Why do you put yourself behind ALL turkish people just because a specific group out of them is behaving like assholes? That's cheap. Just so you can play the racist card?

Turkish people and turkish culture are amazing, one of the best countries to travel and enjoy. Racist and extremist signs & behavior are no actual part of that.

:Germany: Germany

It was only and explicitely stated by the user that the combination of excessive booing, throwing stuff (even coins!), using fake whistles to irritate the opponent and even fireworks in front of the opponents hotel is quite a unpopular and unusual collection of honorless and respectless misbehaviour.

Pulling the racist-card on such a simple & obvious observation is strange, as the stated arguments were never connected with any race by the user - but some people are connecting it themselves now with playing that card.

Let's keep race-arguments out of football. And let's respect the players and fans, which support a fair game. People defending honorless behavior towards the opponent cannot be taken serious anyway.

crying in bavarian - Mathijs was meant to be our CB foundation and potentially our captain for the next ten years. Why is our management that braindead to push him away. What a great player and character..

:Germany: Germany

only VAR can solve this. easily though.

and playing the dives directly on the video wall in the stadium for maximum embarrassment.

Ballaststoffe. Ballaststoffe. Ballaststoffe. Sehr hilfreich für die angenehmeren Bereiche der Bristol Skala. Kann man nur empfehlen.

that shoulder turn is fully intentional. and at that speed a highly dangerous play. so yes, clear yellow card. Dumfries left this game with one yellow card. Crazy. At the very latest, his disgusting dive should have been the second yellow.

:Germany: Germany

Yes, going full speed into an opponent without actual chance on the ball and using your shoulder as an active weapon is somewhere between yellow and red, depending on the injury of the other player. in this case, a very very dark yellow

Would have been a clear second yellow card for that disgusting dive. If the ref had eyes

Would have been his second yellow and would have been absolutely necessary for such a disgusting dive. As small as it may seem, but this brainfart from the referee was a match point decision.

Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, dass Mathijs letzte Saison groß überlaufen wurde. Ganz im Gegenteil. Ich kann mich auch nicht daran erinnern, dass er in irgendeiner Weise den Spielaufbau der Bayern verzögert oder gestört hätte. Ganz im Gegenteil.

Ich befürchte wie gesagt, dass der Vorstand genauso nur auf die reinen Daten schaut.

Sorry, das ist einfach Unsinn. Mathijs ist sicherlich keine Schnecke und er ist ballsicher und technisch gut veranlagt. Upa und Kim sind vll schneller, aber laufen die halbe Zeit ihren eigenen Fehlern hinterher.

Eine IV muss einfach nur brachial stabil sein, als Fundament für jegliche offensive Ausrichtung. Dass hier auf einmal eine Mischung aus Usain Bolt und Toni Kroos benötigt wird, kann ich einfach nicht ernst nehmen.

Aber scheinbar denkt der Bayern-Vorstand genauso bescheuert und plant, dass wir in wenigen Monaten nur noch brasilianischen Zauberfußball spielen.

Das fragt sich jeder. Die Dummheit & Inkompetenz der Vereinsführung ist wohl die Antwort.

Also a grey area has a thin line at the edge, which leads to micro decisions.

And who decided that 1cm is not an unfair advantage? 1cm totally can be the small but crucial difference to still somehow reach or touch a ball before the opposite player.

one (great) goal after several invisible games and this thread. his hype-train really is unbelievable. Kroos (If he wins the thing), otherwise Vini. Jude was too passive in the actual important games at the end of the season. And so far also in the Euro if you look at his overall performances

I feel a man falling on the pitch from over 60m during a live broadcasted game would be bit of a party pooper. So as soon as they evaluated the person as not dangerous, they preferred to wait until the worlds focus switched away before getting into action.

The grey areas of "light touch" are too subjective to properly solve this, I fear.

I would just leave the decisions without grey areas completely out of this discussion. Goal line, offside line and out-line need to stay on the micro-level. There always will be close calls, but micro-situations like yesterday are rare. And I still am glad there was a correct proofable decision based on the rulebook.

You still will have micro-decisions where the line just is 1mm off and people will cry about it. The current ruling is absolutely fine. It works for the rules/technology and it works for the referees and players on the pitch during the game. It just only not works for the people who do not like a decision because of some bias.

Why do people like to discuss the one rule which finally got solved with technology?

:Germany: Germany

Trust me, there is a special kind of people who will complain anyway

No, there always will be micro on/off decisions, no matter where and how thick you place the line. Why would a 1mm off-decisions on a very thick line be any better for the game? Such a thick line would just move the area of discussion a few centimeters while also substantially complicating the live-decisions of the referees. Just makes no sense at all. There are so many unclear rules in football, but people now want to discuss the one which technology actually solved?

Hilarious how confidently (and arrogantly) you say stuff that is 100% incorrect. You are allowed to delay during the run, but you are NOT allowed to completely stop during the run. And you are then not allowed to anyhow delay during the kick. Happy to have enlightened you.

Not saying Havertz did stop completely during the run. I just am no fan of how much players interrupt their runs at the moment.

I am not aware of an official rule change. But it feels like that for sure. Lewandowski clowned around the same way without any intervention against France. Anyway, this needs to stop. Any clear stoppage in the movement before the shot should be disallowed. A pro should be able to score a penalty without any shitshow.

German oppinion: Kimmich foul was correct. Offside call was correct. The handball penalty feels wrong. I agree Germany was better, but also that this was a "lucky punch" game after the 15th minute. Denmark played a good game and actually came into control during the game. It's not good, that the lucky punch was a discussable referee decision in the end.

And the unsteady penalty from Havertz should have been disallowed.

Exactly. Everybody agrees kids are sweet. But parents using this innocent sweetness for selfish internet points (& therefore often money) is disgusting. Your kids aren't a product, and especially none you should broadcast with set up videos to the internet world.

How do people not get that.