/r/HomeDepot: a place to talk shop

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r/HomeDepot FAQs

Hello to the r/HomeDepot community here on reddit, may Homer continue to bless you and keep you in his orange embrace.

The mod team thought it would be a good idea to pin a list of common questions with answers that get posted often here in the community. This is by no means comprehensive and doesn't go in depth, but should help new and seasoned associates alike with quick answers instead of waiting on the community to respond. This is for US only, Canada and Mexico may have different policies due to different legal requirements.

I imagine the FAQs will need to be continually tweaked as SOP and technology in Home Depot changes. If something seems out of date feel free to speak up.

Also with the publication of these FAQs a new rule is being introduced: if a post is made where the answer is explicitly covered here the post will be removed.


Q: I’m a customer and have a question, can I post it here?

A: No. Respectfully this is a digital breakroom for Home Depot associates, current, former and future. Customer questions will be removed and the poster may be banned, Reference sidebar rule #1. Please contact your store or call 1-800-HOMEDEPOT (1-800-466-3337) with any questions or concerns. Questions about employment for yourself or others will be tolerated within reason.

Q: Do I get paid for orientation?

A: Yes. Talk with your ASDS to find out more.

Q: What is an ASDS?

A: Associate Support Department Supervisor. They are essentially the admin for the store and store manager and are responsible for new associate onboarding, scheduling, and other activities

Q: When is payday?

A: Payday is always on Friday. Which Friday depends on what state you are in. Some states require pay weekly. To find out which Friday you will get paid on search on myApron for “Payroll Calendar”

Q: Some associates are saying they get paid early, how does that work?

A: Completely dependent on your banking institution. Home Depot releases the payroll on Wednesday to be deposited on Friday. Some banks just load it as available but pending on the release day. Some don't.

Q: How does Holiday Pay work?

A: You must be employed for at least 90 days to be eligible for Holiday Pay and work the scheduled shift before the holiday, the shift of the holiday (if applicable) and the next scheduled shift after the holiday. If you call out and have PTO to cover your absence, it is excused and you should receive holiday pay. If you’re on a scheduled vacation for the holiday, you will receive holiday pay instead of vacation pay for that day. Part-timers receive 4 hours of holiday pay, full-timers receive 8 hours of holiday pay. Reference “Time Off Benefits” on myApron to learn more.

Q: What are the days that receive Holiday Pay in Home Depot?

A: Home Depot provides eligible associates with six paid holidays a year. These are New Years Day, Memorial Day (except for New Orleans stores, Mardi Gras is substituted), Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Home Depot stores are closed only 2 days a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas. To view the SSC holiday schedule and learn more please go to myApron and search for "Time-off Benefits".

Q: What is Success Sharing, when is it paid out and who is eligible?

A: Success Sharing is the company’s bonus program for non-management associates (hourly and salary). It is based on sales above sales plan for your store. For SSC associates, it is based on sales above plan for the company. No one can tell you how much it will be except your store leadership. Track how well your store is doing vs sales plan, and you’ll get an idea if it will be good, bad, or non-existent. It is paid out 2x a year, approximately the 2nd week in September and 2nd week in March. To be eligible, you must be employed with the company at the time of the payout and have been employed at least 90 days during the fiscal half that the bonus is based on. IOW, if you were hired at end June you will not be eligible because the half ends in July, roughly 30 days after you were hired. To learn more search on myApron for “Benefits 101”

Q: What are our fiscal halves?

A: 1H runs from February until the end of July. 2H runs August until the end of January

Q: Do manager bonuses come from success sharing pool?

A: No, their bonus comes from a different pool of money and is based on different, more difficult to achieve metrics. Cutting hours at the end of the fiscal half will not improve their bonus in any significant way. This is a persistent rumor with no basis in reality. Sales and turns play a bigger part in their bonus and cutting hours won’t make up the difference if the store is already missing profitability goals.

Q: I’m part time, why are my hours being cut in July/January?

A: In July we are moving out of the spring busy season, you’ll notice some stores removing their mulch-pit drive throughs for example. Less business = less hours. Same story in January, holiday season is over and lower sales are expected. Less business = less hours again. There is also a lull in September/October in some areas of the country where hours may be reduced for part-timers

Q: How do I get more hours if they are cut?

