Not better overall, but more stable and less likely to have schools get poached.

Collapse of the Elders

Believe it or not, a max range roll with Moving Target and Explosive Payload can three-tap to the face at 40 meters. That's before you get into enhanced perks, Precision Instrument, or (🤮) Adagio. A max range roll with Hammer-Forged Rifling, Accurized Rounds, and a range masterwork puts your range stat at 90, and throwing on a targeting adjuster gives you 72 aim assist before Moving Target kicks in.

Seriously, don't use Adagio. Yes, the damage buff is sublime, but it kneecaps your fire rate to an utterly abysmal level. Just use precision instrument.

Collapse of the Elders

95% of the time, I agree.

Then Bungie told me it was possible to get a Crimil's Dagger that can 3-tap at 40 meters.

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

That might be the single most outdated look on college football I've ever seen.

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

Dawg just do what we're doing.

Join the SEC. Stock the fuck up right before you join. Then hit the ground running.

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

I feel like my flair puts me in a unique position to tell you to shut up.

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

When's the last time Notre Dame was relevant for any reason besides their refusal to join a conference?

Shut up. Quit being a weenie. Join the Big Ten. Then talk.

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

Would you be willing to unite with Auburn to do the same for Alabama?

:texas4: :georgia2: Texas • Georgia

This is my thought. Have one pod with Arizona, Arizona State, Utah, BYU. One pod with Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Colorado. One pod with TCU, Baylor, Texas Tech, Houston. One pod with Houston, Cincy, UCF, and West Virginia.

And as far as the ACC, they'd kinda have to put ND in the Stanford/Cal/SMU bloc, just geographically speaking, but that's a triangle of logistical nightmares right there.

Native Floridian here.

The answer is Massachusetts. It's small, it's desolate, it's so fucking cold, the food is aggressively mid, Dunkin Donuts is trash (Krispy Kreme superiority gang), I hate every single one of your sports teams (even you, Boston College), and the people are assholes.

Shocked I had to scroll this far until someone said it.

Texas is also big enough that you can start in Dallas, drive for 9 hours straight, and still be in fucking Texas.

Equating all of Texas to Dallas is like equating all of Europe to Paris.

Because it is an excuse.

If Vote to Kick were still in this game (GOD FORBID), you would've gotten voted out by all three of those teams. For no reason other than they wanted to be assholes.

You didn't get TKed for not running a hard breacher. You got TKed for the sake of their being dicks.

Signed, someone who's been TKed on multiple occasions for giving callouts

Because Martin Luther was responding to corruption within the church. The Protestant Reformation came about for that exact reason: protest. It's literally why they're called Protestants. The Church decreed Luther a heretic because he defied their authority, not for challenging their beliefs.

Last time I checked. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young weren't in that same boat.

The difference is they disagree with each other on practices and beliefs of leadership (namely the Papacy). They disagree with Mormonism on a more fundamental, "these guys aren't real Christians" type of way.

The Qur'an tells of angels speaking on behalf of Allah. Does that make them Christian?

You're making the same argument. Mormonism might be an Abrahamic religion, but to call it a sect of Christianity is a stretch that most if not all sects of Christianity aren't willing to take.

Mormonism is recognized as a religion. Not as part of Christianity.