Who cares? Just enjoy the songs

It’s ok to have sofa facing the tv y’all.

Testosterone DOES NOT increase muscle response to train. It improves baseline strength. Men only have a head start in strength. Women actually recover faster and can handle a higher total physical load than men. If women trained according to their strengths, they would catch up to men, then only be limited by their on average lower size. Yes 90% of men are stronger than 90% of women, but most of that is due to the fact of men having naturally higher BASELINE strength as well as most men being larger than most women. A woman who works out for years will easily become stronger than most men, even stronger than many men who also strength train. There are pictures of Victorian women more ripped than almost all men. There’s your answer right there. If you’re a woman, train to your strength. Get in the gym more often than a man, not because you have to work harder to build muscle, but because you literally recover faster and benefit more from more frequent training while men need more rest for optimum strength gain. Most women can develop a level of strength greater than the majority of men quite easily especially today where the average person doesn’t even work out

The challenges do make sense. You’re probably missing targets near the very end. Look up YouTube videos of the mission you’re doing and you’ll see you missed a target

This entirely misses the point. Many games actually do have intentional game design that doesn’t allow you to just skip it whenever you want

Literally not. I just had the same discussion in a discord server and literally everyone agreed. Seems like it’s just a reddit issue

Because regardless of whether you speedrun or not, knowing at the back of your mind you can just skip through the game DOES impact you at all levels of play whether you choose to admit it or not

How is it a strange metric? Btw this applies to other genres, except more “cozy” genres that aren’t necessarily gameplay centric like RPGs.

A game loses its appeal for me knowing it isn’t even forcing me to play. What’s the point? At any time if I want I can just skip through the game. If there are no real rules then it isn’t actually a game

Undertow is by far the most aggressive tool album in general

Does anyone else judge a game like this?Question

I’ll watch a speedrun of the game, and if the game lets you completely run past all the enemies and essentially get a world record by not killing a single enemy, I don’t even consider playing it.

May seem shallow, but it’s why I’ll probably never play Dusk, and why I did try Prodeus instead. Imo, it’s like if you play a board game and it just let you skip all of the rules. Not fun imo even if the gameplay itself is solid

Assault Android cactus is the current best. Nex machina is #2. Kill knight hasn’t released but it may be peak. Try the kill knight demo

I don’t think there’s any evidence women have heavier lower bodies. If it’s true men are stronger their higher amount of muscle (which weighs more than fat) would have them be heavier or near equal in weight in the lower body. Even considering women’s larger amount of fat, men are generally larger than women

How the fuck is it a sample bias? If you see many examples showing a certain result that is evidence for something, not sample bias. Just say you don’t know why and move on moron

You can’t just make nonsense claims. Go watch any video of men vs women doing this, the women basically always win. That’s not sample bias. By your logic might as well just say men winning most strength competitions is a sample bias. You can’t just throw that term around without merit

So when men almost invariably win arm wrestling it’s normal, when all women win something it’s sample bias?

Surely there is a reason why women almost never lose at this

Just look at any video of men vs women doing this and women almost invariably win

You are trying way too hard. Looks weird as hell

Yeah :/ maybe I should just call tech support or something

Get over it. Literally no one cares. The rules are the rules. You’re not reading this reply on your kindle. You’ll be fine being on your phone for the 5 minutes we get for break loser. Some of y’all complain about literally anything

Download the kindle app on your phone dumbass 🤦‍♂️ I guarantee it’ll suffice for the 5 minutes you get to read