A: Cross train in other department and equipment before the cut, making you more available and valuable to plug in to other areas of the store’s schedule. Then ask ask ask (respectfully) the ASDS and salaried leaders for more shifts

Q: Why did scheduled hours go from ____ to zero for a future week after the schedule was published?

A: It’s likely the ASDS pulled back the schedule to make adjustments and forgot to republish. Don’t panic and respectfully go ask the ASDS what’s up. Part time hours may be cut to a very low level, but it’s very rare to go to zero. If you’re full time you cannot be cut to zero without your consent

Q: How do breaks/lunches work for hourly associates?

A: It is very dependent on the state you work in. Generally speaking hourly associates get a break or a lunch every 2 hours. In some states breaks are required by law, some states they are not. Many states require employers to give a lunch break if the associate is going to work 6 hours or more. So bottom line, take your lunch break if you are scheduled for one. You may receive a coaching/counseling (AKA write-up) if you skip a lunch because you may accidentally cause the company to break the labor laws surrounding lunches. 15-minute breaks are paid, lunch breaks are not paid. Search on myApron for "Timekeeping and Payroll" for specific requirements for the state you work in.

Q: What are the best shoes to wear?

A: Search on this sub for the keyword “shoes”. Dozens of posts and recommendations. Or you can make a new post to add to the pile.

Q: What is tuition reimbursement, where can I find out more?

A: Search on myApron for “Tuition Reimbursement”, it’s all laid out there. Short story: Home Depot will reimburse up to a certain amount for approved courses and expenses. The approved courses are typically business related, so no 16th century English literature degrees will be reimbursed. The program has some pretty firm requirements, make sure to read over carefully.

Q: What is ESPP and how does it work?

A: ESPP stands for Employee Stock Purchase Plan. It is managed by a 3rd party called Computershare. Plans run for six months and the enrollment period for the next plan ends a few weeks before it begins, so enroll early. During enrollment, you will choose a percentage of your paycheck that will go towards a stock purchase. The money deducted from your paycheck is set aside into what is essentially an escrow account. At the end of the plan you are enrolled in, the money is then used to purchase that amount of stock at a 15% discount, but you own the full value of the stock. To put it another way, it’s an immediate 15% gain on your money via that amount of stock. The stock is yours free and clear, even if you leave the company. Log in to our benefits website, livetheorangelife.com to learn more. If you have issues logging in, partner with your ASDS

Q: If I leave do, I get paid out for vacation time? What about PTO?

A: Yes, you will get paid out for your vacation time. PTO payouts are dictated by state law, search myApron for “Time off Benefits” and review for your state.

Q: Does PTO carry over from year to year?

A: Depends on your state and its laws. Search myApron for “Time off Benefits” and review for your state

Q: What is Home Depot policy on Marijuana use?

A: It is against company policy, even if it is legal in your state. Home Depot follows federal guidelines in regards to marijuana. Some stores in some states may no longer include THC in their testing, but it is murky… just like marijuana laws in the United States. Bottom line is if you test positive you're out. It is up to the associate if they want to risk employment, but do not seek a lift license and do not act as a spotter if you choose to partake. You could be held legally responsible if an accident occurs that causes injury. Don’t ever get on a lift if you choose that lifestyle.

Q: What if I notice someone doing something illegal or against our business code of conduct and ethics, and I don't want to go to management or it IS a member of management:

A: The awareline exists for these situations. You can call the 1-800 number to report unethical/illegal behavior. It is anonymous, but you will be recorded and the recording may/will be played back to leaders in your store/district/region. There is a portal to submit concerns to avoid a voice recording. Search myApron for "awareline" for the phone number or the portal.
Keep in mind the awareline is for illegal and unethical behaviors, not normal business practices that you may disagree with.

Pinnedby HDMan_ATLModeratorSSC
How to get people to stop climbing the lumber bunks

Had two separate incidents today where a customer was standing on top of the lumber digging around. First guy refused to get off despite me quoting safety, and before I got myself in trouble I left and told my supervisor that I already asked him to get off but he refused.

Next guy did get off but then his gf just said under her breath that the wood "is shit so we gotta get in it" I didn't reply but man.

