:ivoted: I voted

Snapchat peaked a decade ago and has been bleeding users ever since.

San Diego Wave was #1 in the league last season.

:ivoted: I voted

Woody is great! I also want to give a big shout out to John Prine.

I just go back from Paris a few days ago. No bed bug problems for me, but YMMV.


GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer, which refers to the transformer model proposed in the now-famous (at least in computer science circles) 2017 paper Attention is All You Need.

It's actually the transformer model that sets the current crop of generative AI apart from the earlier predictive text stuff, even if they are both just a neural net with back-propagation underneath.

Source: I study AI (among other things) for a living.

I don't know anything about that journal specifically, but what you linked is a preprint, meaning that it has yet to undergo peer review.

They've been around for decades in the lower Midwest, too.

Depends who you consider to be a Founding Father. Are you talking about only those elected president early on? Only those who served in a high federal office? Are you talking about everyone who sat on the Continental Congress?

Because depending on where you draw that line, there are plenty of those involved in the revolution who were fierce opponents of slavery: Thomas Paine, for example.

I'm enjoying the Jackpot and Black Cat run.

I lived in Buffalo for a few years and poutine was fairly popular there, but I guess it was only a few miles from the Canadian border, so that makes sense.

Thomas Paine, the guy that wrote Agrarian Justice? I know that it's hard to exactly fit figures from centuries ago onto the political spectrum as it exists today, but I always thought of Thomas Paine as the left-most of the founding fathers.

After all, this is the guy who proposed a sort-of prototype version of social security, argued for an inheritance tax and thought the American Revolution didn't go far enough, so he went and got involved with the French Revolution.

Just whatever is default. But seriously, I played the entire game on the deck start to finish and never had as much as a stutter.

I played the entire game on the Deck and didn't have a single issue.

It took my kid 13 months, 1 week and 1 day to sleep through the night. Best of luck getting there!

Nah. Rite Aid as a chain as been poorly managed for some time, then the the Rite Aid opioid settlement forced the company to declare bankruptcy, and they've been closing hundreds of locations ever since.

Late 80's / early 90's was a wild time! (I know this comic was published in 2005, but it was set in an earlier era: just look at Spidey's black costume and the Bryne-era FF uniform.)

My understanding is that this is the second time a soft landing has been achieved since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Still, pretty damned good, though.

Agree to disagree. I think the handlebar works.

Yeah, it's one of the better musicals I've seen. I still get Hard Candy Christmas stuck in my head from time to time.

Mothership seems an odd fit for the premise. What was your reasoning for choosing that system?

GURPS also has a World War II line of books covering all the details. Including a Weird War II supplement for stuff like "Nazis and aliens."

:ivoted: I voted

Seriously! The older millennials are over 40 at this point.