How did it go?????? Better than anticipated?

Watching this just made me fart

Anybody upgrade their stone on the Koda 16?

I am wondering if getting a biscotto stone is worth it or not

Which example makes more of a return?

Let’s take stock X and stock Y. The assumption is they move and grow together both ending up at the same price per share in year 20.

In example 1, the person buys one share of stock X for $100 and holds it for 20 years when they decide to sell. Stock X is $400 in year 20

In example 2, the person buys one share of stock Y for $100 and holds it for 5 years. In the 5th year, the stock is worth $175. They decide to sell stock Y and purchase stock X, which also happens to be $175 per share. They end up holding stock X until year 20 when they sell it at $400/share.

Which example is a better return on investment?

Edit: Assume a 15% long term capital tax on the gains in all years.

I live in Denver. Have made plenty of pizzas while it’s snowing haha

Wonderful pies. Look perfect.

Do you use the secret low flame setting on your Koda 16? I’m wondering if you keep the flame on during the entire bake or not

Fellow sourdough pizza baker here too! Hi!

BRO WHAT!?!? That is absolutely amazing!!!!!

I’ve had a c3 for two months. I have two pets and 2000sq ft. I haven’t filled my first bag and people say the first bag fills the quickest.

Can’t believe he let the jalapeño roll away

Going for a walk in the neighborhood. It is so calming. It is the best on weekend mornings as there is hardly any vehicular traffic.

Now that, is a pie I get down with. Beautiful execution

See my comment with the recipe around here


Here you go friend:

675g type 00 Caputo blue (you can do this with AP or bread flour though) -391g water initially- -14g salt- -27g water added further into the mixing process- -34g sourdough starter-

3hrs bulk ferment at room temp-Divide into 250g dough balls

Cold ferment in fridge for 2 days roughly

Take out and rest on counter at room temp for 3 hours before making pizzas

Wonderful looking. Great presentation

It just feels a bit more special to me using my old sourdough starter. I feel like it’s my own personal touch on the pizza. I notice the way my dough is more digestible.

See it one of my other replies here

I use a Koda 16. I launch when the center at 900F or a little under , maybe 850F. Depends how patient or inpatient I get. I let the outer crust get the color I want and then I kill the flame and keep the pizza on the stone further away from the burners and let the bottom cook to where I like it. I definitely let the pizza sit in there without a flame for 2 mins or longer sometimes. I check to see how it’s doing. The stone loses heat pretty quickly so it’s hard for me to burn the underside

Here you go friend:

675g type 00 Caputo blue (you can do this with AP or bread flour though) -391g water initially- -14g salt- -27g water added further into the mixing process- -34g sourdough starter-

3hrs bulk ferment at room temp-Divide into 250g dough balls

Cold ferment in fridge for 2 days roughly

Take out and rest on counter at room temp for 3 hours before making pizzas

Well that is making me hungry