I have seen videos of people canyoneering with babies however I can’t find much research on how to be safe doing it and advice or how to go about it or if it is even a safe possibility to have baby strapped to you while doing it. My husband and I are planning on doing the subway hike in zions this summer and there are a few repel areas and some water to swim through in the slots. I am not set on brining the baby, she will be 12 months old at the time but if I can find safe ways to bring her and prepare appropriately than I would love to bring her. If it’s not possible to bring her safely then we will leave her at camp with one of us staying behind but we would really love to bring her so if anyone has done this type of thing with a 12m old and has advise and education for us please share. Or if this is just to unrealistic at her age, what age does it because realistic?

Update: There would be a large group of us going so if one of us stayed at camp the other would not be going alone. I was not set on bringing the baby anyway I was leaning against it in the first place and the comments on here have solidified that she will not be going with us. I have done the subway before 3 months post op ACL repair and I honestly didn’t think it was to bad, apart from the two people in our group who didn’t bring enough water for themselves the hike was great, however it has been several years since I’ve done it so maybe I don’t remember how rough it can get. I have applied for the permit and I do understand that a permit is required.

We will definitely wait until she is older before we start brining her on this level of adventure. Thank you for the comments and advice!