the worst result since 1831?

It is sad that starmer is politically inept thought.

EVRI / Hermes are on the whole terrible, in some areas where they have good reliable drivers they are good, but totally unpredictable and essentially a parcel roulette, I wonder if driving out to the depot might help recover the item?

Also check the tracking on the EVRI APP and the WEBSITE sometimes they have different information, also it may still show up, could just be in someones vehicle or down the back of a trolly.

I get sent items with evri sometimes, luckily our regular driver is good but when he's off they leave stuff in random locations or don't deliver it at all, so usually if I'm ordering and there's any risk of EVRI being the courier I use paypal and make a claim with that.

When I do work for free sometimes, I tend to rush the job subconsciously, it is like "well it is free so doing the minimum is enough" the reasoning behind doing it free is usually I don't want something to go to waste or the customer doesn't have any money... Aware of this now and do less free stuff and when I do I commit to it as any other job, usually a good deed comes back around.

For context I don't run an open repair shop, just for bands or individuals I know or who have passed on my details. And to be fair I haven't done anything like this to someones gear. :)

There's little you can do about this though, refinishing the guitar isn't worth it, and you likely don't want to deal with the place again, there's really no ideal solution here, maybe letting them know that they made a mess of it, so they can hopefully do better in the future?

Personally I'd just move on and leave it, the guitar won't be the same again and it just isn't worth bothering with incompetent people, if you hand over the guitar again they might make it even worse where does it end.

Mainly people buy in to this "tube" difference due to the fact they only change them when they are pretty burnt out, and the new set will likely bias quite differently to some old crapped out tubes, some draw more current than others, this can change the tone. If they were all biased the same and new then likely you wouldn't hear a difference. Some of this is hype seeps through from the audiophile market.

Chasing recognition in music is a fools errand, as someone who worked in and ran a studio and rehearsal space, you see so many come and go, some great musicians, the only ones who seemed to get anywhere were those who weren't playing to the audience but were making the music they wanted to make, creating what they liked for the fun of it, this came through in what they made. In any case you should be proud of what you have done, financial reward isn't the rubber stamp of what is good or not.

Good luck in the army? the lead in the last band I was in got sent to the first gulf war, it didn't work out well for him long term.

I blocked this klown on utuber and now he's here.. its too much.

Why's he holding a trashed guitar? guess he's still an asshat.

Yeah I was just being an idiot, but for the full troll factor and to wind up everyone here to the max it would have to be a pretty valuable guitar, I mean they can do whatever to a modern epi and nobody is gonna bother really !

Good plan, wasn't trying to be a know it all or anything just that I have gone in to projects like this all hyped and come out with a mess :) lol

I'd be grilled for the state of that stage cabling! not everyone can afford a tech though so fair enough :)

Nice amps, bet it sounded pretty good, wonder what the phase between the amps was like.

Huh, the poll piece stagger was also reversed in relation to the strings as was the angle of the bridge pickup, hadn't thought of that before.

His tech used to swap necks around etc they had bits and bobs, it is possible this neck is non original, in any case I had a partscaster with really crooked neck pocket arrangement, the sustain was great, the pickup height seemed to make way more difference than neck joint anomalies regarding sustain.

interesting tho!

The problem here is that it isn't a 1959 Gibson LP, I'm lost as to why you'd go to this much trouble with an epiphone!!

If ur gonna heat the body up take the pickguard off, you'd be surprised but how little heat might be damaging especially if you hold it over one spot too long.

Personally I'd just leave it, looks cool, just play the paint off the neck, you'll survive.

Seriously though if you don't have much experience with finishes, paint, wood etc you may end up with a big mess and have to get it redone professionally, some people manage very well DIY, there's a lot you can do if you go slow and think.

This isn't something I'd be rushing in to, I'd get advice from someone who makes guitars on how to proceed and not just some jackass on youtube who built a parts caster that never intonated properly :D just my 2c ( there is good info on youtube if you know what to look for though )

Good luck and nice bass, had a 70's stratocaster once amazing guitar wish I hadn't sold it.

A bit busy, looks like a telecaster trying to get in to a strat convention.

Neck humbucker might be interesting though.

The late 70s Greco Les Paul I had was far better than the 3 real ones I have tried over the years, unfortunately I sold it to pay the bills.

The gibson boss JC? seemed like a bit of a nob, like he had a fetish for coors light neon signs and corporate office chairs, so have always bypassed gibbers due to those vibes.

but there's nothing forcing them to extract maximum profit for minimum effort, they could just like making guitars and selling them at a reasonable cost. I agree with you essentially, but I don't believe that everyone who makes a product does so to extract every possible cent out of it, you can always cut corners but some may want to make a great product without compromising it down to the last screw and bolt.

did swapping the fretboard inlays and the pickups make a difference? /s

But.. the British are SOOO good at this stuff, just look at Northern Ireland or the partition of India! It is like the reverse midas effect everything the UK touches turns to crap.

If buying a vintage twin, try and get one that has had the filter capacitors replaced in the last decade at least and maybe a set of valves/tubes that aren't totally fried shugangs, or some other rattly make, re-tubing a twin isn't cheap.

A silverface twin isn't what I'd get for crunch though, just get a lower power amp for that, they are great clean pedal platforms, if you want master volume get a later 70s one cheaper with that built in.

The Rivera-era amps are good IMO, yes they are clean and loud but I have played a few Fender Rivera designed Concert models great amps. And although more complicated than earlier amps they aren't far off in terms of being serviceable, well made.

the CTS pots in my MIM thinline and wiring have been good.. also the 70s tuners are only made in one place so would be same MIA or MIM, again the finish is original spec poly so not a lot of advantage buying MIA vs MIM with the 70s re-issue thinlines and deluxe telecasters, I tried a MIM, MIA and I think a CIJ or MIJ can't remember the Japanese one had the edge overall but the 300 extra I couldn't afford. I suppose the CuNiFe pickups might be the only reason but you can upgrade to those later if you need to.

very similar to the thinline I have here. MIM good guitar.

Brexit has had a direct impact on all citizens, for one 100% of people lost their EU citizenship. :)

"Both exports and imports will be around 15 per cent lower in the long run than if the UK had remained in the EU." -From the OBR

It has negatively affected the NHS, contributed to the cost of living crisis and challenging impacts on higher education and academic research.

Sure you maybe right in the sense that 99% of people won't realise the root cause for the even longer NHS waiting lists and additional cost of living.

At minimum brexit just adds a pointless hindrance to the UK with no benefit, heck I even hear the fishing industry is having regrets.

Switzerland maybe, has a lot of national service, they have guns without the irrational distrust of their neighbors the Americans have. :)

Anyway at least country that has some sort of collective mentality, don't think individualist hoarding is the way to survive, can only last so long and you need a multitude of skills to build a food chain to keep people alive, among other things.

This isn't politics, this is about trade policy, there's real consequences to this for many businesses.

A lot can be taken anecdotally either way, for example I used to sell about 20% of my inventory to the EU, now it is 0%, similar for my partners business, buyers just aren't interested in the hassle of import fee's its too complex and stressful.

On the other hand some other small businesses may benefit, like people who make cheese in the UK as they have a price advantage over EU imports, if their main market is the UK. They are stuffed for exporting in to europe though.

So the case can be made on an individual level, but on the net it is a big barrier to small medium businesses, due to the bureaucracy and costs, £330m a year wasted in fee's and administration.

It is a long term drag on the economy and growth, New Zealand is a bit far away to replace one of the biggest markets on the door step, anyway we'll just languish away pretending this isn't partly why things are getting worse all the time in the UK.