I’m trying to figure out how you can wait so long. The funeral home we went to for my dad last year, said it’s a $1000 a day to store the body after the 1st 2 business days. Of course, that could have just been that one since they are the only one around since we live in the boonies. It sucked ‘cuz we couldn’t wait for out state people to come to the funeral. We used a $400 cardboard box for his casket. Total his funeral costs were $5500, which is 1/2 of what normally is paid around here.

Old people is anyone over 30. My millennial kids wear ankle socks. I usually wear crew socks and my daughter calls me old for doing that

Can’t win for losing. 😄

Yes, for me it’s histamine intolerance. Eating low histamine diet has helped a lot.

NTA. OMG, thank Good your daughter is 18. Otherwise they legally could just take her and have you arrested for kidnapping.

I know as a kid, my siblings, cousins and myself were used to flush out the deer for my parents and uncles. We would move in way to not be in the line of shot (e.i. behind a hill).

And the time my Ma accidentally try to “tag” me like a cow seems like nothing now.

Long story: we were tagging and vaccinating heifers. I was holding the head since they all were too small for the headlock to work. Heifer moved at the right time for my Ma to stab me just above the elbow. She hit bone and all muscle was hanging out. She washed it out and wrapped it up and we went back to work. We had 15 more to get done.

I have no clue. I get more answers from this and the cfs subs than my allergist. In fact I totally stop going to him after 3 visits. Once my bloodwork came back normal, he said it was in my head. So, now I just go to my local GP, since she’s the only one who believes that long covid is a thing. I also live out in the boonies, so not many doctors to go to without making it a day trip to the closest “city”.

TIL that swatch watches are still a thing. Sadly the closest store is 10hrs drive. 😄

Yes, and I wore them until they died. I had 3 real ones and 5 fake ones. I wore 3 to 5 a day. I didn’t even have the most at my school, but was the one of the people that wore many of them daily.

Far as I know, yes. I read somewhere that about 70% of frozen fish is frozen on the boat, and more every year as they replace old boats with new. But where I read that I have no idea, so don’t quote me.

Trader Joe’s frozen or Fremont brand frozen at Meijer’s are the two I buy normally buy. I like it with the skin on to get more omega oils since I have a hard time with taking supplements.

I have good luck with frozen chicken and frozen salmon that is “frozen on the boat” since both are normally processed and frozen within the hour of their deaths.

I like snakes too, but my husband… not so much. On one of our 1st hikes, a garter snake went across the path and we both screamed. I only realized it was for completely different reasons when I proudly was showing off the snake to my then boyfriend who was about to faint from shock and was backing away from me. 😄

I grew up with deep fried dandelion flower heads. My Ma would do that if we didn’t get enough morel mushrooms to stretch the meal. (There was 6 kids so 8 or more people) You need to use the first flowers in spring- way less bitter. She would soak them in salt water for 1/2 hour to 1hour and then rise then well. Dry them and deep fried like a mushroom. So, yummy. The flower heads will close in the salt water - that’s good as it’s removing some of the bitterness as well as ants.

2 yr+

Yes. I used to be stronger than my husband, I’m now only stronger than my 90 yr old mom. And my husband isn’t obese or out of shape (he runs marathons and fixes factory machines), but I grew up on a farm and was just strong. I am slowly getting muscle tone back with yoga, but it’s slow going. Mostly because I’m taking it slow so that I don’t crash.

And the best after school snack. In the winter time I would dip it into my hot chocolate. So tasty has I warmed up in front of the fire place.

2 yr+

I’m sitting with a heated rice sock around my neck as I type this.

I find that butter for low heat and ghee/clarified butter for higher heat works for me. Olive oil is a no good for me. Haven’t tried any other oils yet. (Pasture fed cows doesn’t matter for me, but for you it might.)

Omg - what an cutie!

I always wish I had a cat that like car trips. Had a void that what cry “hell No!” the while driving. It was the cutest thing ever. “Hell no! Nooooo! Hell no! No! Noooo!” Over and over. All 1600 miles across the country and every vet trip. 😹

Yup. I have problems with quaker rice cakes, but am fine with Meijer’s. It’s so random I swear - like my body is rolling dice to decide if this brand is going to be a problem or not.

Yeah, we had rattlesnakes on the farm I grew up over near Muskegon. I was taught when you hear that sound to back away carefully and slowly as quickly as possible.

I’ve heard they are not as common as they used to be, but are still around. The last time I’ve seen/heard one was back in the 90’s.

Terrified of it. Can’t have an epipen until I have an anaphylactic reaction first. But, so far, Benadryl has been effective in stopping my bad reactions. I really haven’t had a bad one in months, so I’m trying to add more food back into my diet.