
r/Cameras177.4K subscribers27 active
Tech Support Post FormatAnnouncement

Hey r/cameras,

With the influx of tech support/help related posts, well formatted titles will make it easier for users to help, OR sift through the content they do/don't want to see.

This rule applies to questions such as "what cable/port is this", "what do I need to get this camera working", "what type of memory card does this take", etc. All of these are valid questions, but the least we can do is provide some basic information so that our questions are more easily answered.

Please format use tech support flair, and format tech support posts like this: Camera Make - Camera Model - Question/Post Title

If you do not know what type of camera you are posting about, please still select "tech support" flair and format it like this: Camera ID Request - Any available information

"Any available information" would qualify as identifying if it is a dslr, slr, mini dv, mini dvd etc. You can't, in good faith, post a photo of a body and then ask what it is without providing absolutely any information - you have to try to do your due diligence.

The more information you provide, the better your post will do and the more willing people will be to help you!

TLDR: Format all Tech Support post titles no more lazy "what camera/cable is this" posts. Do your due diligence before having others do it for you, and do what you can to ID your camera body before asking any questions.

EDIT: This post isn’t a “help” page, it was an announcement requesting all help requests be formatted so that its easier for the community to provide help.

If you have a question, please make a post 👍

Pinnedby MistaBuldopsCinema Lens Technician + Canon AE-1 and Nikon F3
What's today's best "family digital cameras"?Questions

I'm 20 and my early childhood pictures were taken with a Sony Cybershot. It seems like pictures taken on digital cameras still maintain its quality after more than a decade, whereas even high-end iPhone or Samsung image quality decreases after 4-5 years (maybe perception?), so what's today's "family digital camera"? As in a camera that's not huge, not professional (or maybe is), and you can take with you on your travels easily and expect the image quality to be good after many years if not decades?

I would love to know your guys perspective on this! Thank you so much!

At what point price point do cameras start getting equal to/better than phone cameras?Questions

The summer is fast approaching and i want to document what I do. My issue is my iphone camera is damaged & is really really blurry. So as the title says really, how much would i have to fork out to get a camera of that quality? It would mainly be used for scenery, i imagine.

Any ideas? Also, sorry if this question gets asked frequently & is annoying

iPhone Camera alternativeRecommendations

So I originally had an iphone 12 ..long story it broke and I replaced it with a Nothing 2's a great phone and great value but I was at Glastonbury as the camera app and camera was terrible in low light almost unusable. The camera on my old iPhone 12 was alot better. I don't really want to replace my Nothing 2 phone and was thinking of a stand alone compact camera I could use for holidays. I have a budget of about £300 or would I be better off getting another iphone again?

Camera + lens Recommendations - Photography Business Discussion

Hello! I have been thinking for awhile about getting into photography more seriously and eventually doing paid shoots for people, something in the realm of couples’ photography or family photography out in nature (I live in the PNW and there are so many prime spots to take photos!). I have an older Sony Alpha mirrorless camera that I bought used and have been using over the past several years, but am thinking I’d like to switch to Nikon or possibly Canon.

So that said, I’m hoping to hear recommendations for both camera and lens options. Good all-around use but lots of outdoor use, and taking pics of people and pets. My budget is around $4000 but can be a bit flexible. Thank you.

Olympus "Please Check Status of Lens" ErrorTroubleshooting

My Olympus 14-42 mm 1:3:5-5.6 EZ lens gave me the "Please Check Status of Lens" Error. I only have this problem with this lens. I have tried Cleaning the electrical contacts. Any idea?

What are some good cameras nowadays?Recommendations

I wanted to start my photography joirney since 2021 but I lost interest last year. Now, I'm back and I need some recommendations on what camera I should buy. Under $1000!

Camera for a Beginner Discussion

soooo i’m looking to get a digital camera primarily for picture taking, but takes great videos as well. i am a complete beginner and don’t even know where to start! any recommendations??? i definitely know i would prefer something slightly more compact however.

Need help buying lensRecommendations

I am going to upgrade my old canon eos 5d mili to a canon R7, I have a 2000$ budget and I don't know which lens to pair with.

For context, I have an old canon 5d mili that l've been using for a while along with a sigma 24-70 f2.8 that kind of stopped working a month ago.

The thing is that l'd like to upgrade my gear, I have a 2000$ budget, I've thought of the canon R7, but I don't know which lens to buy with it.

I usually do people, cars and landscapes along with buildings.

Can anyone recommend me a lens, I've thought of the sigma RF 18-50mm f2.8, but don't know if there are more options to take into account. Thanks in advance.

Palm-sizes compact suggestionDiscussion

There are some really small compact such as nikon s01 and Canon powershot N. Is there any more suggestion? Thank you

Need help with an Afgamatic 2008 tele !!!Questions

just came into posession of one from my family and cannot figure out what film it takes (google is no help oddly) or if you can even get film for it anymore !!! really wanted to see if it still works since its in good condition. Any advice/help welcome (for film recommendations i am UK based !)

Need help! What lens cap does the Voigtländer 40mm F2 Ultron use?Other

Hi everyone! Not sure if this is the right place to post this…

I accidentally misplaced the lens cap for the Voigtländer 40mm F2 Ultron whilst on a holiday and I am looking to replace the lens cap, but I’m not sure what size lens cap would fit. Does anyone have the lens and know what size the lens cap is?

It would really help so much 🙏🙏

Thank you in advance!

EDIT: sorry I can’t edit the title anymore…

A question about APS-C vs. Full Frame.Questions

Noob here, so kindly bear with me.

Suppose I have an APS-C camera with a typical 1.5x crop factor and a standard full-frame camera. The APS-C camera has a 20mm f/2.0 lens, while the full-frame camera has a 30mm f/2.0 lens, so both have the same aperture and equivalent focal length.

Assuming both cameras are 100% identical (aside from the sensor and lens), my question is: Would the full-frame camera capture ~1.5x more light and thus give you a 1.5X brighter exposure than the APS-C because of the larger sensor and number of photosites? Or does the amount of light solely depend on the aperture of the lens?

The reason I'm asking is that I was always under the (probably false) assumption that if a sensor is 1.5x larger, it's going to capture roughly 1.5x more light as well. I mean, isn't that the reason larger sensors exist, to get away with faster shutter speeds and lower ISO, while improve dynamic range and overall detail?

But I recently came across this video on YouTube which claims that while the larger sensor does indeed capture more light, that light is used to capture the part of the scene that would otherwise be cropped on a smaller sensor due to its crop factor and the resulting narrower field of view.

I'm just wondering if the same rules apply if you compensate for the crop factor variance between the two sensors with two different lenses.

Thanks in advance!
