Female. Twice daily - once before bed and once when I wake up. And sometimes during the day if I get super sweaty. I sweat a lot though.

Welp I check 3 of those 4 boxes. Scary times ahead.

As a huge dog lover and owner of multiple dogs… I don’t understand people this obsessed with their dogs and think it’s appropriate to bring them to obviously inappropriate places for a dog. The entitlement is insane.

Everyday I’m still shocked by how stupid people are.

Props for the Peter griffin reference. I wish more people used that phrase.

Depending on how small your feet are you could always try kids. I got boys hiking boots in muted colors… plus it was half the price

I waited for an hour for a guy to pick something up. He messages me 4 days later saying “hey sorry I didn’t come by on Monday. I didn’t feel like it.”

My step daughter started flying on her own at 13. You can get an escort pass to accompany them to the gate until the plane takes off. Then the receiving parent can get a pass to meet them at the gate upon arrival.

Omg I love this Reddit. I’m new to birding and this is brand new information for me. Now I’m fascinated!

Was the shadow walking towards the house (when dawn tried to resurrect her) actually Joyce?

My sister in law a while after their wedding said “how’d you like the flowers at our wedding?” And everyone was like “uhhh great?” Turns out she didn’t even have flowers and no one even noticed