There’s some of us who are not I personally hate the bug can’t wait till it’s fixed

For me personally I don’t do anything other than cargo and all my ships are set up for that so this duplication bug really annoys me from my testing if you sell and buy at ground locations without hangers it usually doesn’t duplicate this is what I have been doing however it does severely limit cargo routes I can’t claim my ship as the timer takes 30 mins I rather play . Ultimately a solution if you have to sell 2 times you could donate the money to a new player as it is Invictus and give them the chance to try ships not available at the halls

In theory it will be stronger if you ensure you aren’t pulling the layers apart but I’m not an engineer or anything

Releases Wednesday 11:59

Well it’s good for most single button presses as it’s easier to get to

Mine doesnt print so your better off there

They need to make that lol

Sand the top and glue a new top piece on it

I think I had something similar I might also add gas relief valves to my tanks

There is places the bridge is higher

I currently am using a hydrofoil type thing to lift the nose out of the water

Well water jets sounded faster it’s a big ish boat I’m currently seeing if 4 3 cylinder engines will work better

How do I get my engine to drink less fuel…Question/Help

My boat uses a 6 cylinder 3x3 modular engine and uses ze engine controllers it is propelled by water jets and a 3:2 gear radio it would help if it could go faster