Thanks for the reply! I PM'd you with some additional questions. My exam+interview is coming up in ~4ish days. I appreciate all the help

You're very welcome. And don't feel stressed out or scared. I know it's hard not to sometimes, but remind yourself that you are capable of anything that you put your mind to. I'm in the same position as you - we have PLENTY of time. You have your head on straight, and you are thinking in the right direction. You will be so glad later on.

Do you wanna know the best job for someone in your position? Because I’m like you: 30M, did honours Biomed (major in cell bio & med sci). When we go into these science programs, we think our only route is med school or dental school. The stress of going into those and studying for those was too great, and like you, I got stressed/depressed. I understand your feelings of helplessness completely, thats how I had felt till this year!

This year I found out about Dental Hygienists (different than Dental Assistants who just do room preparation/tools preparation, and are usually paid minimum wage). You can apply to a 2-3 year program with even high school grades (your college/uni experience will help you and have schools give you preference). The average salary is between $90k-$115k where I live in east coast (ex: Toronto) even as a STARTING salary. The west coast (ex: Vancouver, Seattle) average salary is $135k.

The schooling is so short, your science background will help you immensely, the job has great salary/stability/work-life balance (8 hour shifts). You would be working in nice clean dental clinics. And it’s a VERY easy job, as in your tasks are so simple and you’d get the hang of it pretty quickly: cleanings, sealants, xrays of the teeth, patient education to clean teeth - that’s basically it!! You’re just prepping the patient so that the dentist can do all the major procedures! If I had known about this career, I would have applied and gone into it AGES ago!

I’m so happy I found out about this and I’m so looking forward to going into this. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to me in messages or reply here!

They don’t give you anything to review. They said the exam is basic knowledge that you’ll already know.

Hey, not yet. My exam is coming up in 1-2 weeks.

Pretty sure it’s just flat scored. Answer as many as you can, and just put a guess for the ones you don’t know the answer to. It’s going to be based /50, not out of how many you ended up answering. Aka Scenario 1 in my post

Do you face the pad with your chest or back? I see people can do both. Which one is your method usually? Could you also possibly link a good video of a good example? (doesnt have to be of you, but even just from a random youtube link)

Oh wow okay, I know it’s a school you really want. But. You really should be applying to every single school. There is zero need to be making an already competitive program even more competitive. For example, suppose you were hellbent on only 1 school, and it took 2-3 years to finally get in. By that time you could have already been done and working. Just my opinion

What horrible chapter(s) do you remember playing?Casual

I recently started a ROM hack (Fire Emblem Vision Quest). I've been playing it on the hardest difficulty, which is apparently supposed to be similar to lunatic. For most of the game, yeah it can be challenging - lots of bulky units, inflated stats, cannot be doubled almost at all etc.

However, last night I came across probably one of the most egregious and obnoxious chapters I think I've ever played in all of Fire Emblem games. It was Chapter 2-4 (aka chapter 15-16ish out of 40 chapters total), a "Survive" objective on a big map with 4 chokepoints (N, S, E, W), and HIGHLY condensed with completely over the top inflated units (things like capped Str, Spd, and high HP where even targeted weapons don't kill). Not only are you forced to defend on 4 sides, but the chokepoints are COMPLETELY useless because you have NEVER-ENDING spawns of Pegasus Knights spawning on top of the already over-the-top condensed enemy units on all sides. Over. And over. And over. All the way through all 11 turns. Spawning with target weapons (such as Rapiers). There were two villages, and maybe 3-4 units with stealable items (Body Ring, Boots, Red Gems). However, it felt IMPOSSIBLE to get ANY SINGLE one of these items or villages. You simply cannot push out to get any of these things because every single one of your units is instantly overwhelmed with 3-4x the enemy units (almost ALL with insane/targeted weapons) with these inflated stats. I never felt safe for any units - even my strongest Generals who had 23-24 Defense. Everyone was constantly dying. I had to reset idk HOW many times. Spent probably 5 hours or more on this chapter. Was unable to get to a single village or get 1 single item. Ended up still losing 2 units after so many resets, but eventually gave up and took the losses.

