OP, do NOT keep this animal. It is an adult and is not meant to be caged. You should NOT INTRODUCE IT TO PET MICE for the vole’s safety and the safety of your mice. Put the vole back where you found it. 

Christian Science is a belief system. Google it. It doesn’t mean “scientists who are Christian.” 

bullshit. her hair is falling out because her body is failing her

Weirdly enough I don’t really care about people who stab other people in the neck and masturbate in front of kids. 

You literally said the wheels were fine? But they’re not 

It’s not unreasonable to expect that our amenities function like they’re supposed to, actually 

You’ve disregarded the (correct) advice about the wheels and are now going to loosen your trucks as a total newbie. This is a recipe for either a bad fall and injury or serious frustration on your end because skating is too hard. 

A tennis court isn’t a smooth polished surface. Wood or polished concrete are smooth polished surfaces. 98a are too hard for what you’re skating on. 

Something something rich people 

I worked at OHA for a bit. Sneakers are fine. It was a very very casual office. 

There isn’t no history stuff here. There just isn’t nearly as much history as many other US cities. 

I’m only 30 so my personal experience with politics doesn’t go back all that far, but I seem to remember the democrats shooting themselves in the foot going back quite a while. 

Yes, this is only about having to physically see homeless people. You’ve got it. Absolutely. Bravo. 

It’s pretty funny how you just repeat that refrain no matter what people say. Repeating something does not make it true. 

The wellbeing of the individuals in tents is not the ONLY consideration here. These public spaces are for everyone to use. People cannot monopolize them for themselves.