So much overpopulation. People like this cause the majority of our existential problems. Fuck sake, get a vasectomy

Kinda surprised Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn't look happier than that

It's a dangerous cut to perform, but in the past I've carpet taped a square block to the fence, so now I am using an aux fence that is 90 degrees to the original. I have held the end of the board to the original fence, then cut it at the appropriate angle. I really had to pay attention to where the blade was going to travel so I didn't cut off my fingers. Did a dry run first just to make sure I wasn't holding it in the cut path. I've also held down work pieces with a clamp for safety. I hate doing these but sometimes they're necessary. Another option is to cut it close with a coping saw and finish it up with hand tools, like a really sharp chisel or a plane. And of course lots of caulking after the install is complete. Good luck!

Is that Shari Lewis or Shirley temple?

Remember, it's a 770ft CONDO

It frames a nice optical illusion or it gets the hose

You missed the joke. Like, only blind women are interested

Here's a story I tell people I can trust with this: I have a neighbor I've known for 25+ years. Real tough, a man's man. He's lost two of his three children in the time we've known him. I think it destroyed him, but he won't admit it. He's tough. But I know he would give ANYTHING for one more day with each of his kids, no matter who they were. Remember that, and love your kids no matter who they are. They need you, because sometimes you're the only thing they can reach when they're drowning. OP you sound like an awesome dad and you did the right thing. You are a good human.

You mean been phoning it in for the last 20? Time to hang it up, Paul. You can't sing anymore. Now it's just karaoke.

Agreed. Will never watch him again after what he did. He is a sigma beta