Now show me slave Leia and "Totally not trying to seduce this Jedi" AotC Padme.

Now show me any Twi'lek.


Rapiers also have a point, which is primarily what it's designed for. The point of using a rapier is as a stabbing weapon, not really something you'd use for decapitating someone.

Yes, but my point was that lightsabers are not really that similar to rapiers at all. They both can stab, but lightsabers bind differently, have different ranges, and can cut at any angle.

And a lot of lightsaber choreography - particularly the Prequels - borrows from Rapier fighting, see Count Dooku's encounter with Anakin and Obi-Wan on Genosis.

Count Dooku's choreography borrows some from rapier fighting but not really that much. In all his fights, he uses large sweeping cuts primarily and only ocassionaly delves into the wrist/finer movements you see in rapier fighting.

Go back and re-watch that Genosis fight and compare it to a rapier HEMA spar and you will see they are not very similar at all.


Rapier HEMA:

Terrible build

Do you mean "Normal build?" Not everyone wanted to minmax the shit out of every aspect of the game, but I guess now we gotta.

It is called a sword, but a sword has an edge, which affects how it should be wielded effectively. Because every surface on a lighsaber is an edge, the proper use of a lightsaber is much different from traditional techniques. (There are lots of other differences, but this is a big one.)

Also, Shad is not, in any way, an expert on swords, swordfighting, or fight choreography, so this whole argument is essentially a moot point.

You literally didn't, you said he must either be a grifter or a bad person

It is so fucking embarassing that you STILL can't accurately name the two options I have provided.

You don't feel confident enough to call him a grifter or a bad person, so you're hoping conflation of the two will work but it doesn't.

That is not what is happening. I am simply saying that it must necessarily be one or the other.

Absolutely no conflation is occurring.

This is the first part where your analogy falls apart, it has not been demonstrated that what you're saying is true.

The whole point was just to show you that not being able to prove one or the other does not disprove both. Nothing more. I tried to make it as basic as possible so you could understand that, and you STILL didn't get it.

I genuinely think you do not have the cognitive ability to understand my arguments, so I am just going to leave it at that.

You are not worth talking to.

Edit: I cannot compel a moron to recognize logic, it is true.

There isn't, in fact there's so little you aren't willing to argue for either in particular.

I literally did, explaining why his views make no actual sense.

If you don't even feel like you have enough evidence to say with conviction that he's a grifter. I can be pretty confident he's not a grifter.

Then you would have to believe he is a moron.

With the nonsensical views he espouses, he is either a moron who believes them or a grifter who is just trying to make money.

To say that you're not confident enough with either of these individual statements, but you are confident it's gotta be one of the two, shows that there's an error in your argument.

No, it doesn't, and those aren't even the two options I mentioned.

Fucking hell, please pay attention.

If you can narrow something down to two options, but do not have enough data to definitively choose one over the other, it does not suddenly mean that neither option is possible.

Here's an example of how that works:

I give you a box. I truthfully tell you the box has either a baseball, a tennis ball, or a bowling ball in it. You can see that the box is too small for a bowling ball, but nothing you do gives you definitive proof that would eliminate the tennis ball or the baseball.

In that scenario, you know it must either be the baseball or the tennis ball. There is no error in that, just because the final conclusion between the two remaining options cannot be drawn.

But I'm glad we could come to the conclusion that you don't have substantial evidence that he's either a grifter or a bad person

That's not what I said at all. There is substantial evidence that he is either a grifter or a moron. You are just refusing to acknowledge it.

I am not going to hold your hand and walk you through it when you are obviously just willfully ignorant.

They are, essentially, different things entirely.

Edge alignment is probably the single most important aspect when it comes to sword fighting, and lightsabers lack this feature completely.

A lightsaber is probably most effectively wielded like a stick in Arnis/Escrima.

Also, my secondary point was that whether or not a lightsaber is a sword is a moot point because Shad is not an expert in swords or swordfighting. His opinions are uneducated/misinformed.

How would I know?? I don't know Shad's inner thoughts.

My point is that both are bad. He is either a grifter or a moron. In either case, he is not someone who should be respected.