Like any other store you can't climb into the merchandising displays. It's dangerous. A month ago we had a guy in the cantelievers. Like maaan you gonna get me fired.

"I'm sorry, we cannot tell customers to wait just because it is raining"? Enjoy your hay bales wet as fuck then <3

Got called to get some hay for a customer but it's raining real hard, although it seems like it will let up in a few minutes. Asked the cashier if they can let the customer know I will be there and if they want to wait until the rain is not as hard because while I do not mind the rain, no one wants wet hay bales. I got told they cannot tell that to the customer, so there I go. I walked out in the rain and the customer rushed behind me to their car and pulled up to the trailer. Got those hay bales out and they got wet pretty fast.

The customer and their bales are dripping, and they had to put them inside the car. Needless to say, they were not the least bit amused. Me? Inside the trailer waiting for rain to go away... Two minutes later, the rain let up. :)

To be fair, I am not asking the cashier to say it word-for-word that "Please wait since it's raining"? Just tell them something like "You can pull up beside the trailer whenever you're ready. No need to rush."????????????

Lowkey asshole-ish of me, I know, but hey, just did what I got told to do :)

Get rid of Bay Capture Metrics

I work D96 Lot as well as D21 Lumber as I am also lift equipment trained. Every Monday Morning when I come in at 5AM, the opening CXM always tells me to get started on Bay Capture for 6 Departments (Plumbing/Electrical/Kitchen/Garden/Blinds/Appliances).

The CXM is hated on by half of the associates in the store because he goes on a power trip every day. Everytime I try to take care of something that needs to be fixed like a safety issue in the overheads or packing down before 6AM when we open and contractors come slamming at us), he hears me on the reach and runs over to me and asks me what I am doing and then starts blasting some random nonsense at me and tells me to do Bay Capture.

For those of you who don't know, Bay Capture is an app on the first phones where you have to take a picture of the overheads to show what products we have in stock. I like the idea of the app, however recently Corporate added a metric and ruined Bay Capture. Now Management is getting on a bunch of associates to scan every bay in every department every Monday morning because Corporate has been pushing us to reach a certain percentage...

One time, I got called for Loading assistance for 60 cinderblocks at the pro canopy area and the CXM notices me loading a customer (which is my main part of my job duties as a Lot Tech), and tells me to go back to bay capture and let the customer do the loading himself, and I lose my mind because "Customers Come FIRST". I even told my CXM customers come first and he still got mad at me for helping a customer.

The Customer I was trying to help out ended up getting mad at the CXM...

This is not the first time this CXM has gotten on me. As previously he has been power tripping and micromanaging me for the past few months, and wondering almost every move I'm doing in the store.

I like the Idea of Bay Capture, it's useful to see what products we have in store. However adding a metric to it to ensure it's done every week is just awful. Next thing you know HD is gonna add a metric on how much customers we helped... like what??? Bay Capture should be done every time we bring something down or throw something up in the overheads.

We are already short staffed already, and with the amount of additional responsibilities on Monday Mornings for Management to make some associates do Supervisor level work just to reach a certain percentage is absurd. It's gotten repetitive over the past few weeks and I've gotten sick of it. Plus it's not even part of my Job responsibilities.

Usually I also help the opening OFA with deliveries going out because he is by himself all the time, and he missed so many deliveries because management made me waste time doing bay capture. Malicious Compliance is the name of the game folks.

All I can say is, keep the bay capture app. GET RID OF THE METRICS!!! It's a huge waste of time to make associates go around the whole store taking pictures of overheads for our entire shift!

End of Rant

Home Depot cutting hours

Why are my hours keep getting cutted

When I first bought a car, my hours was 30 hours a week before I bought it Then after I got the car The management only gave me 4 hours per a week

Fast forward

I took my first ever vacation Before my vacation I had 28 hours Now I came back And I’m literally looking at my hours each week fucking dropping

