Crypto was never meant to revolutionize currency. It's a tool for shifting around dark money and making the wealthy wealthier.

For everyone else, it's just a more degenerate way of gambling.

Crypto has always been and always will be a scam, regardless of some people's luck.

Honor of kings has 150 million CN players, I think they'll survive.

If you're asking if the new regions will be competitive, no. They're almost never competitive outside of fps games.

Best freshwater fish. They've got fat, it makes the meat buttery.

You're insufferable. Do you have friends?

I'd argue that I contributed more to this entire conversation than you have, but it's really not that big of a deal.

Lastly, click beetles are extremely interesting animals, and showcasing their ability can be a great, harmless way to get children interested in insect conservation.

I take issue with them being forced to do it over and over in quick intervals like this, but it's still fascinating to see what these animals have evolved to do.

You're just boring and clearly looking to be offended.

You got called out for being flat out wrong about what I said, and now you're embarrassed.

It's okay, buddy. I'll be your friend, I'll teach you how to lighten up.

Calm down, high horse.

Clearly covered the whole "abusing insects is animal abuse" thing by clearly stating as much.

Then, I explained why they think so lightly of insects by addressing that its really just a weird caste system we have for them.

While also differentiating between eating meat and actively abusing animals.

So I think I managed to cover my bases.

Eating meat is not abused, and sustaining yourself doesn't make you automatically complicit.

Abusing an insect is still animal abuse. It's just overlooked bc they aren't cute.

Think about it like this, if someone rips the wings off of a fly, no one cares. Add butter to the name, and all of a sudden, you're a monster.

Also, slaughtering animals for meat consumption is different than doing so for personal enjoyment. (I know nothing died in this video. You took it to death, so I'm staying in that realm)

You ain't lying, I'm a southerner who just wants catfish, but it's all haddock here.

Also, all CNY people seem to be grossed out by catfish. It's the darnedest thing.

Yep. This is about Iran and her proxy forces, not a budding friendship.

As it turns out, most Middle Eastern nations are under some threat of Iran, and they do not like that so they're moving towards the west while also lightening up on the demonizing. Gotta sell the move to your citizens, after all.

Both my country (USA) and Israel have committed acts of terrorism. You are correct.

This does not make me, as a citizen, a terrorist.

I wouldn't say terrorism is ever justified, but it is perfectly explainable. the over a century of mistreatment of the Kurds at the hands of the Turks will build the kind of resentment that leads to terrorism.

We live in a world of cause and effect.

Where did I say math was too difficult?

I'll save you time, I didn't.

Saying you struggle with something is a factual statement, not a complaint.

Past all of that. This post is literally about a man who couldn't do math but had an injury that allowed him to see math.

Math clicking when I need it is definitely more on topic than your response of being a dick to me for no reason.

Oh, I know. No meaningful reform will ever happen because of police unions.

They should be abolished, but hey, I can't do that either.

Since the 80s? It's probably a toss-up.

That conveniently ignores a lot of history of the Turks killing/displacing Kurds. You know the thing that leads to the PKK existing.

Look, my country has also built up bad guys by being bad themselves. It does not excuse either side, but I won't pretend that the Turkish government is an innocent party when they are very clearly not.

I'm unaware of the complaint.

I made an observation about math as it pertains to myself. That's not a complaint about math.

Is there a subreddit for reading comprehension memes?

If you can't think critically at all stages of the job, you shouldn't be a cop.

If a soldier can think critically when at war, a cop can do it at all times.

Literally, there is no excuse, and I feel no sympathy for people who can't do the job. Fire them, find someone who can.

Their livelihoods don't matter when their job is to serve the public. Doing a bad job means people get hurt. So get the ones who make dumb decisions out.

Interestingly enough, suicide by cop is also more likely than a cop being murdered.

You're far more likely to be killed by police than you are to die as a police officer.

It's not a bad idea. It would mean more safety precautions all around, including better equipment for officers (please, god, at least a year of training) .

Cops should be held to a much higher standard than Joe on the street.

All of this being said, I'll offer up one more partial solution that I think would be dynamite.

Get rid of qualified immunity and take the money cities would be on the hook for out of the entire pension.

You fuck up? Well, you just cost all of your coworkers thousands of dollars in retirement. Sucks to suck, be better next time.

Homie, millions of people abide by a similar ROE just fine in way more dangerous conditions, and the best part is, it allows time for critical thinking to take place and better decisions to be made.

Cops really don't have that dangerous of a job, though. In fact, it's safer than being a crossing guard.

I mean, he's not wrong. I can think of three genocides Turkish people have committed off the top of my head. Greek, Armenian, and Seyfo.

PKK are terrorist, but Turkey are also Terrorist in the same right and have killed far, far, far more civilians than the PKK.

Nah, I'll say it. Cops shouldn't be allowed to pull the trigger unless fired upon first or if a civilian is potentially in danger

They took a "dangerous" job, they should have to have trigger discipline and a proper ROE, instead of the nonsense they constantly do

My question is this, though. Why didn't they shoot when he lifted the gun up?

Why did they wait until he was held down to open fire?

Why wait until multiple officers are also in danger of whatever happens to that bullet once it leaves the chamber?

It seems to me, they fucked up royally, but it has just enough in the story to distract from the bad police work.

Too bad the child didn't escape from his pursuing murderers, no one would have gotten hurt.

Cops should only be allowed to pull a trigger when fired upon first. I don't care about cops feeling fear and that fucking them up, they can leave that line of work at anytime.

I feel like math is one of those things that just randomly clicks when you need it.

Like I struggled all through algebra, could not for the life of me figure it out. I'd ace every test you'd throw at me, regardless of the format.

It made absolutely no sense and absolutely demolished my GPA.

Damn, he made 25k per year more than the average of my entire home county.

The president does have the sole ability to declare and individual an "enemy combatant."

This ability could possibly be used to indefinitely incarcerate the conservative court justices while also removing any ability for them to challenge the incarceration in court. So long as Biden is president, that is.

This is what I've found in my short period of time brainstorming this morning.