Can a GoPro handle 180°F?

I am working in a caving expedition we are trying to capture where the cave has very hot water, the inside temperature of the cave is about 110°F but the heat index we measured was 170-180°F. We want to capture footage in there but need to make sure the cameras can actually stay running/cool enough to operate. Any suggestions/recommendations for doing such a thing? Thank you in advance!

DJI 4D Resolution IssueProduct Support

Hey fellow DJI users. I've had a DJI 4D for a couple years and I have not used mine since December. I have a shoot in a few days I'm going to use it for but have started running into an issue where my entire screen goes black when I switch resolutions. I have never had this happen and cannot record until the swap fully happens, and it took over half a minute plus to make the swap. I factory reset it which fixed the fact that I could not swap my iris without first turning auto on and off but the blackouts keep happening and still take 10 seconds or so to change depending on the resolution. I'd love to know if others have experienced this issue or have any fixes. Thank you in advance!


I am using the Sony-Zeiss 55mm 1.8 prime, thanks for the info so far! I'll try updating to the latest firmwares and see if any of my lenses are compatible or not with the compensation tools.

I have also made sure any lens compensation fixes are off to no avail.

Focus Breathing with FX3

Hello all! I'm trying out an FX3 and FX30 and was wondering if anyone else had experience/a fix for this issue I've been experiencing on the FX3. I am using the exact same lens on both cameras and have switched the lens to see that it happens with both, on the FX3 when I use auto focus it creates heavy focus breathing. The FX30 in comparison doesn't have any focus breathing that isn't out of the ordinary but the FX3 crops in as much as 25% when it uses the auto focus. I am wondering if this exaggeration could also be because the FX30 has a crop and somehow experiences less focus breathing but I'm not sure what is truly going on. Please let me know your thoughts and thanks for the help!


Having read that part I have that setting off and have tried turning off all of those compensators to see if they had any affect and they did not. Any other recommendations?

I have read through it but didn't find the spot discussing this issue so if you have more knowledge on the subject I'd appreciate it

Focus Breathing Using AF on FX3Tech Support

Hello all! I'm trying out an FX3 and FX30 and was wondering if anyone else had experience/a fix for this issue I've been experiencing on the FX3. I am using the exact same lens on both cameras and have switched the lens to see that it happens with both, on the FX3 when I use auto focus it creates heavy focus breathing. The FX30 in comparison doesn't have any focus breathing that isn't out of the ordinary but the FX3 crops in as much as 25% when it uses the auto focus. Please let me know your thoughts and thanks for the help!

THANK YOU SO MUCH IT WAS PROMISING DUSKMAGE!!! The Silverquil search helped me find it, thanks again!

Also I love your username, always respect a Metal Gear fan haha.

If they drop Symbiote cards I really want them to have Goad or something to justify the aggression, as much as I have been trying not to buy too many cards recently (especially since a buddy gave me like 10,000 bulk cards) I would totally make a Spider-Man themed deck for Commander, maybe with some death touch Spiders in there to boot.

Help Looking for a CardGeneral Discussion

I know this is a long shot but I was describing to my friends a card I had seen that I cannot for the life of me find, we were talking about cards with Ink art and I keep thinking about one of a young looking silver haired woman in I believe silver and black robes in what looks like a study having Ink come out of her fingers and possibly holding a book or something with the power, I believe if it had a color it was either white and/or black and unfortunately I cannot remember what it did but I believe it may have had some sort of +1/+1 effect. If anyone has any ideas of what card this might be I would love to know! Thanks and looking forward to hearing your answers!


That isn't a bad idea, I wish that NG+ was out at launch so we could see if they would still be extra on another playthrough. I am going to be super busy in November though so if they launch NG+ in December or January it would probably work out for me to start another playthrough whenever they do launch it.

Oh really? Is there an option to disable them before you start a game?

Ugh that is really frustrating, I appreciate them giving people who want them the boost but it really feels like an oversight and it just feels so strange having them without a reason to keep them. The problem is I keep thinking about using them because I have been having a tough time in this one in comparison to the other 2 and was thinking about using it so I could get my combat leveled up a bit, but thank you so much for answering!

Do Pre-Order Skill Points stay in your inventory?Question/Poll

Hey y'all! I just picked up the game last night and got a launch edition but was wondering if the extra skill points offered in that version would be "extra" and thus be stuck in your inventory after finishing like in the first game or if they fixed that and once you get all the skills you stop earning skill points. I haven't done the code yet because of this concern. I appreciate it and looking forward to hearing from you Web-Heads!

Thanks yall, just helped me and my girlfriend figure this one out!

I figure almost everything in this universe is connected and if C-3PO made it to Owen and Beru's homestead too that Shmi could have brought some things of Anakin's. Either way the parallel between him and Anakin was too cool not to point out anyway!