Even if it isn't totaled - which I agree with the majority, that it likely is - it would never drive the same. Your underframe is probably bent and would feel weird going down the highway. I had a similar but much less visibly damaged car from being rear ended.

Glad you and yours are okay but as others have said, monitor for aches and pains over the next couple of days and document any doctor's visits for you and your passengers.

Mine was a week-long trip to Belize, Honduras and Mexico.

I will say that my very first experience on board was when I stepped into the cafeteria area, I saw a person with an overloaded plate approach a worker. This plate had more than enough on it to feed two people. And the person said to the staff member: "where can I get rid of this? I didn't know that there were other things in here on the other side and now I don't want it." An entire plate of untouched food went into the garbage because this person saw something else that they wanted to eat, and we hadn't even left port. Yeesh.

Carnival is the Walmart of cruise lines. That's not a jab; it just is. Carnival was my first cruise and it was fun and affordable.

Odd? I don't think so. But even if so, who cares? If you have the opportunity and the drive to go, go! Do you, be you, have fun. Life is too damn short to worry about what others think. Have fun!

I'm curious as to the nature of the injury. Do you have more information on how it was injured by fireworks?

If you need to offload excess pill bottles, check your area for geocachers. Pill bottles are a common container for making geocaches.

Interested, but whether I'm chosen or not, would you post photos of the pen(s) when you've picked your recipient? I enjoy seeing the fancy pens.

Also known as Kabangers in later decades. 😏

Edit for spelling.

The chair would have to be incredibly light for me to consider strapping it to my pack for a long/overnight hike. At this time, my current chair will never be invited along on a long hike, despite it being very compact and comparatively light. It is definitely too heavy for that.

What materials are you using for your design?

I... I thought... this was real... 😒

Oh, BBC, please make this happen!!!!

Catholics aren't necessarily nice, or even "good" people.

Source: am a former Catholic. 😏

Regarding your comment about students taking out loans for education, "you put yourself there": yeah, we put ourselves there. But we were also the victims of a huge fucking con. Colleges and universities make promises that getting an education will result in great jobs with awesome pay that will allow us to follow our dreams. Except, just like all the promises politicians toss around, it's a bunch of bullshit. Between that and the fact that companies don't give a shit about their employees beyond how hard they can be worked and how much profit they can make for their bosses, the deck is stacked against the little guy.

I'm also in my 50s, I have a degree, and I work a full time job. I literally had to sell my house and move in with others because maintaining ownership of a home wasn't sustainable due to health insurance premium costs, mortgage (which at $1000/month was 50% of my take home pay!), utilities, groceries, etc. I didn't - and still don't - live extravagantly. Yet, even though I have a slightly better-paying job, I'm worse off than ever because of the costs of everything skyrocketing.

So if you're making it, well done, you. But don't come here and shit on strangers for their circumstances. We've played by the rules, too. But those in power, having become greedier over the years, changed the rules and saddled us with the costs.

And for the record, I did pay my student debt.

All awesome suggestions here, and I'm a fan of most, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned Fitz's (not to be confused with Fritz's). Fitz's has some over the top ice cream sodas, and you should absolutely check them out.

To clarify, those last 9 rows of free seats number nearly 1400, so be sure to check it out. It's not a tiny section!

Several years ago, Mary Poppins was performed and at the end, when she leaves, she flew out over the audience. 😁

No. They're considered weapons.

I had this book. "Pink and green are always in."

I showed up to my pack a backpack class and there were 8 other participants. We were encouraged to bring our packs - which I did - and had a two hour session. I do wish we'd been able to unload our packs and see if there were better ways to stuff them with our own gear, simply because not everyone carries the same things. Overall, I didn't really learn anything "new" but I enjoyed taking the class.