Also a reminder, you don't need to flesh out the entire world right away. You can have an eighth of it actually mapped and not worry about the parts that noone will ever go to or cone from.

Yeah, their problem was threefold from what I understand. Cost, it should have been more affordable, training, their cast weren't really aware of everything that was happening or how it was connected, and rigidity, their script was forced, they didn't have the ability to adapt, and this led to having piles of people waiting for the same instructions or missing something and not knowing where they need to go. It sounds like everything I hate in MMOs. I don't know if Disney is the right place for a scripted hotel. This should have been a Disney cruise or something.

Even from having watched it all. Makes sense.

Still the snipers and anyone who chooses either of these over them is probably a sniper user and hates that someone can contend with them.

That's his signature move. Every time I ever saw Hook he had the kid by the neck.

Weird that you got an extra taller kid for Figment, Hook, and Pooh and an extra smaller kid for Donald and only one of you wanted a picture with Leo.

Yep, so does murder and genocide. We generally consider those bad as well. I don't think there's a problem with two consenting adults doing whatever they want to do, but don't tell everyone it's normal and should be encouraged, and especially don't tell that to children.

Do we know if anything has happened with the cop? I haven't heard.

Training to take down any survivors of Titanic II.

Yeah, you have to qualify at sea as well and you need a target.

Weird I thought it was everywhere. I used it in multiple states. Looking it up it seems to have been only prevalent in large cities at first. Apparently it was just discontinued last year nationwide.

Weird choice for a channel with leaks in the name.

Even better, "There's a payphone, pull over so I can call 411 for directions." Had to pull over my first time driving in LA because I couldn't figure out where the building I was going to was.

There's only two ways for it to be gay. If you make eye contact and if balls touch. Since they're reversed here, and roosters don't have balls, it's cool.

Oh, you need to cut those? When I get them, which is only occasionally, I can just pull them off because the steam has melted the glue.

Hopefully in the themes of mental anguish and coming to terms with the consequences and not romance.

I sent you to this planet to teach you about justice, honor, and nobility. I am your father.

Nope, I don't want a bland battle royal. I like all my games to have some sort of story behind it.

I think Rogue also calls him that. Maybe not though.

Johnny is friends with Pete who is the poster child for nerds.

Agreed but sometimes learning the cash value can decrease the other values to the individual or their family who may not care about those other values. If OP is a teenager or in their early 20s, they may be in some dire need for money soon if they aren't already. They may decide to sell it now and regret it later. If they have family who doesn't care about gaming and sees the price point on it and they may decide that it's worth it to sell just because it's junk to them. If they are going through belongings it's likely they are in the process of liquidating anyway and OP may not be the person who makes the decision to sell or not.