I honestly think the hatred for Tony is based in some fatphobia and racism. Everyone's main complaints are that he's "gross and lazy" but he's not any less employed than some brown family members that everyone likes. Apparently twitch streaming and chess tournaments are not "real jobs" but shilling plexus and posting about your kids on instagram are. Also I don't understand the "gross" comments because it's not like he's visibly dirty or anything. His hair is wild for sure, but it's not greased to his head or anything.

Right the actual exemptions in France include crucifixes, but not hijabs, turbans, yarmulkes etc.

When you grow hating the police because you're afraid they may break up your polygamist family, but also want them to be able to shoot the black people that your church doesn't allow to become full members.

All the while telling you "here this makes my change easier for you to figure out" like it's 1900 and you have to do all of the transaction math yourself.

Well if David's going to be part of Christine's life, then he's going to have to learn how to uproot his entire life with little notice, no matter how it affects his kids. /s

"This person who is willing to monetize their family problems seems so normal! Surely this won't disappoint me again!"

Apparently there is a big chess scene in North Carolina and that is currently what Tony is doing to make money.

Yeah it was on their patreon. I don't subscribe but others have posted about it.

It's my understanding that there's very little difference between at Lowe's and Home Depot.The job duties are similar and both retailers are having the same labor problems right now. If you think just a change of scenery will make you feel better, then go for it. We've also had people leave THD and start out Lowe's making more than they ever did at THD. It gives you some bargaining power to have basically already worked the same job.

This may be petty of meGeneral Discussion

But I hope now that Mykelti and Tony are moving to NC, Christine understands how upsetting it was for the adult kids who settled in Vegas to be near the family, when she and the other parents took all of the minor children and moved to Arizona.

Your micropet has a hat!?

And didn't they gift it to her when they realized who she was?

We have not had a consistent mid head cashier for over a year. To the point that when a new hc was randomly scheduled for a mid shift, she asked if it was a mistake. Got plenty of mid shift managers though!

We desperately need another management restructure

Somehow we don't have the money to have more than one lot guy at a time for the entire summer or to have a cashier scheduled to cover breaks for the next month but we have enough to pay for up to four managers to sit in the offices at a time. This model is not sustainable.

The summer after 6th grade I was obsessed with the batshit Tyra Banks Show. They did an episode about talking to your kids about sex or something and there was this mom who was talking about how shocking and devastating it would be if her 17 year old was having sex. Tyra asked how old the mom was when she had sex for the first time and she was like "...well I was 16" and Tyra had to ask her if she realized how hypocritical that was.

Then tell the overnight manager that you're leaving early and that you'll need to be let out. They can't physically stop you from leaving the store.

Yes it's weird to make something that happened in your previous relationship a focal point of your current relationship. It's not healthy.

And the fact that they defend their brand of polygamy with "we don't marry underage girls in our church!"

No you just pursue them when they're underage and then marry them once they're 18.

There are literally millions of people named Jesus and Christian. And that's not even getting into the people named Mary/ Maria, Joseph, Paul etc because it's in the Bible.

19 I think? And I've been here nearly five years. It really depends on your position because I have gone a full calendar year without a single one before, but when I became the full time pro cashier I got like eight in six months or something stupid.

I actually applied to home depot when I was working at a thrift store in the same shopping center and our bathroom went out. We had to walk to other businesses to use the bathroom and our store manager tried to tell us that the time came out of our 15 minute breaks. After I started here, I decided that if we didn't have a bathroom , then I wasn't working. And porta potties don't count.

We have hit 365 days twice since I started working here and now we struggle to get past two months.

I said even before last season aired, they should just cut out all the filler bullshit and bang out a season this summer to catch us up and then have a current season this fall.