They only gave me 10 hours per a week

Why everytime when I do something they cut my hours off

30 hours to 4


28 hours to 10 hours

I’m so about to quit home depot tbh they waisted my time

Burned out

Hey guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I have just recently transferred into a new store, and so far everything has gone okay, this store has burned me out more compared to my old one, not to mention I was also just recently moved to a specialist position. It has also been tough trying to make new friends since I am in an entirely new area. While I have enjoyed learning new things, adjusting to my new role has been tough. I only say this because I was on the hard side for a while, and its been tough because a lot of the responsibilities have fallen on me since my coworkers have called out every now and again, and the staffing isn't too good. I am sure the same remains true of all stores. Often times I am the only one in the department, especially when traffic picks up. As far as the new position goes, I understand a lot of life involves learning through trial by fire, but I'm not happy about learning this way when its people's money that I am dealing with. If anything goes wrong with the installs or anything of that sort, the customer is bound to get upset because they're paying a lot of money to have something like that done, and then I am expected to have the solution. As mentioned above, I am still relatively new to my role, it's pretty intimidating. Not to mention I am also a lift equipment operator, so I am also called everywhere whenever people need a driver, I am the only one that gets sidekick done if my opener doesn't have it done before I come in for my shift. I'm sorry this is a lot to read. It just sucks that whenever I need help with something, everyone that I can ask is nowhere to be found, or too busy. For the time that I have been with this company, I have loved what I do (of course there have been blemishes), however with the new store, it's really taken that love out of me, and that makes me sad. With all of the new responsibilities and expectations that have been set for me, as well as barely any training, I have been dreading each shift, and I hate that for myself. Again, I am sorry that this is a long read but I have been feeling particularly overwhelmed lately.

Zero Turn Saga

I had to cover garden register yesterday and it was going fine until a guy asked me to call someone to help him with a zero turn mower. Our garden department is notorious for not answering calls or pages unless it is from the service desk or a mod. I tell the customer that if you go to the service desk they can grab someone for you because they won't answer any of my calls or pages. The service desk is super close to the garden register also. Customer asks me to call or page because he doesn't want to go to the service desk. I tell him I will try but there is a slim to none chance of actually getting someone in garden to answer. For about 20 minutes every 5 mins or so I called garden and made overhead pages to no avail. 15 mins into the ordeal one of the garden associates the old lady who waterers plants walks buy and I politely ask her if she can help the customer with the zero turn. I tell her that she doesn't have to help him load it just try and answer any questions he might have and to find a key and unlock it. She looks at me and tells me rudly "Managemnt wants me watering plants". I tell her it should only take five minutes and she goes " Management really wants me watering plants call one of the other garden associates" I politely tell her I have been trying for 15 mins but nobody is answering their phones. She says "I apologize but these plants have to be watered". She fast walked out of there without saying anything else. The guy looks at me and goes wow does this happen alot. I tell him that unfortunately this is typical garden associate behavior unless a manager or the service desk calls them. Guy apologized for being rude and said he would go to the service desk. Guy comes back 20 mins later and tells me that withn 5 mins of the service desk calling a garden associate two of them were with him and helped him.

Any reason to fire us??Targeted? Management too??The whole store???

So not so recently I felt like I was being heavily targeted at work with disciplinary action and write ups for the most unimportant things. Now I’ve seen people here who are higher ups who have been saying the same thing and are getting the exact same treatment. It is all trickling down to one Management Associate who has been screwing us. My store is going down in a ball of flames and I’m here for it LMFAO. Everyday it seems like I hear “this person who worked here for years is leaving” in the span of just 2 months.

For context lets say ever DH/ASM you have is stepping down/leaving completely.


I’m literally so scared now that I feel like I have to follow every direction to a T. Ever Policy.Every small task. Ever stupid thing that they said in orientation that literally no one cared about cause it made no sense.

Yes even over reaching will get you written up. Yes even if management asks you to get a box down and you forgot or don’t do it right then and there. Write up. I’ve seen it lol.

I really hope the next person that gets fired sues cause this has got to be targeted in some way. I’ve been hearing there technically overstaffed but skeleton crew every day and give part timers shit hours. There looking for anyway to save a buck and it shows.

If all the managers around you are telling you this is wrong and don’t wanna associate with you, you need to change.

Just a rant cause I feel like my job is a soap opera at times and so glad I can watch it go down and technically not be apart of it lol.

