Because it's a system set up by bullies. Just like the golden rule, do unto others as you wish done to you. How long do you put up with someone taking advantage of your kindness?

I do unto others as I wish done to me, twice. Then if they're taking advantage of my kindness, I do unto them as they unto me. Obviously, they want people to treat them the way they treat other people!

I've always wondered how lace was made. But damn that looks complicated.

A previous coworker tried to make the point that there was no way Jesus made wine, he made grape juice. He said, "the Bible says wine, but they REALLY mean grape juice. Because they didn't have the equipment to make wine back then."

My other coworkers just laughed at him

Our pyr does get mouthy too. Sometimes a little too rough, but we stop playing or we tell him we're not chew toys. We have 4yr old twins, so we don't want him gnawing on them.

It's all cool bud, I agree with you that it's most likely a snap setter

I never could beat that game, I rarely ever made it past great tiger.

I am going to speculate that it's a hole punch.

Edit: I just saw the ops comment on the pic, yeah it also looks like it could be a snap setter

The set looks beautiful!

What kind of rivets did you use? The ones I'm used to have a flat bottom, but have the rounded off bump where I have to put the washer on. Are yours flat on both sides, or is it some kind of Chicago screw?

He's just contemplating life. "Is there more to life than this deck? Pwhooo whoo whooo."

Uncle Larry is gonna have water slide pneumonia

I straight up cried laughing at this. Well done!

None of those guys get paid enough for that shit

Birthday etiquette question. Advice Request

Our twins are going to a twins birthday party and we cant remember what the other twin family got for our twins. Which option is more proper?;

A. Our two kids to get two presents for their two twins, so 4 presents total.

B. Our family gets the twins each a present, so two presents total.

C. Our family gets the twins each a present along with a group present, so three presents total.

We always feel the family that follows the stated gift giving rules and then get burned because everyone goes above and beyond. So I don't want to seem cheap or go above and beyond so they feel bad.

Not to do drugs. More by example, but sure as hell made me not want to do drugs.

Inadvertently, his drug abuse taught me that desire leads to suffering. I still have a fear that if I like or want something too much, it'll get taken and sold for drugs.

I send my condolences. If you find out a solution, let us know