Worked a 12 hour shift, had to stay late to chart (nurse) so really 14 hours on my feet all day lifting and moving patients around, got home, showered, crawled into bed, boom water broke and contractions started

It’s more about not letting having children stop us from doing what we love and not having childcare during that time. But yeah it sounds like we were ignorantly stupid for thinking it could be possible so we won’t be brining her. And no neither of us have Instagram or any other social media, just Reddit

Canyoneering with a baby?

I have seen videos of people canyoneering with babies however I can’t find much research on how to be safe doing it and advice or how to go about it or if it is even a safe possibility to have baby strapped to you while doing it. My husband and I are planning on doing the subway hike in zions this summer and there are a few repel areas and some water to swim through in the slots. I am not set on brining the baby, she will be 12 months old at the time but if I can find safe ways to bring her and prepare appropriately than I would love to bring her. If it’s not possible to bring her safely then we will leave her at camp with one of us staying behind but we would really love to bring her so if anyone has done this type of thing with a 12m old and has advise and education for us please share. Or if this is just to unrealistic at her age, what age does it because realistic?

Update: There would be a large group of us going so if one of us stayed at camp the other would not be going alone. I was not set on bringing the baby anyway I was leaning against it in the first place and the comments on here have solidified that she will not be going with us. I have done the subway before 3 months post op ACL repair and I honestly didn’t think it was to bad, apart from the two people in our group who didn’t bring enough water for themselves the hike was great, however it has been several years since I’ve done it so maybe I don’t remember how rough it can get. I have applied for the permit and I do understand that a permit is required.

We will definitely wait until she is older before we start brining her on this level of adventure. Thank you for the comments and advice!

Whatever you do, don’t sleep without a bra and nursing pads. You’ll wake up drenched in breast milk thinking you had sweat

Company being boughtSeeking Advice

Hi, the company I work for is being bought by ensign group co. Anyone work for them and can tell me if I should start looking and keeping my eye out for a new job or if they are a good company? They usually purchase SNF but we will be there first LTAC supposedly.

Jogging stroller

Do you run on sidewalks or roads with your stroller? Just had a baby and when I start running with her I don’t want the sidewalk to be too bumpy but I don’t want her in the road where it’s a little more dangerous. I do have a good jogging stroller I got a bob.

This happens to me and I feel like an insane person scratching my legs off. I don’t know how well this works but I take an antihistamine (non drowsy) than I lather on the cortisone cream and hope for the best. It help a little. The itchiness starts at about 0.5 miles and stops at 2 miles usually for me. And then after about two weeks of running consistently at least 3-4 days a week. The itching stops all together. You just have to get through the first little bit.. I’ve just assumed and decided that the severity of how much I itch is partially genetics, poor circulation. Hope it helps to know you’re not alone!! Best of luck don’t give up it gets better!

Jogging with strollerQuestion
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Wait, tell me more about the chemical cleaning products and candles or send me the research, I couldn’t find much about it. I love bath and body works candles and burn them all the time in my house… I’m also a germaphobe so I clean the shit out of everything with chemical cleaners. And what about essential oils? Are those okay? My husband has TED, graves and DM1. I’m just the sympathetic wife trying to learn more and make things easier.

That’s so freaking frustrating she could at least wear a mask

Normal pains of pregnancyAdvice

FTM, 17w 2d What pains and aches are normal vs what is a concern? Example, I feel discomfort almost painful in my abdomen today mostly this morning and a little throughout the day, it’s not crampy feeling it’s hard to describe but it’s the first I have felt this kind of discomfort.


Yeah I work as a nurse in healthcare and I get penalized for calling in if I’m sick when I could potentially infect my immunocompromised patients so really it sucks but that’s the culture we live in. Also some people can’t afford to take the time off. But if she has the option to work from home then she’s just an asshole for not doing so. Or at least wearing a mask.

Maternity leaveRant

I hate this country, I hate this state, and I hate that I have thought about and am seriously considering an abortion for a perfectly healthy wanted pregnancy because I can’t afford to pay my bills if I take maternity leave. My husband and I make to much money for any assistance but with a mortgage and other normal bills it’s just unrealistic to pay bills without my income. I’m in Utah a “family friendly” place. Family friendly my ass. They don’t care about you. Fuck this. Every time we try to save up something happens and we have to spend it. Just ranting.


I am a nurse, during my clinical rotation in post partum at some hospitals the nurses are supposed to push breast feeding but behind the since not one of them even really care as long as the baby gets fed. They just have to encourage it because of policy.

Thanks ladies! These were wonderful responses and helped me confirm my decision to go natural unmedicated!

For all those natural birth ladiesQuestion

For those who had a natural birth, how big was your baby, how long was your labor, and would you do it again why or why not? I’m planning on natural no epidural birth but I want to hear how the size of baby and length of labor compare to other peoples experiences.


I find that a good way to get through the extra low time in depression is not to ignore the I want to kill myself feeling but rather to let yourself feel it. Listen to some kill myself depressing music, read a depressing book, let yourself feel those feelings and then hopefully they pass rather then getting worse. I don’t know that works for me.

I’m live in Davis county. So that’s an hour away. the online course sounds awesome though!

Yeah I also agree it’s better even if the puppies are healthy the social aspect of staying with the mother and the rest of the litter is better if they stay for 8 weeks. But the header wanted to get rid of them sooner I guess and there vet approved it

We were going to pick him up next week, but the owners said all the other puppies will be picked up by the 15th and there vet cleared them. We also thought it was a early