Dirty tampons
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Broke boy: Chris
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Eh it gave fake to me

Yes!! And he calls everyone out!

Lol I think that was just the only word he knew! I agree it didn’t exactly fit but it was funny!!

At least watch the scenes in Brazil!! You won’t regret it!!

Wait can you pitch this to the network 😅

I can’t find Sam’s 😭

Cast socials

Does anyone know the social accounts for the new season’s cast??

Does anyone have Sam’s instagram?

Yes Lannette is QUEEN!!! Idk what he actually saw in the chrisom-chin

Okay but when she said something about her teeth I was confused because look at Anthony’s 😅

Lol and now we know!!!

He was a d-bag in disguise!!! Now we know who the real Anthony is

Yeah that’s how the previews seemed to go with Lannette! I know she’s going to be happy tho when she doesn’t catch whatever communal std that will probably be going around

Lol yeah!! And I wonder how’s he going to feel when Rebecca starts going around too 😂

Yeah that was definitely the boys’ motives on picking the new girls. But the show is also about making connections and deepening them. Like Antony and Lannette were already vibing and went to the rilf room. He had the opportunity to further his connection with her instead of trying to sample the new flavors

Yesss I totally agree!!! They made these women send basically nudes and then have them tossed to the side when the new girls come in!! I would have been raising hell at the men and production!!!

Oh Anthony

I was really surprised with Anthony in the latest episode! When he won the challenge and joey’s date pick what Shaunna I knew it was over for Lannette. She’s about to get strung along to an epic extent

David left his family to live in the Philippines and then was borrowing money from his friend to support him and his wedding. He was too old to be that irresponsible and unstable