My poor friend was doing an Iron Man of this game, and had to do this chapter with so many much subpar units to what I had. While watching his stream, I felt so much pain for him.

I know it's fan-made and a ROM hack, but my God. It was one of the worst and most horribly designed maps I have ever played. Please, if any of you haven't played it, watch a video of this chapter (2-4 Hard/Lunatic mode).

So that brings me to my question: what are some of the most horrible/obnoxious Fire Emblem maps YOU remember playing, and that have haunted you?

I did apply but no reply yet :( what was your average if you don’t mind me asking? I have an 87-88% for most schools

Also, I’m assuming you didn’t have to write any Entrance Exam if our grades are much above the requirements right?

If patient needs care, but can't afford?Jobs/Career Question

As title says, I'm writing a list of potential interview questions, and trying to practice all of them. I'm pretty stumped on this one in particular. Not really sure what I would do in this scenario.

What would you guys do? Or, say as a response to this if it was an interview question

If patient needs care, but can't afford?Need advice

As title says, I'm writing a list of potential interview questions, and trying to practice all of them. I'm pretty stumped on this one in particular. Not really sure what I would do in this scenario.

What would you guys do? Or, say as a response to this if it was an interview question

Can you give me a simple effective ab routine that I’d be able to stick with and be consistent? (2x a week)

Wonderlic Test - do I skip questions or put random guessInterviews

I'm very confused on how the Wonderlic is scored? I have an interview for Dental Hygiene school.

  1. I see a lot of sites saying you just need to get a certain number correct, regardless of how many questions you answer. Example, "a nurse needs a 24", "a chemist needs 31" etc. If so, then coming across a question you don't know, it would make sense to put a random guess anyways (and just hope you get it by luck)
  2. But then, I'm also seeing people say that your Wonderlic is scored based on the number of questions you answer CORRECTLY. If so, then coming across a question you dont know, it would make sense to completely SKIP the question (so that you don't enter an incorrect answer which would lower your score), and just move on to a question you are certain about.

Can anyone clarify which is true and what I should do for questions I have no clue the answer for? Is the strategy to SKIP the question or RANDOM GUESS?

Wonderlic - do I skip questions or put random guess?General Question

I'm very confused on how the Wonderlic is scored? I have an interview for Dental Hygiene school.

1) I see a lot of sites saying you just need to get a certain number correct, regardless of how many questions you answer. Example, "a nurse needs a 24", "a chemist needs 31" etc. If so, then coming across a question you don't know, it would make sense to put a random guess anyways (and just hope you get it by luck)

2) But then, I'm also seeing people say that your Wonderlic is scored based on the number of questions you answer CORRECTLY. If so, then coming across a question you dont know, it would make sense to completely SKIP the question (so that you don't enter an incorrect answer which would lower your score), and just move on to a question you are certain about.

Can anyone clarify which is true and what I should do for questions I have no clue the answer for? Is the strategy to SKIP the question or RANDOM GUESS?

Oh wow I had no clue there were free responses as well. Like you said, all the practice ones I did are only Multiple Choice. Do you know what is a decent score to aim for in these Wonderlic tests? Also, is the difficulty level of this one similar to what the real one would be?

Where to buy/practice Wonderlic SLE Tests?General Question

Anyone know where I can buy the Wonderlic SLE Tests, or know of a place for Test banks? I'm applying for dental hygiene schools, and a lot of them require us to write these. I want to be familiar with the format, the types of questions, and just be comfortable in general. Obviously want to do the best that I can

If anyone can please help me out, I would greatly appreciate it

CNIH - Dental Hygiene Entrance ExamNeed advice

Can anyone please help me - how can I best study/know what topics for the CNIH Entrance Exam - bio, chem, math?

CNIH - Dental Hygiene Entrance Exam

Can anyone please help me - how can I best study/know what topics for the CNIH Entrance Exam - bio, chem, math?

Yep, they sure are the best. Very kind individual