American (in the poorest state). They always do an xray before any other tests here. This person was just misinformed.

Same with a cooked pea in my ear. It eventually rotted and began to have an odor ,and my kindergarten class lined up single file to sniff it. They couldn't add it to the "ear nose and throat" hall of fame at my doc though, because it was a food item. They had a collection of little nose and ear toys. My brother did the same thing with a skittle in his nose. That doctor knew us by name.

I always pay my part on a first date. All my friends do, as well. I don't want any strings on a first date and I don't want to feel like I owe a basic stranger. When I was young, I would let men pay (bc I live in a traditional area and that's what we were taught to do as women), but it led to some men thinking I owed them my body at the end of the night. I think it's safest for all to just pay your own way, especially on a first date. Then, alternate or figure out what each partner likes. I've found that some men (esp in my rural red area) will insist on the woman not paying- to the point I've had to argue or put my foot down in an uncomfortable ass way. It's worth the argument at the end of the day tho, imo.

Yes, they do. A lot of teachers would keep them on their desk or wrap masking tape around them. Very few kids were "redlined", which meant their parents did not consent to their kid being paddled at school. So, I guess they could opt out? We got paddled in elementary through high school as a form of punishment (I graduated in 06 in MS).

My mother was good at many things but retaining information was not one of them.

It took me a while, too. It was kinda like peeling off layers of an onion. I didn't realize how many of my thoughts and actions were not "my own". When I figured out which voice in my head was actually mine, it was like the entire world opened up to me. I could see how many of my old ideas and thoughts did not reflect who I really am as a person. I'm actually happy now.

I would have loved to have learned it. Unfortunately, I had to learn most things as an adult (through research). I am one of the weirdos that "liked school", but I'm probably still considered an idiot if I were to leave the states. It's unfortunate and unfair. It makes me sad that it only seems to be getting worse for the younger generations. Sometimes, with this deep southern accent and deep south education...I just feel kinda stupid compared to the rest of the world.

I hate to say this on here, but I do have some empathy for her situation. What she did was wrong, but she has been taught from birth by her family that that's what she's supposed to do. She's just now about to have a fully functioning adult brain (isn't it like 25 for women?). I'm more interested in seeing what she's going to do from this point on. I can't blame a kid for doing what their family literally birthed her to do...make them money. She's got a shit ton of lifelong brainwashing to work through to understand what she's doing. Hopefully she will do the work now that the problem is "in her face".

I was indoctrinated. It's insidious. We were taught from birth to be obedient. First to God, then our parents. We lived our entire lives having someone "over us". Then, as women, we were taught on sundays (and at home) that our role is to be an obedient caregiver. We had already been doing that to our parents and god...adding a husband only seemed like the natural next step when I was growing up. I didn't realize what was going on until I left the church, but while growing up... "that's just the way things were." Southern Baptist Christian parents don't generally allow their children to spend the night at a non Christians home. Every family I saw was just like mine....and I was told all those other people (not like us) were who God did not want me to be like. And we were told to go against what God wanted means we will literally be punished for ETERNITY. We were taught these things from birth. That we were less.

That's what these women are battling. Lifelong brain washing. They don't realize it's happening because it was designed that way. If they did, from my own personal experience, a lot of them would be as irate and pissed at the idea of this continuing as I have been.

That's the sole reason I went with my parents as a kid. My job was to go ask dad who he selected for different categories and then go tell mom who to vote for. I really don't know why I was there....the majority of the time she would just ask him out loud across the room and he would shout the answer back.

As the only non-Christian in a very southern Baptist family, use the bible when you're ready to actually start saying something and trying to get them to think. Nothing else will work, Ive found. Use their own source to show them how what the right is doing is not in the bible. In fact, the bible warns them about the very behavior they're doing now. They seem to always circle back to the reason they are republican and choosing this is because it's "what God wants". Show them (using their own source) that it's not. Not even their God wants this.

  • she will be eligible for parole in 5 years . Wtf. The judge reduced her charges from potential life in prison because he believed they were in love?!

Only preach the vile passages. In detail, thoroughly. Make your class learn and recite the passages...and get the parents to sign their homework. Their tune will eventually change. Cherry pick their own source in the way that they do (ex Christian that has found ab the only effective way to argue with a Christian).

Yes. There is a genetic component (same with addiction), which means you aren't getting it (even with trauma) unless you have those genes. But the environment is what activates the genes. Not everyone with every gene will have it expressed. Bad childhoods are like a light switch just flipping them horror genes on.

Yes, I just watched a YouTube video about the placebo affect. Back when studies weren't as ethical, they lied to a couple of groups of people (at different times and in different countries- more than one study) about receiving surgery. Some people only got an inclusion and not actual surgery. All improved, and in some cases, the placebo group improved more than the surgery group

My son is 16, and I got sober when he was almost 7. He still throws it up in my face when he gets angry, but I don't think he truly feels that way. I've heard the way he talks about me behind my back and takes up for me. I still have so much guilt, though. I think kids can tell when you're trying and love them. Things change as we age and our perspectives changed. I hated my own mom as a teen and I can honestly say I'm proud of her, too.

I would bet there is a large proportion of us that would be just fine with it changing, but none of us are in power lol. I hate being the laughing stock of the 1st world countries more than I hate changing something I'm used to.

Both of my friends who serve told me the day they stop giving tips is the day they quit. My best friend made 10 grand more than me last year, and I have a career that requires degree (and regular certifications). She also works shorter shifts (4 to 6 hours compared to my 8). So less work, more pay than what my degree brings in. It's fine dining, so I understand it's different in other places, but she will tell you right now that the tips are the only reason she hasn't tried to get another career or branch out (even though shes considered going back to school). She sees what her friends with degrees and non tipping jobs makes, and she doesn't see the point in working longer and making less. I don't blame her. Hell, I've even thought about joining her.

I won't go with them to church because I remember my past life (vividly). It caused me to question what was told, until I researched my way out of the religion at 19. I've told no one in my southern baptist family. I don't expect them to have the beliefs that I have (not without the memories that I have), but I feel like telling them will 1.make them send me to a psych ward or 2. feel unnecessarily conflicted in their soul that I may be punished/tortumented/burned for eternity by their creator. That small relief I might feel just to be heard and validated may not be worth the risk to their mental health, as odd as this all sounds.

I kept waiting for you to get to the part where she found it lol.

Morals are just the rules prescribed by the bible to them, which the preacher interprets to their flock. Whichever morals are talked about on sunday seem to be the most important ones, and in my area, half of the sermon preached is on politics and "the state of the nation". So, the morals they seem to care about will change over time. It's moral cherry-picking. The "woke" morals like compassion, empathy, kindness, treating others the way you want to be treated,etc, have not been in favor for a while now.

Oh thanks, I couldn't figure out what the alternative saying would be. I was close with "lower your window". I think I will forever say the "roll down" thing, though.

He's using his own experience when talking about "financial irresponsibility".