Hour limits

I think we need to start a petition or something to get corporate to stop limiting our hours because this is just fucking ridiculous we are constantly getting screwed on our scheduling because corporate refuses to give us enough hours for the store to where we can get proper coverage. This is one of the most successful and biggest companies in the world worth over 350 billion dollars there's not a single goddamn reason other than corporate greed that every store should not be allotted enough hours to where every employee could work a full 40-hour work week if they pleased. Every department in our store is understaffed to hell and we are in the busiest time of the year there is no reason for this and I think that we should start a mass petition to try and force corporate to stop being such greedy ass holes and give us the hours we need as well they need to allow us to hire enough people to get the cut proper covers that we need cuz our department needs at least one or two more people and that's just our department the rest of the store has major staffing issues as well that could be helped if they would just give us proper hours and let us hire more people.

Does anyone have any suggestions for shoes and/or insoles that can help

My hips and feet are so sore from standing all day and I need new shoes. I got shoes that like nurses that are on their feet for 12 hours recommended but those aren’t really working

What should I do with this peculiar state of affairs?

I worked really hard at HD for 2 years, and I value my place here, however I want to quit now because I have other plans I don't want to express to the management or anybody around me, and I want to leave on a good note. But my when i went to talk to my ASDS, he thought this discussion needed a "good sit down" which never happened.. later other associates keep coming upto me and asking me as to if im leaving and why, and why not see a career at homedepot.. i made up a story that i want to work in corporate so they get off my back but they showed me the myTHDHR has this opportunity where normal folks like me can work at Corporate and get paid good dough! But knowing how the training videos were, and how completely selfish the company policies are I mainly have 2 questions:

  1. Wasn't talking to my ASDS a private matter because I did talk to him without anybody around and then the entire store knew?
  2. If i submit my resume, can I climb up the ladder at HD Corporate?
    • If yes, has there been a case of the sort? How did they do that? How was the interview? Do they consider your past experiences and education? Do they have specific ethnic preferences in the Corporate? And how long is the process from Store Associate to Corporate Associate?
    • If no, why not? Have there been resumes and people shot down previously? What have they been told about why they have been rejected?

I'll be happy if anyone can help me with real world examples so I can forsee my future accordingly. I have MBA and experience in HR but during Covid i lost my job and had to start work here, now I have something amazing lined up and I want to go about it. Thank you in advance.

Is Home Depot cutting hours like Lowes?

I worked as a cashier/customer service/fulfillment associate at Lowe's for a year part-time while I am in school, however, I just left due to severe hour cuts. Literally went from ~25-30 hours a week all the way down to 10-14 hours a week. Everyone who works part-time at any Lowe's location is experiencing this. Applied to Home Depot for the heck of it and got accepted through the online hiring process... are y'all cutting hours too? Am I just going to end up having the same issue?

wrong order and now the manager doesn't want to admit their mistake and replace the unit with the right one.

Hey, I own an appliance repair company that offers our customers new units with installation too. we bought our new unit from Home Depot and installed it for the customer. A couple of days ago we ordered a stained steel dishwasher but the associate submitted the wrong order and we received a white color unit. we went back after 4 days to the store to try to replace it with the right one. the manager of the store denied any wrongdoing and refused any solution, now we end up with a dishwasher that we don't need and we have to order another one for our customer, I would like some help here resolving this issue ASAP, please.

Injured at work

A couple weeks ago I was at work and a ripping pain went through my back after a few hours. I worked the rest of my shift, went home. Next day, it's slightly better but gets much worse throughout the day. It was reported.

Also the next day, SM casually asks how I'm doing today. I said fine. SM says, great come to the office to close out your workers comp claim. I said, I'd prefer not to, my back does still hurt. Idk if I will need to seek medical care.

Today, my back still hurts & it's getting worse. I have not missed work but I'm living on a Tylenol ibuprofen cocktail. Obviously, I am injured.

I've only worked here a couple years & very part time. My SM is a petty bitch. I've known her to laugh at people behind their backs after reprimanded them or because of some weird quirk they may have.

Anyways, I asked around about retaliation for seeking medical care. One old timer said the store is fined $40K by corporate for each claim requiring medical care. He said not to seek care, gave my the name of a chiropractor & suggested I see them and pay cash. I have no extra money!

He did get me thinking about it & a good chiro adjustment would probably solve my problem. How can I go to the doctor and ensure my hours aren't cut or other forms of retaliation? Its bad enough I am looking for another job, just in case. I can't keep living with this pain.

