I meant throwing away perfectly good food is stupid. I do understand the policy though.

I think it's the one for one of the side quests.

Your boss may be horrible but I know that it's policy in some restaurants to throw away food. It's supposed to be a deterrent to employees "accidentally" ordering food incorrectly when they're hungry or getting their friends to order food and never pick it up so they can take it home. Stupid, I know but it is what it is.

You're right, the flash drive was made using the bible and Barrett's documents by Justin Walsh, the Intelligence expert Mark Sweeney was referred to after at the mid season finale. Those numbers turned out to be the federal ID numbers of all the agents working in the secret organization. All they had to do was, to quote Brennen, "turn those numbers into names and turn those names into corpses".

They said in one of the episodes that it was encrypted to hell. They'd need a super computer to duplicate it. As far as the bible, it was only part of the code. You could've had as many copies of it as you wanted but only Barrett had the appropriate files to go with it. Without it, the bible was worthless.

Here's how I did it: First, pick up the 3 swords in the room, They're around the perimeter so you should be able to get them without waking it. Then, throw both bombs as close as you can to its weak spot and detonate when you're ready. After that, use your bombs to blow up its arms. The Talus will then throw itself to the ground to regenerate them and that's when you jump on its back and go to town on the weak spot. Keep in mind that you'll only have a limited amount of time before it throws you off so make sure you jump off before then. Simply rinse and repeat until it's dead.

The best advice I can give you is to not use the wing in your builds. They're the quickest to despawn out of all the Zonai devices.

I always buy Shoes for Crews. The ones I have on right now I've had for 2 years and I've worn them pretty much every day.

Maybe just get a job at a different bakery. I ran into plenty of bakeries while I was looking for work a few months ago and none of them were offering $10 an hour.

Before I left my old job, they spent a shit load of money remodeling the warehouse. Not to mention all the money they paid us to work overtime for 3 weeks straight when they could've just had the builders come in at night when we were closed. At the end of it, it was basically the same. The dumbest part of it all was that they made the aisles narrower and they insisted that only a specific forklift can be used even though only 1 person was certified to use that specific forklift. Dumber still, is the fact that the regular forklifts could easily be used in the aisles, yet they insisted that we had to do it the "correct" way. I'm so glad I left.

I was just about to make this joke about the newly promoted manager at my old job lol

No problem, I've always wondered if even someone who likes degradation can have their feelings hurt.

With restaurants, it's always best to fill out an application in person. Preferably during the slow hours. Unless they specify that you need to fill out the application online. If you're lucky and they're desperate enough, you can probably get an interview on the spot.

Personally, I always scramble them in a cup. However, I have seen many people (particularly online) just scramble them in the pan.

It's a completely different game when it comes to gameplay and mechanics. They can be a bit tricky to get down and to fully master but it's just so much fun and the story is so good. The story is basically . Plus, you can play as many different characters and each one has their own fighting style. I would definitely recommend it but maybe watch some let's playa of it first to make sure you're interested.

Yeah that last one is a bit tricky. As I said originally, it's not on the surface. Let me know if you would like a more specific hint.

Well you said 13 Gleeoks, there's 14 in told. 3 Frost, 3, Thunder, 4 Flame, 3 King Gleeoks plus the 1 in the depths. If you got the one in the Depths then I bet you missed the 4th Flame Gleeok.

Chime has a limit of how much you can withdraw per day and per month. Plus, you have to deal with the individual ATM withdrawal limits. That being said, the best way to do it is to use your ATM map to find a few ATM's in your route and stop at them on your home or work or wherever you need to go.

The guy in the bottom right corner is rapper Ludacris One of his earliest and most popular songs is called "Move Btch". The lyrics read "Move btch, get out the way" which is the appropriate(?) response when you've politely said excuse me twice but someone is still in your way.