Did you want a primarily Italy travelling experience? If not, then you could consider taking some cheap flights fro Milan or Rome to other european countries. Apart from that - it's great you're staying in hostels - It's deffo the best way to meet new people

Hey, as the above comment stated. If you give some more details it would be super helpful. Depending on your financial situation and your preference of meeting new people or not will also make a big difference. Travelling solo in Canada would not be the most budget or social friendly as a first time backpacking experience.

Agreed, difficult to answer otherwise.

Hey, sounds interesting. I'm British but based in Vancouver. I travel 1 month on and 1 month off at the moment. Normally in Hostels. I'll keep your details for the future. Cheers

Wow - this is super helpful. I'm heading there in late May. I've travelled a fair amount but never documents costs down like this.

Okay perfect, beef stroganoff is my fav meal. I'll definitely look to buy some

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Hey - I am planning on applying for the 4 week summer program, it could be a good idea to start a group