I think it's funny when other people say something like "everyone assumes I'm doing a thing that I swear I'm not" rather than just like, looking inward.

It's okay to be a prick! Especially when you want to let others know you have superior knowledge.

It's just wildly ineffective at reaching your (assumed) goal of more people practicing LNT.

You're really not beating the allegations here lmao

You'd probably be more effective at sharing your knowledge if you were less of a prick, but noted nonetheless.

Definitely a great time and can't wait to make my way out to western PA!

It was either that or in a mud pit. We both had sleeping mats and it wasn't too bad

I hear that my skills need to improve a little bit before making it there! Though it's definitely on my list

Doooooo it!! Was such an incredible experience

We kept saying how we should've brought our rods! We saw lots of people out on Sunday when the weather was nicer

RIGHT?! There was one on each side of the launch when we got there. The trash can was an easy like 100 feet away? People are unbelievable (we threw them out)

I bought my canoe on marketplace for a super low price and it's the best investment in my happiness/mental health I've made to date

Nope it was extremely flat but with a good pace. We paddled at a moderate pace and were moving at 4.5 mph with ease. Great for beginners

We definitely talked about that and decided to make a large perimeter and relatively small fire so there was a tiny buffer, but we were definitely pushing our luck I think.

We only got in 16 on one overnight. Little warm up to get our feet wet but we'll definitely be back

This was just a quick overnighter but it was amazing

On an island that is owned by PA's DCNR. No amenities of any sort

Hahah I feel that! It drizzled during my paddle which meant I HAD to stop and take cover for a little bit lol

That's the dream right there. I didn't see a soul while I was out there on Saturday except for the wildlife and it was perfect