Is the store really fined by corporate? Will getting treatment ruin our safety days? How can I proactively protect myself from retaliation? What would you do?

I have 7 occurrences since my coaching

I got put on a coaching in November. A couple months after I went on mat leave for 14 weeks. 4 of these occurrences were racked up before I went on leave & I’ve had 3 more since I’ve been back. It’s been giving me crazy anxiety, so I just need some clarification. They CANNOT fire me for attendance since they haven’t moved me to a counseling or final, correct? I have no idea how I have been allowed to rack up this many, and I have watched 3 associates get fired for attendance in the past month so it’s a little nerve racking. Granted those associates did get fired after being put on a final already. (Yes I know I did it to myself. Some things are out of your control when you have kids & working in flooring 9 months pregnant, I’m bound to call out a little more than normal)

What are your thoughts about the future of this company?

Seems like 5 to 10 years ago, the future seemed relatively stable, but after Red Decker took over, things started to go downhill very quickly. For the first time ever, I saw people that had worked their way up from stores all the way to corporate be laid off, and I'm talking about people with 10 to 30 years tenure, laid off with no plan of rehiring, no path back into the company or it's a different roles... It was shocking to me as someone who is only been here for 3 years. How could they lay off people who had given their lives to the company? But I guess that's just business nowadays. I just never thought it would happen to this company specifically, because it has happened so rarely, like, people don't really get laid off often.

I've also noticed that the caliber of workers at the SSC has gone down dramatically too. On the last team I was on, we hired someone in it was a requirement to no BigQuery, Excel, SQL. They said confidently that they knew all three of them. 6 months into the roll, they were struggling on doing simple things like vlookups. I thought we were making sure when hiring people that we wanted them to be familiar with that and comfortable. This person was throwing a fit, basically saying that this is not what they signed up for, if they have to keep doing such analytical work they're just going to go somewhere else. I was shocked. Someone who blatantly lied just to get into the position, throwing a fit because they had to do their job and use the tool that they said they are proficient in.... I've seen this a lot lately. People who don't really know what they're doing. Is this the future for us? Just integrate AI and have a bunch of people who don't know what they're doing at all using it?

Plywood mishap

So throwaway account bc I know corporate is probably keeping tabs on usernames and I don't wanna take chances but I need some advice.

I dropped one of the green edged sheets of plywood on the top of one of my feet, pretty much in the middle of the foot. The whole sheet probably weighed less than 10lbs total but it still gave me a hematoma and sent me home early. I immediately reported it, but the issue is that I'm afraid to seek medical assistance because I was told I had to tell them if I did and that they'd insist on a drug test and I happen to smoke pot on a regular basis. Would I lose my job if I get it checked out? I can walk pretty normally, how the bruising looks 2 days later is worrying me though and I'd like to get it checked out if possible but I just can't risk losing my job right now. I've been icing, elevating, using an ACE bandage for gentle compression and I've been staying off of it as much as I can to try and take care of it myself asbest I can as well.

A teensy tiny pet peeve of mine

Is that a lot of HD associates seem to refer to the length of a shift as the hours you get paid as opposed to the hours that you're there for. An unpaid half doesn't change the fact that I get there at 1PM and leave at 9:15PM. This is such a random nonissue but it's the only place I've ever worked where people talk like this.

Hit by car in lot - possibly getting fired

So I was in the lot doing lot stuff when I saw 2 service desk people tryna load a giant box of idk what that into a pickup. They were struggling with it so it hurried over and threw it in the truck.

There were 4 associates and a customer standing behind the pickup. I took a step back after loading to say “that’s not going anywhere” and thud - some dummy backed out of a room parking spot and hit me. I didn’t fall or get run over, thank god he stoped. I instantly turned around to see what I walked into and when I realized it was a car I yelled at the dude saying something like what the fuck and flipped him off - basically how I’d normally react to a stupid driver. Immediately I just turned and walked away back inside to find my supervisor and tell him. Didn’t even look back at the dude. I got a little bump off adrenaline but calmed down right after yelling at the car. Driver DID NOT stop to see if I was ok and I didn’t look back to see if he ran off. No I didn’t take a photo or try and follow him or anything.

