My porch light is on 24/7. No problems with temperature and it gets above 100 degrees outside here a lot. Is it cold temperatures that would matter?

I'm a geezer. It has happened to me a few times. Can't explain it, but can say I've met a dozen or more people it has happened to and you shouldn't worry. Someday they'll know what it is. For now, treat it as a cool happening and relish it as if it was a special connection instead of a worrisome one.

What in the world --- phone judging? Those are sucky broads and in the bad, not the good, way.

Sorry, but when I saw Mrs. Butterworth, my first thought is if only they had a syrup in a lumberjack bottle you would sell a ton of them. My bad. I'lm going to sign off so I can try behaving.

None of them are that important for me, but I do them for the people I love who love those days. Every day is a holiday for me now. I DO like to go shopping in costumes during Halloween, though! It's great to have a reason to be weird!

Dang! As someone had paid for many iPhones that sucks. But as a hobby artist, that's a beautiful shade of green! Good luck. Hope you find a fix.

Being someone who works with animals, it looks more like a dog stepped in liquid

Do you own a dog? Those look more like animal prints. Also, I was your age in the 60s and saw my friends get so stoned they did stuff like you are experiencing but didn't recall it with any clarity. Not saying that's what's happening here, but for your own peace of mind please don't be worried or scared and give up partying for a few weeks to see if it goes away.

Thanks for telling us. I was seriously about to barf out my Cheerios.

I HOPE NOT! Cries in her bed, curled up, praying to Thor the God of Thunder to stop that travesty.

It makes me cry. Sometimes I hate the technology that makes this kind of stuff possible --- especially since some people believe it's real and I'll see a random idiot claim "there's a truck filled with babies - I saw the picture! They're hanging on the top trying not to fall off!"

Partassipant [1]

I was 19 when I got married and was still married to the same man when he passed when I was 62. He didn't do that to me and I didn't do that to him. It was simple - he respected that I might want to sew a shirt or draw when he went to bed and I respected he might want to work on his projects. Yes, it's worth looking for common ground, but you would be a bit "a-hole like" to ask or tell him not to.

Now I have a headache. I've been told the Daily Mail is the British equivalent of US's National Enquirer which means DM reporting is roughly equal to "Alien Babies Living in White House Basement" stories.

When I was young, I was rather gregarious about bunnys because a clown at the hotrod races gave me one and a week later mom told me she thinks it ran away and has a new home. I would have literally screamed and made a terrible scene because bunnies don't belong in bags.

It's perfect! I don't know if I've seen a squirrel that color only because they're so cute I only notice their tiny hands and perky noses, but I love that color a lot!

I would get tested to see if I'm no longer competent, but I already do things like that without family saying I should.

These days people are going to think you're a 1/06 follower. I'm a Marine widow and put a 4th of July decal on my car but took it off when someone patted me on the back thinking I was MAGA. It only took a day for that to happen, btw. They actually said only conservatives believe in the flag and welcomed me to their "group."

He got in his car a drove away pretending it's okay to rape someone. Then my family and the police raped my soul by saying it was my long hair and minidresses that made him do it. Welcome to the 1960s.

No, it hasn't. As a child in the 50s, I was in favor of desegregation and jumped with happiness when Ruby Bridges walked through that door. As a teen in the 60s, I held the hands of men who had been drafted and came home with injuries and PTSD as well as fighting to get rid of the draft. In the 70s I fought for women's rights. Guess what I spend a lot of time doing now? The same things except the draft is gone so I work to stop veteran suicides, and have added animal rights to the mix.