They are all over the place, as other people posted. I can think of two or three just two miles away from my house.

FS22: PC-User

Courseplay is really a game changer and super simple to use. Farmercop has great how to videos that will get you started in an afternoon.

FS22: PC-User

Yes. You generate the course, and then save it to a folder and name it say “field 15 Tedder.” You could load that same course on any implement you want. Tractor with a baler. Forage harvester. Tractor with a forage wagon. Whatever.

FS22: PC-User

Courseplay handles baling easily. You can use the same course to bale as for tedding.

Edit: I meant windrowing

Just so you know, it’s far warmer than the outside temperature in the tube stations. Not Houston hot and there is shade but still. Much warmer than 73/78 you cite

Just so you know, it’s far warmer than the outside temperature in the tube stations. Not Houston hot and there is shade but still. Much warmer than 73/78 you cite

The idea that a mobster would follow you to your car while you walk alone holds a lot less water than following you into a crowded train stop with a hundred witnesses and people likely to intervene.

I think it’s relative lack of shade. San Diego is barren compared to most other cities. It seems to almost be aesthetically part of the town.

New Neighbors in my hood will move in and take out a 40 year old mature tree and put down astroturf. So weird.

In case of what? The armed forces don’t do layoffs.

A convention in public is not private. That’s why they call it in public.

Well that’s one thing I now know…about San Diego

FS22: PC-User

Get super person mod and lift it off there.

These tractors turn over or run into stuff all the time. Super strength can save hours of extra effort over the course of a save.

The permit almost certainly requires cleanup. I have paid to run in this race; it ain’t cheap. More than $100 for the half marathon. Multiply that by thousands and the money is there

You weren’t making a conservative point, you were making a point my wife’s retired uncle who does nothing but watch Fox News would have made two years ago.

Yeah so these folks are just deeply superstitious and cannot even contemplate the concept of thermodynamics. I remember arguing with my mom about this growing up in Houston 25 years ago. Sorry for your downvotes.

Here is analytical proof to back up your assertions. From a reliable source.

Appears from markings as though this is a shuttle from terminal to the ride share pickup location, and is using a surplus’d MTS bus. Interesting!

From wikipedia):

The pouches contain nicotine extracted from tobacco leaves, together with food grade ingredients.

A decade ago we used to hear a couple screaming, really just the one partner screaming and the other taking it. Always enjoyed listening to it.

One night it was calmer but still intense - she yelled “why do you keep bringing up old stuff? I only smashed a plate ONCE.” My wife and I looked at each other agape when we heard it.

Loud makeup sex 30 minutes later.

The couple did not make it more than a month after that.

Just so you know, it’s gonna be like a 45 minute ride up to UTC. And I wouldn’t call it scenic. It’s along a freeway and then up to a shopping mall surrounded by asphalt.

Around petco there are dozens of restaurants in walking distance that will all be open for business.

FS22: PC-User

Great metaphor in vehicle repair. For example, removing any part on a car is hypothetically just a matter of unbolting parts. In practice, it can take a half hour of thinking just to figure out how to approach a well hidden bolt with the tool in just such a way as to get enough torque and range of motion.