
She's making connections and gaining so much exposure. I'd never heard of her before.

When the time comes she exits the Pumpkins she'll have no issue landing another gig.

While I don't particularly like the character, especially in the early seasons, I did enjoy her arc.

She went from meek and timid to being a confident player who ultimately ended up a Queen.

Don't take him aside. Hit reply all and make a fool out of this person as that's what they're trying to do to OP. Cc your boss in as well. He'll soon stop.

Well seeing as most of them live in squalor, abuse drugs, and bash their wives and girlfriends behind closed doors, they probably don't give a shit.

Yeah because 1 good conservative military guy cancels out all the other horrific homophobes from the right *eye roll, slow clap for the military guy*


She had 3 huge dragons. Should have flown straight to KL and obliterated The Red Keep.

100% this.

They've been itching for years to implement Sharia Law here.

Nope, but they all hate the gays and Western Sydney had the highest No vote in the SSM plebiscite and they want to ban LGBTQ books in libraries in their areas.

From what I've seen on IG, she's having an absolute ball playing with the band. Good on her.

I was a bit skeptical about her at first as it felt like stunt casting by Billy, but she's rocking it.

Jamie should have 100% been the person to kill Cersie.

Wonder what their stances are on LGBTQ issues?

That's a rhetorical question. These people are dangerous.

Can someone explain to me why there are gays who are/vote conservative?

They support a party that pretty much wants to see them dead. I just can't understand it. Is it internalized homophobia?

Can confirm.

At home I can smash out a whole days work in half the time, then coast for the rest of the day.

People in the office pad out their day with long lunches and excessive "coffee catch ups".

The entire notion that you're more productive in the office is total bullshit.


WFH has been a game-changer in so many ways.

No longer having to endure daily office politics is so refreshing because people tend not to pull bullshit on Teams calls. My team is lovely and everyone gets along, but to be able to have a couple of days of pretty much not hearing from anyone is quite nice and peaceful. No micro-managing whatsoever.

I can wake up at 7, go to the gym for an hour before work, or I can zip up there on my lunch break and smash out a workout. Being able to take breaks in the comfort of my own home, there's nothing like it.

I have an entire room just for me that's my home office. I'm surrounded by my own, cool decor, can play music as loud as I want, and have everything set up just how I like it.

I'm saving so much money on not having to buy office attire, public transport fees, and overpriced coffees and lunches.

Lastly, being able to go to the toilet and not having to wipe pubes and piss off the seat, and praying the previous occupant flushed, well, that speaks for itself.

When I hear of people moaning about not liking wfh and that they'd rather be in an office, I honestly just don't get it.

That sub is just blatant racism thinly disguised as "shitposting".

Pretends to be shocked.

the Islamic community hates the LGBTQ community, that is why groups like Gays or Palestine make no damn sense to me.

Love it. Looks very cosy and inviting.

I lived in a large studio for years. Studios are awesome.

It's like everyone losing their minds that one of the characters in The Boys is bi and makes out with another guy, but don't even blink at all the exploding heads and blood and guts flying all over the place.