area for that space sadly. Would be cool to have some better shops in south d

Was the perfect rock oven

Can confirm around otago area, I have also found subs by the sea, growing seemingly on top of sand and scub Those ones I find in the sandy areas tend to be lankier and long. Bush subs I have found around the area display different phenotypes and are generally chunkier. Interesting shit ive also been looking in the area for some time

Look like dunners bush subs to me 👍 May I ask what substrate / environment they were from

Definitely too ambitious. About half of that time alone will be spent driving

Yeah I'd be interested to look into it :) also looking into frost tolerant plants for before winter

looking for Native PlantsAdvice

Hey there.

Does anybody where to get a cheap selection of native plants. trying to turn my garden into a native ecosystem and attract birds, on a budget.

already been to mitre 10, bunnings etc

Thanks :)

Same here bro, been camping for years with no problem. Just go out of my way abit more to find hidden spots. Never had any issues at all, wave and smile boys.

Lol i wouldve definitely driven past here 2 days ago haha. Good shit man, love this area with all my heart

Id try out silverstream, signal hill creek (has lots of koura there at least). Not many big ones ive seen arpund dunedin tbh.

Lol, that's really gonna make a difference. Go over and fight if you want change, see how long you last 🤷‍♂️

Lol got a r32 gtst and a 1990 rs legacy for cheaper than this 🤡

Good fireplace, dont get it too big. Maybe invest in a guard

2nd, get rid of the nasty fuckers. Displacing native birds in the local ecosystem