People don’t talk enough (or maybe just not yet) about just how fucking TOXIC the early 2000s were. I think these conversations are starting to come around, and the show “girls 5eva” is excellent for this, but goddamn as a plus size female millennial it was brutalizing. It wasn’t just how we treated Britney and Amanda Bynes. We really just let pop culture be fucking garbage and teach us (women) to be garbage to each other. This man was THE HOTTEST dude on the planet when this incel ass douche canoe video was made. We swooned. P-diddy was the shit. Let’s be clear, we knew they sucked. They were in fact out loud and open. We just thought it was hot. “Fat bastard” was a hilarious character. “Genie in a bottle” was written and sung by a child! Listen to the lyrics! “Shallow Hal” was a film. That alone. It was created and produced. SMH. Tara Reid when her nip slipped. I could go on forever...millennials are not okay lol. Thank you for attending my rant 🙏 ::takes ibuprofen and walks away muttering to self like old man on porch::

Aaaaaaa-fuckin-men 🙏👏

Oof tell em. I know a lot of people are gonna read this as a joke bc she’s an animated character, but it’s an important point. Imagine they drew/“cast” it accurately. As they should. Colonization is so romantic…🙄

Hard agree. Adore this movie but the age was super distracting as was the fully fried bleach hair. WHY! his split ends are glowing like a halo even just in this meme. I get Ken is a beach boy but dear lord give the man some leave-in conditioner or gel. His head was plastic hair for crying out loud! Why! Ken is such a vain queen he would never go out looking like this! Phew thanks for letting me get that off my chest lol

Anthony Bourdaiiiin that’s an excellent cancer example (albeit obviously a tragic one). Hilarious and sensitive

“Living off the grid…” while I post instructional videos on TikTok…?

Why did we think it was okay to make Christina Aguilera up like she was 30 years old when she was a straight up child? The toxicity of early aughts pop culture is really hitting me lately (#MillenialRealizations lol)

All I had to read was “am I wrong for feeling...” and I knew the answer was no. You’re never wrong for having any feeling! Actions and choices based on feelings can be incorrect, sure. But feelings alone are neutral. Let them be. ADHD peeps specifically have spent so long having their feelings bottled and booted i will die on this hill lol

“Difficult”…the number of times I’ve had that word thrown at me 🫤

This is an odd recommendation maybe, but I went through a separation a couple years ago that was my choice but equally unimaginable to what you’re describing and so so painful. For whatever reason, the movie “Stutz” on Netflix (Jonah Hill interviewing his therapist) really stuck w me. He has this theory he talks about called a “string of pearls” that I thought about a lot when everything felt unimaginable. Here’s a link to another blog talking about it I’m a couple years out from where you’re at now, and I’ll be honest and say it did change me forever, but I do have some peace. Hang in there, just put one pearl on the string at a time. Sending you love 💜

I would be so truly honored to be cussed out by viola davis 🙏

!!!!!!! This episode had a lot of fuckin nerve. We were children man! Lol

All I have to say is “…I’m..cold…” my sibs and I still say it to each other and HATE it. That damn little kid in the tree log.

Also - this is why I fucking hate FaceTime. You’re just trying to pop up in my house? You have no idea how feral I am on the day to day in my cave lol

I literally just felt my chest tighten just reading this lol prayers up for you, friend 🙏 but hey, panic cleaning motivation? 🤷‍♀️

People just generally thinking it’s open season to talk about my body at all, or, my least fav: not just the “you look great!” comments, but also the “good for you!” Or “how’d you do it?!” someone asked me recently if I’d “joined a program”. I think these comments hit me in a particular way because it’s talking about being fat (my own word I reclaim, not insulting myself) as if it’s some horrifying terminal illness I’ve miraculously recovered from. Really shows people’s asses in terms of how they were looking at you and pitying you and thinking about your body before this mystery pRoGrAm. I was cute then, I’m cute now. Suck a duck.

As an enormous Alanis fan, that’s what I tell myself. That it’s hella meta and she made it purposely so none of it was ironic…which would be the ultimate irony. But idk man lol feels like a reach

Absolutely nothing in the song “ironic” is actually ironic. It’s at best unfortunate.