About an hour later after telling my supervisor management calls me to the back and wants to talk. They don’t even ask if I’m hurt. They only cared about the part where I swore at the dude and flipped him off. I told them I didn’t feel anything hurting at the moment and nor did I fall but it did startle the heck out of me. I didn’t know it was a car till I turned around, some short compact car.

It was the end of my shift by the time we got done talking so they said come talk to us first thing after your day off. When I went to neither of the two managers who told me to come find them were there. Talked to another manager who said oh I’ll text them and they said just wait for them. The next day neither of them call for me, but I randomly bump into one of them in receiving. I ask about our prior convo and he says they are still waiting on hr to review and it doesn’t usually take this long.

Coworkers are saying very deferent things, some saying I’m definitely getting booted, others are saying I could potentially sue for “reacting like any normal human would in a stressful or traumatic situation” if I do get fired. Others saying I’ll be completely fine. I’m betting on getting fired tho.

Also I recently reported an injury that I had been withholding out of fear of getting fired in retaliation. I only let them know because I re-injured my knee and it was too much to walk on. They were extremely mad and multiple managers pressured me to downplay it and say the previous injury was unrelated or to not mention that it ever happened. They also pressured me not to seek medical because of the osha fines.

What’s y’all’s opinion / advice Yes I’m looking for another job frantically

UPDATE: if I remember correctly they did not give me my copy of the incident report. Idk if that’s something I can use.


So long, and thanks for all the fish...

Well, it's happened. Exactly one week before my 3 year anniversary, I have resigned. Lots of managers in my store. Only 2 or 3 real leaders. And now, 1 fewer. I've run D93, D21/22/25, and D42/78. I've given this company everything I have for 3 years. The culture has become anything but, plan is only going up despite YoY misses, success sharing is a thing of the past, and leadership is far more interested in writing up decent performers than teaching, guiding, and celebrating associates. I got a write up for job poor performance, because they couldn't hire a tech at such low pay, and the down tools list had too many criticals. I taught myself small engine repair and got it down to 3 off site, and I still got a final. For context, we were the number 2 TRC in the district, within $1k of the largest store's actual rental fees for the half, and with the lowest markdown spending and the highest Damage Waiver attachment rate. The number 1 store does $800k more per week in foot traffic alone. We were just that good.
I also developed the number 1 comping PASA team in the district, each doing about 70k/wk just on assigned accounts, and twice that on complex Pro orders. I organized DH meetings every Wednesday to discuss how weekly objectives are going and to offer one another help and insight. Not one of my associates ever went 30 days without recognition, and I held department meetings and 1:1s consistently so that my teams were always on the same page. But no tech=no excuse because, "You've still got a business to run." Ok, guys. But isn't hiring your job? I learned how to tech. But I have a PRO business to run, too, and that takes priority over TRC, especially with the superb numbers we're putting up even without a FT technician.

I've got so much opportunity within 5 minutes of my house in the DFW suburbs, most of which start at ~$25k/yr more than THD would pay even after 5 more years and a few more promotions. I don't know why I thought we could turn that store's culture around if we just believed in it and lived the values- the SM is a disrespectful, dismissive, millennial with a huge chip on her shoulder. I'm a war veteran who doesn't tolerate blatant disrespect from, or toward, anyone. The AWARE Line was recently called by about 75% of the store, and the DHRM came in to investigate. She basically rounded up all of the complainants about the SM and asked for details, and then management has been writing us all up one by one ever since. HA! But good luck proving it, because nothing is connected, on paper. So... final? Nah, I'm good. Time to fire my leadership team, and go join a decent one somewhere else. I'm told all of retail has gotten this bad since covid. I hope this changes, but for now it's back to warehouse logistics and operations management, for this guy. Good luck to all of you true believers out there, the future of the company is in your hands. Take care of your people and protect them from toxic leadership, at least until you can't anymore.

New Rental system (Clear)

Fellow rental peeps how many customer do you have that either have complained more than normal or just put right refuse to deal with the new system? We've had quite a few, and we all are really now a fan of it. We've lost multiple customers because of it, but when they do go through it, it makes the whole process take a lot longer. That's what we've seen with it anyways I'm curious how it's been for other places?