You are ignoring that, while they are swords, lightsabers function completely differently than traditional swords because of their unique mechanics.

In the same way that a rapier is completely different than a katana, a lightsaber must also be considered as its own case. Lack of edge alignment, different balance, locking binds, being able to turn it on/off, all these things would have a huge effect on lightsabers vs traditional swords.

And, again, Shad is not an expert on swords or sword combat. Actual experts, both from historians and HEMA fencers, have repeatedly refuted many of his theories.

Yes, that is why I literally said he is either a grifter who doesn't believe it or a moron who does believe it...

I very specifically put forward two exclusive scenarios. Thank you for noticing.

That post included three things, he thinks Hollywood is communist, games workshop is communist, and wheel of time is heterophobic.

Nothing there suggests grifting or being a bad person.

All of those suggest he is either a grifter or a moron.

Hollywood and Games Workshop are both insanely capitalist. They are corporations that put profit above pretty much everything else.

Wheel of Time is not heterophobic. Including gay people is not heterophobic.

If he genuinely holds these beliefs, he is a moron.

If he does not, and is just parroting the beliefs because they make money, he is a grifter.

Pretty much all fight choreography is "bad" when slowed down. That is because fight choreography is not actual real fighting.

Lightsabers are a type of sword, idiot. They literally have the exact same function as a sword.

They have the same function, but that does not mean they function the same.

A sword has one or two cutting edges and binds are dynamic/quick.

A lightsaber's entire length in every direction is a cutting surface and binds seem to lock in.

There is also different weight, different momentum, and the on/off feature to think about.

Also, Shad is a moron when it comes to actual sword combat, to the point where he has serious issues with the HEMA community because they call him on his bullshit.

I won't "admit" it because your introduction to the series is obviously heavily filtered through a prequel lens. The fact that you essentially just parrot prequel fanboy opinions is only further proof.

I first watched the movies starting with the prequels around 2013 or 2014 and the fandom was overwhelmingly positive about the prequels at the time. Prequel memes was actually what originally caught my interest and when I talked to fans online they recommended it and I was a loyal fan until TLJ.

If you do not understand how this predisposes you towards a nostalgic view of the prequels, then you are just incapable of objectively measuring your potential for bias.

I did not say nostalgia was the only reason you liked it. I said it played a role. It does play a role in your view of the PT.

Your introduction to SW was the PT. Your youngest interaction was with the PT. You first found a community in the fandom with the PT.

If you cannot accept that this has affected your opinions, then you are just denying reality.

Hell, nostalgia positively affects my view of the PT, and I don't even think they are good films.

I think you missed the point of the post, which is that the PT was not well received by the majority of viewers at release and that trying to deny that is simply denying reality.

You were 18 when TLJ came out, which is the first one you mention really having an issue with. It is not really surprising that you were looking at those films more critically than when you were 13.

And, to be clear, it is fine that you have opinions, but pretending nostalgia does not play a role in the PT resurgence is just silly.

You got into SW with the prequels at a formative era and interacted with the fandom through the prequels. It makes sense that you would have positive associations with them.

You did not grow up with them as much as someone who watched them at 4 or 5, but you did grow up with them.

Also, nostalgia does not require your personality to be formed by a piece of media, it is usually just that you associate something with a simpler time, when your emotions were less dulled by the drudge monotony of adulthood.

I just said I didn’t grow up with them

I know... I was addressing this "the fandom was overwhelmingly positive about the prequels at the time" part when talking about nostalgia.

I first watched when I was around 13 or 14

Also, this counts as growing up with them...

Also those younger generations had no access to the internet cuz they were kids and thus couldn’t express their love for the prequels leaving only the haters and OT fanboys able to voice their opinions.

Yes, literal children liked the prequels and then grew up with nostalgia for them. That is my point.

And it was not just "haters and OT fanboys." There weren't really haters before the prequels came out and OT fanboys were excited for the prequels until they came out.

It was everyone, fans, critics, average joe's, etc., who were all pretty much in agreement that the prequels were not good.

Yeah, 10 years after they came out, the kids who grew up with them have nostalgia for them. That is not surprising.