🔳🔳🔳 All around. He is such a wholesome guy. Feels like the Steve Irwin or Mr Roger's of YouTube

I think everything happens for a reason, and if a cat or dog or whatever else disturbs it, it was meant to happen. However, that said, I am careful of what kinds of offerings I give since I don't want our cat to eat something that would make him sick or worse.

Njordr and Eir. They are not the primary gods I work with, but I do seek them out from time to time.

Is the movie "Constantine" with Keanu? Sounds like what you're describing.


As for magic, I rely alot on Divination to help me in my day to day. It helps me remember things I've forgotten or get answers to questions where I want to gauge my true feelings on it. As for other kinds of magic, I can see the value and I want to learn, but haven't gone down that path. As a woman, I lean more towards seidr, however.

Mom just likes that I'm happy, Dad just thinks I'm into Marvel (lol), Sister is a Wiccan and her fiance is also Heathen, so she gets it

Lots and lots of snacks. And chairs. But mostly snacks.

(But for real, good luck! You got this!)

One time a sweet old lady tipped $10 with the app. Then when I got there, she gave me an extra $10 cash because I had to walk up 3 floors. Best customer ever 🥰

I found a glitch one time with Comcast.... I stopped paying. They forgot I was a customer for over 3 years, but still got internet from them. I even got notices in the mail trying to temp me to sign up. Best 3 years ever.

r/dentistry might be more what you're looking for. This sub is mostly used for finding things on the internet, and not medical advice.

I drove through heavy rain about a week after buying it and flooded the engine. Apparently, it just needed to dry out, and then it was like it never happened.

You know, I used to not be modest, and would show off my arms and legs quite often. However, as I've gotten older, I wear pants and long sleeves even in the dead of summer. I am 32 now, and have gotten so many "Aren't you hot?" "Why don't you just take off your hoodie?", etc. comments. And yes, sometimes they come from my parents. But, as difficult as it can be too hear, I have found that being open and honest goes a long way. Explicitly saying "I want to be modest, showing off my legs is too revealing." does wonders, and most people will leave you alone. The ones that don't, just nod and walk away.

Well, this is the Rav4 Club, so we're all going to tell you to pick the best vehicle known to mankind. Subis are great, but it's rare to find a Rav4 owner that hates theirs.

I know it's not Ghost, but I would LOVE to see Subvision songs played live. Currently listening to Psycamore on repeat ❤️ Maybe Tobias could rerecord a Subvision album as Ghost? I know he won't, but it's worth a wish

When I was in the process of purchasing my Rav4, they removed it from the site before the deal was finalized. So they may be getting ahead of the curve and removing it now. 🤷

I drink 2-3 times a year. I enjoy the taste, but I don't enjoy the After effects. So I only drink at a BBQ, wedding, bday parties, etc.

I do, but he thinks it's stupid, so I only say it to get on his nerves. But he has the rules that you have to say ma'am to my grandma. We got in a shouting match one time because I said "Yeah" to her not paying attention

Depends on the item. Most of my clothes are all dumped in the same load. I've had alot of the items forever, and they all wash just fine. White are separated because they need bleach. Now, if I buy a bright red piece, I will wash it first to rinse off extra dye, but then after that, I'll wash it with thr rest of my clothes.

So, 99% of the time, I'm with your coworker. Whites or new colored items, I'm with you.

Good to know some of his other fans are older than 20...

I was 15 in 07

I keep a glass of tequila on my altar, and when I notice it has all evaporated, I fill it back up again. As for other offerings, I give a piece of my dinner every now and then when I eat something good, like steak. I will offer a piece of food that I make with my own hands. For example, I once made butter from scratch, so I offered a sprig of the thyme.