/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

you're very welcome.

I'm open to tweaking it, but we try to balance between keeping trolls at bay and "new account makes one comment that eats two downvotes and suddenly can't post anymore"

We like to err on the side of "let people post and users will report the bad stuff"

There also more filters at play (crowd control for community karma etc) and reddit has introduced a new user "contributor quality score" automod setting that I haven't had a chance to test out yet.

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

we do have a karma filter. setting that to a positive amount is a bit of a catch-22 because one single downvote will trigger auto removals.

the second one is not something automod is capable of.

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

This account is 7 months old. Our karma filter could be higher, but we do have new account / karma limits in place.

How strict would you like the filters?

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

you can help by using the report button

r/Seattle Golden Gardens Meetup - 6/8/24 @ 3pmAnnouncement

It's been a while since we did one of these...

Our next official meetup is happening June 8th at 3:00 p.m. - at Golden Gardens park!

RSVP on discord and/or use our google form: https://forms.gle/g5nAHUGinRH7a9hK9

If you've been to one of our bigger meetups in the past (previously labeled Global Reddit Meetup Day, when Reddit was still a fun company) - welcome back! Not much has changed about how these work, but I'll repeat the info below for the new folks.

For those of you new to our meetups, it's a way we engage with the community by hosting an outdoor picnic / potluck / hangout every year (sometimes multiple times a year - check our discord for more events). Here are the important details:

  • Who: Everyone is welcome! This event is free, and anyone can join. It's run jointly by our subreddit mods and our discord, and is a great way to meet people and maybe make some new friends
  • What: think of it as an outdoor hangout. Company picnic vibes but way more relaxed and more dogs (usually). Bring your friends, roommates, four-legged friends, food/drinks, blankets, outdoor activities, etc.
  • When: June 8th at 3 p.m. until park close. Rain or shine, we'll be there! If weather sucks, depending on turnout we may move to a nearby bar or indoor venue, or we'll just play in the rain. It is Seattle, after all.
  • Where: We'll be meeting at Golden Gardens (shelter 1) . Post in the day-of event thread or on our discord if you need help finding folks. We should have a big `r/seattle` banner, but either way we'll make sure people can find us.

Those are most of the important things, so if you read no further please just get these details and we hope to see you there! For communication about the event:

  • We will make a new thread on the day of the event and link it here.
  • If you're on discord and want notifications, we have an event setup on our server to ping members who RSVP. If you haven't been to our server yet, please stop by and say hello!
  • Please use this thread and our discord to coordinate with other users if you're planning on bringing things, so we don't end up with everyone bringing the same Costco food item.

Some other (still important) notes:

  • At Golden Gardens parking is TIGHT. Please use transit, rideshare, or carpool if you can, parking spots here fill up quick and the lots are always chaos. There is more parking up the hill towards Ballard and down the street on Seaview. You're welcome to coordinate rides with other users but please do so at your own risk.
  • You are responsible for who and what you bring. Technically it is illegal to consume alcoholic beverages and other substances at Seattle parks. Just remember, you are ultimately responsible for yourself, we only ask that you make good decisions.
  • Similar to the above, Seattle parks do not permit amplified audio devices. Small bluetooth speakers are likely ok if you want to play some music, but do so at your own risk. Again, please make good decisions.
  • Things we'll provide:
    • Nametags
    • A few grills to cook (these are public outdoor grills, so keep that in mind)
    • Light snacks, water, sodas, etc.
  • Things people usually bring:
    • A blanket, tarp, or chair (and something to weigh it down if it's windy)
    • A small cooler or bag of food and drinks for yourself and any to share with others if you wish
    • Your LEASHED dog if they're friendly and enjoy other people (and other dogs). There's going to be a lot of random internet friends and likely doggos around, so if your four-legged friend is reactive or shy it might be best to leave them at home.
    • Outdoor activities fit for the beach - frisbee, soccer/football, kites, etc.

Please let me know in this thread (or on discord) if you have any questions or if there's anything I left out. Hope to see you there!

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

We appreciate you reporting them, it helps us a ton.

Also as a general note, please exercise extreme caution sending random folks money on the internet

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

We've been watching at KJ's on Olive - not that far up the hill

I'll try and get a few people out for game 6 Saturday, DM me if you're around

If you're not gonna thank them at least give a lil' wave of acknowledgement

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

We need a `tipping` post flair

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

damn I kinda wish reddit awards were still a thing

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

Declaring that you wish for others to be harmed (especially in a violent way) is, in fact, a rule violation.

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

Read the link with text from the original post. This isn't the win you think it is.

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

The issue is not "deleting stories", the issue is that everyone who posts nonstop about crime seems to have an issue following reddiquette and our rules regarding post titles and editorialization outside of comments.

These are rules as old as reddit, and I'm not going to dive into why I think this isn't just a coincidence, but when legit news articles get removed this is usually the reason why .

Edit to clarify:

I'm not specifically referring to this user posting continuously, I'm referring to the fact that almost always "news posts about crime" that get removed - are removed because of breaking this rule, not because of some hidden agenda.

I'll eat my karma but I'm adding the original post text here, bolded context mine, which we deemed a violation of reddit's rules against inciting or glorifying violence, as well as our rule "Be Good":

So tired of this. What do we do as a community to end this garbage, right here and right now, besides slamming our cars in full reverse on these clowns?

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

From the original post text that was removed, just so everyone is aware why it was removed:

So tired of this. What do we do as a community to end this garbage, right here and right now, besides slamming our cars in full reverse on these clowns?

This is absolutely in violation of our rules.

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

aw, thank you I didn't even realize

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

Pinning this because I like the sassy discussion and honestly it's time we had this talk.

Keep in mind for every post you see we've already removed 2-3 duplicates. We're also looking for solutions.

BTW if you wanna help us overhaul the wiki (I think it'll help) hit me up or whatever

/r/:kraken:eattle Hockey Guy

Sorry Tony, our subreddit does have rules against self-promotion.

The mods (at least I) admire you and appreciate what you do - but out of fairness to everyone we restrict users from advertising for their own businesses.

I'll leave this post up so folks can find your subreddit; I'm also starting a conversation with the mod team (and our discord) about creating a space for self-promotional type posts from local businesses or groups - whether through a weekly reddit post or forum channel on discord.

We want our users to find cool local stuff but we also want to protect them from advertising and spam, which is the reason for one of our longest-standing rules.