They think any agency, who is an extension of the President's authority is invalid.

They must think that without those agencies they will get to keep all this tax money but I don't think they considered how those agencies help them now.


Vote. Convince someone else to vote. Convince a Republican to vote for Biden. Bring people to the polls with you. Talk about Project 2025. Ask others to do the same.

If you have any time left over, if you could write the Texas supermarket chain, HEB, and ask them to bring back the full-sized Garlic & Herb rotisserie chickens, I would personally appreciate it otherwise just do the first part.

Sure but I am also not gonna judge her solely on her negative traits either. Certainly wouldn't want people to do that to me.

Just to address any follow ups you might have..

Q: Do you still think she is a shithead?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you like Sister Act 2?

A: I don't remember watching it.

Q: Would you support ANOTHER Sister Act movie? Be it prequel, sequel or reboot?

A: Yo, wtf is with the Sister Act questions?

Q: You brought it up.

A: That's not even a question.

Q: Fine, did you like Chronicles of Riddick?


Q: It's in the same universe.

A: What? How are you even linking these things? I have never heard that.

Q: So you aren't really a Whoopi fan, you were just saying that to virtue signal or something.

A: No, it just bothers me

Q: Just admit it.

A: Not admitting that, just read my reply, it has nothing -

Q: Agree to disagree.

A: Whatever.

Q: Last word.

A: Huh?

Q: What?

A: Did you just say "last word" like that was the last word of the argument. Implying you win just for speaking last?

Q: I - did I say something? I didn't realize

A: suspicious look

Because they are assholes.

That is what happens when you combine a lack of humility with poor social skills and anonymity on the internet, you get an asshole.

There is nothing you can do about it. Just ignore their bullshit, do your best and don't become like them.

Why though?

There are plenty of other forms of entertainment, easier and better ways to learn, and plenty of artistic and non-artistic ways to enrich your life. If all you are focusing on is reading, you may miss these entirely and you may miss the opportunity to impart that on your child as well.

Having said that, if he does ask, point him in the direction of Disc World. It's not strictly YA but it also isn't very controversial either.

:NFLne: New England Patriots

Nothing could be my father from the truth.


Well you could transcribe it. Would personally take me a long time, but you'd also be learning as you go so there is that.

Trying to go from the visual representation to sheet music is not feasible, there is just too much additional information you couldn't infer from the video. You can get some information but there would still be a lot of clean up, and at that point it is probably easier to just transcribe yourself.

To recreate the visual representation MAY be feasible. Those formats are usually just store the note information and duration. This would still take a tremendous effort by a computer programmer though. Would involve estimating the note positions, then going through frame by frame and visually checking each range to determine if a note was on/off, and then storing that information and finally outputting it in a format something like Synthesia could read.

Edit: So I spent some time trying this and I was able to take a single image and transcribe the notes. That is about 5% of the work. Still would need to decode the entire video and then repeat the process for every frame and figure out note duration. That would give me the information such as at time 1:00 press F4 for 0.5 seconds. From there it would just be a matter of getting that into a readable format.

You might also just email the creator and see if they would provide the sheet music. Probably the easiest.

Spend your money where you spend your time is what they say. If you are getting good use out of it, then hell yea you should.

Just a disclaimer though, these are estimates. Obviously we are all bound by thermodynamics, but the efficiency of the heater and all that will come into play. May be more expensive and you will need to confirm with the heater manufacturer, but the fact that it has a low surface area makes it a lot more feasible.

No, according to GPT it will lose heat through evaporation and convection. The convection is a lot more since that has to do with the ambient air temperatures. It accounts for both types of heat loss. It also probably loses some through the walls and shit, but that would be really difficult to calculate.

Also, I noticed the temperatures I got were averages of the last 100+ years, so it's probably safe to assume it is a bit warmer now. That will decrease the overall cost some.


Assuming the temperature of the water started at 88 degrees, the average temperatures were similar to those in 2023, and that ChatGPT is to be trusted, it would cost $1191.36 $1557.94

To get this (including excel formula examples):

  • Download the average daily temperatures
  • Calculate the heat lost due to evaporation(this is constant but I did it as a column anyway) =((0.1 * 96) * (2.84 - 0.18) / 1000) * 60
    • 96 is the area of the pool
    • 2.84 and 0.18 are saturation vapor pressure (who knows) of water and air
    • Yields BTU/hr
  • Calculate the heat lost due to convection (for each day) = 96 * (88-A2)
    • 88 is the target temp
    • A2 was the average daily temperature
    • Yields BTU/hr
  • Add those together =B2+C2
  • And convert that value (in BTU) to kWh =D2/3412.14
    • 3412.14 is BTU/kWh
  • Multiply that by 24 (hours) to get the total kWh used in a day =E2*24
  • Multiply that by the cost of energy (~$0.17/kWh) =F2*0.13
  • Sum it up

Can it be trusted? Maybe. I also confirmed it is generally correct with

Of course I didn't find that calculator until after I had done the math. But at least this is here if anyone needs it in the future.

Edit: Saw your comment about your price of energy and adjusted for that.

strokeStyle should be a string in backticks;

Not too hard if you break it down into the parameters you want.

  • Height/width of the ellipse
  • Location x/y of the center of the ellipse
  • Rotation of the ellipse

Create a function which takes in those parameters and draws the ellipse on the screen.

Then experiment from there within a loop.

Here is a complete guess for one of them:

  • Height decreases i
  • Width decreases i*2
  • X increases i
  • Y moves on some curve 1 / 1 + e ^ i (not 100% sure on this)
  • Rotation decreases i/2

Can you play it while drinking?

That person: I KNEW IT WAS 1216! One after Magna Carta, as if I could ever make such a mistake!

Yea they serve the audio and video as separate files. I downloaded them and merged them with ffmpeg.

It's a cool track, get Steely Dan vibes from it but with Caravans own spin.

Love Caravan.

That site was obnoxious as hell and wouldn't let you download the file easily so here's an alternate. Expires in a couple days. 

It is a lot easier to defend a negative position than a positive one.

I don't know about the crime. I think it's equal chance the cops do nothing, the other person denies it, the other person accuses you of a lewd act. I would want at least a couple more witnesses on my side including a woman, to back me up. May want to talk to neighbors if you have any as well to see if there are existing complaints.

Furthermore, you should absolutely get temporary window coverings. They make curtain rods which work on tension, no need to drill holes or anything. Similar to a shower curtain rods.

This June actually spans 6 calendar weeks but the point still stands that is long time to wait for a car especially one that doesn't work properly.

Banks are still looking for 7% or more. I think that has held enough people off that the stock accumulated and now that the 24 models are out and not that much more expensive, why not go with the newest model?

I went in looking at a 23 and ended up with a 24 and the options were almost identical.